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Congratulations Sask Party! 50 to 11

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    Congratulations Sask Party! 50 to 11

    I thought the Sask party was going to win but this was a really big win. Congratulations on a very well run campaign.

    The NDP is in trouble as long as it continues with its Land of Tommy BS and sticks with the Unions and not ordinary people from Sask. They never did anything for the poor but talked a good story. Medicare Medicare. Well, maybe its pay a basic fee every time you go. Also, Tax the rich yea that was brilliant Ryan. We know you meant every farm you hate the Rural. Its time for them to wake up call a leadership convention and a rebirth is needed. Effective opposition is whats needed not to whine and cry and stomp our feet. Ryan was the biggest problem and his billion-dollar spend plan as Alberta tried. Also, his federal counterpart didn't help one bit. Back a liberal in Sask and its a death sentence.

    Total Liberal votes in Election was 153 But who is counting that is less than 1% of the population. Let that sink in. SASKATCHEWA PEOPLE HATE TRUDEAU.

    Buffalo party actually beat the NDP which is another blow to the NDP in some ridings.

    Its an election it's over and now it's time to get back to work. Skippy is trying to kill us all out west we are strong remember that.

    The Saskparty is still running on Romanow closing down rural hospitals and schools because Devine just about bankrupted the province in the 80s. Except The Sask party never reopened the schools and the hospitals. But some Sask Party supporters haven't read the news since the 90s! LOL

    But the Sask Party is more like a centre right Liberal party on a lot of issues. They are too progressive for many of the usual suspects on Sillyville.

    Looks like we are going to have the "one party" rule like Alberta did for 40 years!

    Speaking of Alberta, Jason Kenney is so unpopular now the NDP might get back in! The fact that Notley is even in the running again must send shock waves through Alberta.

    Its just politics! hahah


      A very well run campaign with this.....

      """We will have a strong Saskatchewan with the plan and the plan is strong to build Saskatchewan."""....

      That type of say nothing double talk....

      Alberta elected continuous conservative governments until the stench of corruption was so bad people held their nose and voted for the NDP....

      The same thing is and will happen here.....Bill Boyd just ran a test run of what they can get away with....

      Devine's few unethical people were peanuts compared to what the Saskparty corruption will amount to.

      And devine left the province with a real plan for growth ....Wall and Moe have done SFA to build any sort of lasting projects that leave good paying jobs here.

      While SF3 and I agree on most things .....we are offside on this one...

      Not the NDP was the answer but giving Moe a larger majority was not the answer either...


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        The Saskparty is still running on Romanow closing down rural hospitals and schools because Devine just about bankrupted the province in the 80s. Except The Sask party never reopened the schools and the hospitals. But some Sask Party supporters haven't read the news since the 90s! LOL

        But the Sask Party is more like a centre right Liberal party on a lot of issues. They are too progressive for many of the usual suspects on Sillyville.

        Looks like we are going to have the "one party" rule like Alberta did for 40 years!

        Speaking of Alberta, Jason Kenney is so unpopular now the NDP might get back in! The fact that Notley is even in the running again must send shock waves through Alberta.

        Its just politics! hahah
        Devine mortgaged the province and bet big on the base of this province....agriculture...

        It was a good bet and set the province up to balance the budget in years to come....people should not forget what Devine left as a vision for growth in this province....

        Bankrupt the province ....nope...gave the next government the opportunity to grow.... I dont like arguing both sides of this election thing but Grant Devine hardly bankrupt this province ...just recognized its potential...

        Wall and Moe are just in it for themselves.


          In the business of Government, no competition is no good.

          Third time I posted that

          82% of the seats. Absolute power absolutely corrupts.

          I guess I will have to pay for SaskEnergy's infrastructure to have NatGas delivered to the Ghetto, and an inflated cost since it's probably some Sask Party crony gas line installing company.


            Ndp in Alberta again! Lmfao k.


              Chuck do you and the other 153 liberals have meetings in Saskatchewan you must know all by name.

              Yes, bucket We need a strong NDP as a opposition and Ryan wasn't the answer. The NDP is a tired old Union club that people woke up and aren't supporting any more. They need a convention like I have said before punt the whole crew and burn down the NDP and start from the ashes again. Doing the same thing over and over is insanity. The NDP lost to the Buffalo party in most Rural ridings. The rural remembers the NDP and won't come back till they change. It's up to them to figure it out or it will be 5 in a row.

              I wanted a stronger NDP or even a Buffalo to get in but it didn't happen because Ryan was going after anyone with Wealth in Assets and we would choose the total to tax. Yea that was a winner of an idea. It read I will tax every farmer when they sell out.

              Also, I remember working for the Government when the NDP was in power it was each floor had the head NDP shop or floor boss and They would come around tell you about all the great things the gov was doing for you the worker and pay your union dues they go to a higher church the church of Roy and Company at that time. It was well run the machine from rural to the city to top. But then the Rural woke up. If the Sask Party doesn't watch the Rural will reinvent its self again and throw them out. People are still bitter but they hate the NDP so never again will they win in Rural Sask.

              Politics is fun.

              But the joke of the night was when CTV announced that only 12 people Sask Wide voted for the Liberals. Trudeau, we hate you and you alone the most.



                http://www.saskparty.com/our_history http://www.saskparty.com/our_history

                Let the video load and play it.
                Last edited by farmaholic; Oct 27, 2020, 07:29.


                  Bucket, The NDP were in power for 16 years after Devine. Romanow had to cut services to balance the budget because of Divines over spending. What exactly did Devine invest in that paid lasting dividends?

                  There was a Devine $25 dollar an acre loan that if you needed it may have helped. They built a couple of dams. One for cooling Shand. They gave grants for home renovations. Sound familiar? What else had a lasting impact on the province?

                  I farmed during the 80s and a lot of my neighbors quit.

                  It was Federal Ag program spending that helped farmers the most thanks to Brian Mulroney.

                  As you know, the economic fortunes of western Canada rise and fall on the price of commodities. Premiers have little to do with this. Wall governed during a boom period when prices were high. Lucky him.
                  Last edited by chuckChuck; Oct 27, 2020, 07:18.


                    Glen your so full of shit it's not even funny. Devine knew farming was important. A strong rural with oil and gas and mining and power all make for a healthy economy. The 80s were drought filled years that were high-interest rates and piss poor crops. Devine gave people hope after years of NDP shit show pave 5 miles out of Regina and Sask and 5 miles in from Alberta and Man.

                    Power and gas to farms till the NDP put a stop to the program. We got the gas but power just was a year out.

                    Also, let's think about it Roy ran and cried that Sask was broke and it will go down as the biggest snow job in Canadian history.

                    We had more assets more potential than any province in Canada. Min debt compared to Manitoba under an NDP gov yet we were broke. Really think long and hard.

                    The NDP need to regroup and reinvent and the only way is to burn the whole NDP party down and start again from the ashes.


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