Enjoying the info from both sides.
I wonder with trees , crop residue
Etc. Even if you do not burn them .
Do they not decompose And produce
CO2 some where along the line.
There is a cycle
If a tree falls in the forest and is not
Burnt, how much CO2 is produced by its decomposition.
Eventuly there will be a forest fire ,
To release that carbon anyway .If it has not been
Burnt for heat in the mean time.
I can see coal oil and nat gas burning as being
a contributor, since that carbon
Is brought out of long long term storage.
That is my 2 cents worth
I wonder with trees , crop residue
Etc. Even if you do not burn them .
Do they not decompose And produce
CO2 some where along the line.
There is a cycle
If a tree falls in the forest and is not
Burnt, how much CO2 is produced by its decomposition.
Eventuly there will be a forest fire ,
To release that carbon anyway .If it has not been
Burnt for heat in the mean time.
I can see coal oil and nat gas burning as being
a contributor, since that carbon
Is brought out of long long term storage.
That is my 2 cents worth