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Hey admin Nicole

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    Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
    Devils advocate DML why would anyone involvedin ag advertise here when a bunch of left wing loonies right wing loonies and all the rest of us loonies in between talk about anything but ag at t8mes....

    Edit do the loudest trump supporters and trump haters go onto to polical websites to air there views as well?

    Just wondering.
    Mallee, if you worked for an advertising agency and you were given X amount of dollars by a seed or pesticide company or ag lender and tasked with spending those ad dollars on agriculture websites that attract farm readers and you have the choice of ag commodity marketing forum that gets thousands of hits per day, or another rural issues forum that only gets a few hits every month, or a political forum where you do not know if the participants are even farmers where would you spend the money. What site would be easier to justify to your bosses and the client? And you don't think the owners of websites know this and market their sites to advertisers accordingly! Does it matter that you have an effective ad blocker. Only to the advertisers and website owners should everyone adopt such software.

    Well look at that, this turned into a actual marketing discussion!


      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
      Post something relevant...once to an ag forum please ..... you and and your band of miss fits
      This is a public forum not your private sandbox. I do not fish but I do not whine about your talk on this site of going to the lake and your pictures of you in your boat even though such posts are definately not marketing related.

      I very seldom start a thread. 99% of my posts are in response to something someone else has posted. My biggest peeve in farming is the BS that is spread, often in attempt to sway someone else to their way of thinking. So I have no problem calling out someone for BS when I see it. And I will back up my call out with reasons, not simply do as you did in this post and deny and name call.
      If you want me to stop posting, all you have to do is callout and stop the BS.

      Until then, try and live by your own demands and only post relevant marketing comments. CaseIH only lasted one day after demanding everyone only talk ag before he was back posting none ag comments in a thread. If you do not want to be called out for BS don't post BS. I wont even ask you to try and be civil seeing your resorted to name calling in 3 of the 4 posts you made just on this thread.


        DML i must be odd one out here.

        Adevertising on internet affect my buying habits orcsway a decision never.

        Never look at em.

        Was a talking point this thread.

        Different views.



          Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
          DML i must be odd one out here.

          Adevertising on internet affect my buying habits orcsway a decision never.

          Never look at em.

          Was a talking point this thread.

          Different views.

          nor do I look at them. They do not affect what I buy either. But that is irrelevant. Advertisers believe the ads have a return so willingly buy them. Which in turn enables companies to offer forums like this at no charge to participants for the actual website and administration that it takes to operate them.

          I don't know how much of a profit center agriville is for farms.com. It could be a loss leader for all I know for other farm.com services. But it has advertisers therefore it will not make BUSINESS changes which may drive away ad dollars. That is my point. Seldom are consumers of services demanding business change practices successful unless the changes suggested will increase business profits. I question if the suggestion you made would increase Agriville bottom line and that was what I was pointing out.


            Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
            nor do I look at them. They do not affect what I buy either. But that is irrelevant. Advertisers believe the ads have a return so willingly buy them. Which in turn enables companies to offer forums like this at no charge to participants for the actual website and administration that it takes to operate them.

            I don't know how much of a profit center agriville is for farms.com. It could be a loss leader for all I know for other farm.com services. But it has advertisers therefore it will not make BUSINESS changes which may drive away ad dollars. That is my point. Seldom are consumers of services demanding business change practices successful unless the changes suggested will increase business profits. I question if the suggestion you made would increase Agriville bottom line and that was what I was pointing out.
            No problem,no guarantee change would help or hinder.

            The threads run its course.

            Nicole and admin team rarely read content on here im sure


              A simpler option is read and comment on the posts you want and ignore the rest. If you want only marketing discussions, only look at marketing discussions and ignore posts that are off topic. It isn't hard to do that is it?

              Many posters have tried in vain to shut down or discredit any threads or comments they don't like in a variety of ways.

              You can't complain about the loss freedom of speech and then suggest blocking or banning any particular poster. LOL

              I think the real issue for many of the mal contents is they don't want anyone posting something they disagree with. Many Agrivillers seem to think they own Agriville and can decide what is discussed!

              It's a funny attitude considering many of the worst offenders claim to be freedom loving libertarians!


                I take Chucks approach. However there are times something is completely political and it’s thread title doesn’t always reflect it. I probably actually miss good discussions because I avoid topics I think look suspicious.

                I really see no issue having two separate subsections. Politics and Commodities/General Ag. Other highly successful forums take a similar route for much the same reason as Mallee is talking. Some people just don’t want to see politics. It’s constant discussion on here is draining. Yes we can go post in other sections but there is no actual “Community” or General or Agriculture Matters section. Commodities has become the catch all for the stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere. The odd threads could take place in Cropping instead, otherwise everything else is homeless.

                Would moving them really affect advertisements? Are ads only driven by activity in commodities? If there’s activity in politics would those numbers not be applicable as well? If we get twice the traffic by having two active subsections that should reflect in ads. Instead everything is relying on one subsection right now. And I don’t even know what those ads are! I can’t remember the last one I seen. So I’m guessing as revenue is fairly low anyway since they aren’t in prominent places in styles that catch attention. It’s probably really just an overflow of ads placed on farms.com and has little to do with the forum anyway.

                It’s all well and good to say well this forum is fine, requires little to no moderation and attracts some ad revenue, but this forum is also stagnant. Perhaps a rearrangement would freshen it up and bring new life (and traffic for ads) to the place. The exchange may be it requires a bit more moderating. When one compares this forum to successful, highly active ones, there are only a couple glaringly obvious differences, and active subsections are one of them.

                As a PS, I’ve had a handful of people I know from other countries mention this forum. It’s usually how they follow the Canadian harvest. Ask me about conditions and yields and how dry it is. Much, I assume, is based off Sask3s crop report. Yet despite these people reading here for knowledge, not one has ever thought to become a member and interact. Why do you think that is? They’d rather ask me on other platforms than come straight to the source.
                Last edited by Blaithin; Oct 3, 2020, 08:44.


                  Maybe we need a filter, and any post with a dispropportionate number of LOL's and exclamation points automatically moves to its own special place.


                    When communism, socialism and disdain for economic engines is puked out over a forum that wakes every morning with hope for a good wholesome productive day, you better believe you bullies are going to get push-back Chuck, DML and Agstar. I would not miss you at all. You yield no positive, fruitful information to this forum Nothing-nadda. Just Sayin!


                      Keep in mind that we are trying to use marketing logic to explain this concept to the resident socialists, whose grasp of target audience, ROI, and effective marketing, is evidenced by their incessant efforts to influence the US election by posting propaganda on a Canadian site.

                      Not the sharpest tools in the drawer.


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