Chatting with a grain broker today.
His theory about aust grain market free fall.
One shipping huge huge amount of Aussie crop bought for cash at good levels but shipping slots full grain going out AFAP but seems there’s shipping shorts and not many vessels available after mid feb.
They won’t buy grain if they can’t ship it.
Two credit crunch grain companies balance sheets can’t handle anymore cash sales until grain delivered and paid for. LCs are good but it ain’t in the bank yet. They have extended there limits to the peak. This is a world wide phenomenon not just aust they can’t raise anymore money in current crazy covid world.
Three the obvious one futures down currency up,prices down, about as popular as aids at a choreographers convention.
Four Domestic demand weak on non existent as swimwear at a nude beach.
Five mountain of grain in oz and worldwide.
Again end of rant sorry for venting negativity or maybe real world comments.
Just to reinterate the credit crunch is hitting the grain co’s doesn’t make the news. It’s a super serious issue.
His theory about aust grain market free fall.
One shipping huge huge amount of Aussie crop bought for cash at good levels but shipping slots full grain going out AFAP but seems there’s shipping shorts and not many vessels available after mid feb.
They won’t buy grain if they can’t ship it.
Two credit crunch grain companies balance sheets can’t handle anymore cash sales until grain delivered and paid for. LCs are good but it ain’t in the bank yet. They have extended there limits to the peak. This is a world wide phenomenon not just aust they can’t raise anymore money in current crazy covid world.
Three the obvious one futures down currency up,prices down, about as popular as aids at a choreographers convention.
Four Domestic demand weak on non existent as swimwear at a nude beach.
Five mountain of grain in oz and worldwide.
Again end of rant sorry for venting negativity or maybe real world comments.
Just to reinterate the credit crunch is hitting the grain co’s doesn’t make the news. It’s a super serious issue.