Originally posted by chuckChuck
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The thread challenge did ask for updates so here goes.
Project #1 has over 30,000Kwh banked on Sask Power's computer. For several months (as in all summer there has been no attempt at increasing the accumulation since there is already more than enogh Kwh banked to last the next two years before the rest to starting over on the 3 year term date. Power bills paid to Sask Power have all been substantially less than the monthly meter charge of 34.00 some dollars a month. You need to ask how that can be; and I would try to explain how Sask Power billing works. I agree one part isn't obvious.
Project # 2 is performing equally well and has over 51,000 Kwh in piggy bank. Just waiting for about 5 years of continuous running of the 460 cu inch Ford powered genset to demand a valve/ring job..and it will be shut down for an overhaul this winter. It does "use" a quart of oil a day; maybe the tubo is passing some oil...plugs don't foul; but it still runs like a top.
Power bills have been less than $10 per month; every month since last December. That includes powering the oil well motor; all lights for a quite large shop; multiple furnaces, welders, plasma cutters; air compressor; aeration fans and every electrical appliance that any of the rest of you enjoy. Again; that less than $10 Sask Power charge is for real. I don't lie and exaggeration is kept to a minimum. The costs of overcoming red tape are not accounted for; as these become increasingly less as experience and repeat setbacks can and do become more infrequent.
Project #3 is a 10 Kw inverter system to be driven by an Onan air cooled Natural gas genset. The system has gained CSA overall approval by the approprate agency; Sask Power interconnection study paid for and approved; but local electrician has not yet been engaged. The plan is that will happen late this fall; and will involve another Onan 15 Kw genset operating with cogeneration to capture much of the waste heat for a heated shop.
So you see that a person can build on a project; and only scratch the possibilities. Make use of a resource that has always been wasted..and do something quite creative. Even utilize close to 100% of the energy content of a fuel.
It is encouraging that while these projects were all the first approved net metering grid tied flare gas projects in Sask history.. there have apparently been at least one other attempt that got shut down. But because of privacy concerns; and unidentified factors (unspecified/couldn't be repeated details may be a better term) that didn't apparently meet with regulations . Certainly there was no attempt by whomever the proponents were to picking someone else's brain; but it didn't fly at some point. What is known is that there was the complaint "Why can't I do that too". Too bad that happened; but just maybe they should have also shared their ideas and would have been better off in their goal to advance what so far has proven to be a potential viable innovative use of a waste product.
The fact still remains that very few are willing to share their ideas; and it isn't always a wise path to follow.