All of these years of 0 till and applying increasing amounts of phos while seeding... How much good are the high amounts of drill applied phos doing to increase the yields.. I've been 0 tilling for over 35 years.. at first it wasn't really 0 till we fall banded most of the Fert, putting it down as far as we could.. then we moved to putting it all down with the drill.. most of the Phos has been put at a depth of probably less then 4 inches.. in the last couple of years the seedbed has dried down below that and the phos has to be trapped above the roots..
I'm thinking we are spending way too much on phos when the plant can't make use of it.. Am I wrong? what is the answer to getting the phos down deep enough for plant to be able to use it(without deep banding)? Am I mistaken with my thoughts on this subject?
I'm thinking we are spending way too much on phos when the plant can't make use of it.. Am I wrong? what is the answer to getting the phos down deep enough for plant to be able to use it(without deep banding)? Am I mistaken with my thoughts on this subject?