Never heard of the Buffalo Party, my first thought was maybe it was a buffalo hunting party like when settlers first came to Sask.
So I Googled it and started to read their platform, nothing more than the reincarnation of the Reform Party and the Wild Rose Party. Both of those parties were nothing more than leeches looking for a PC party to latch onto.
Didn't the Right in Sask just reinvent themselves with the Sask Party which was formally the PC party, now the Righties aren't happy with the Sask Party and need to go Buffalo.
You Righties never know what you want!!!!
So I Googled it and started to read their platform, nothing more than the reincarnation of the Reform Party and the Wild Rose Party. Both of those parties were nothing more than leeches looking for a PC party to latch onto.
Didn't the Right in Sask just reinvent themselves with the Sask Party which was formally the PC party, now the Righties aren't happy with the Sask Party and need to go Buffalo.
You Righties never know what you want!!!!