The last few winters I’ve enjoyed seeing what birds I can get at my feeders. Some years Im better than others at consistently filling them which can make a big difference. Also some birds stay out by the barn and never venture up to the house feeders so I’m thinking of setting up a station out there as well.
This year I discovered Project Feeder Watch. Join up, download the app, every now and then count what birds you see and record them. Simple and a good stay at home and drink coffee winter event.
The first birds I got were the Geese...
Then I got some chickens...
Also had the horse escape and empty out the feeders one night. No photographic evidence but I know....
Chickadees are staple feeder birds that are always around so I have them to at least boost my wild bird numbers. I’ve also been hearing some Jays. I have trouble getting them because the Magpies always beat them to the peanuts! But this morning I finally captured the attention of one Blue Jay!
The Magpies showed up too, of course. But the Blue Jay just moved to the step and is now busy caching a bunch of seeds, so hopefully it sticks around!
Anybody else have feeders to see what they can see? My regulars are usually House Sparrows, Chickadees and Nuthatches. Last year I had a few Woodpeckers. Also get Juncos and Red Polls some years.
No need to join the Feeder Watch thing, but feel free to share who you see around! Last year I had Partridge in the yard, maybe I’ll try and get them at the barn station if they come back.
This year I discovered Project Feeder Watch. Join up, download the app, every now and then count what birds you see and record them. Simple and a good stay at home and drink coffee winter event.
The first birds I got were the Geese...
Then I got some chickens...
Also had the horse escape and empty out the feeders one night. No photographic evidence but I know....
Chickadees are staple feeder birds that are always around so I have them to at least boost my wild bird numbers. I’ve also been hearing some Jays. I have trouble getting them because the Magpies always beat them to the peanuts! But this morning I finally captured the attention of one Blue Jay!
The Magpies showed up too, of course. But the Blue Jay just moved to the step and is now busy caching a bunch of seeds, so hopefully it sticks around!
Anybody else have feeders to see what they can see? My regulars are usually House Sparrows, Chickadees and Nuthatches. Last year I had a few Woodpeckers. Also get Juncos and Red Polls some years.
No need to join the Feeder Watch thing, but feel free to share who you see around! Last year I had Partridge in the yard, maybe I’ll try and get them at the barn station if they come back.