Originally posted by farmaholic
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The reasons for this election outcome will be argued for decades and there will be lots of what if questions.
But I firmly believe there is one elephant in the room which played a bigger role in the Trump era that is completely ignored. Hillary did not lose the election because of the emails, she lost it because of a vagina. And a primary reason Trump/Republicans did as well of they did in this election was because Harris is a woman. The male dominant patriarchal society in the US simply cannot bear the though of a woman president and the risk of Biden not fulfilling the full term and Harris becoming the president scared a lot of voters. Trump himself said "...no a socialist, especially a woman socialist..." A number of "Christian" right leaders have publicly denounced a women president on social media and to congregations.
There is still a glass ceiling in US right wing politics. Until this election women have held a very small percentage of GOP house and senate seats. When it comes to the presidency there has never been a women VP or president, and many voters hope to never see the day that there is. Sex has played a major role in this and the 2016 election but there are few willing to stand up and admit it.