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Boboos Christmas message to farmers. We are counting on you for the recovery.

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    Boboos Christmas message to farmers. We are counting on you for the recovery.

    I have to ask is the federal gov that bent or corrupt that they say in one breath we love farmers, we need farmers, they are the backbone of Canada and will lead the recovery.

    Then in the next breath here is your carbon tax, clean fuel standard. All for one and one for all nations reset.

    Every time the advisors for AG try to show BOBoo and her office staff the facts that farmers starting back in the early 80s had to change since the fed gov at that time said **** you we are not going to help and compete with the USA and European subsidies so you're on your own.

    Farmers soon were faced with keep doing what we're doing and fail or change and try to survive. The word survive.

    So as an example on our farm we bought a no-till drill in 1984 and started 36 years of direct seeding min-till and gave up summer fallow and cultivating 5 times.

    Diesel was the big savings, cultivators became snow fences and the old harrow packer bar got parked, the discer well it went to ipsco. Yes, we needed glyphosate to keep the fields clean but funny after about 4 years the thistles and quack were gone. Then a discovery if you don't cult very little wild oats. In the beginning, it was a learning curve for sure.

    But soon we saw the benefits of zero or min-till. Crops got better and moisture issues weren't a problem. We could go weeks without substantial rain whereas before days. The soil test came back with a surprise our land was actually getting better with organic matter. Yes, you had to fertilize more but the results were outstanding.

    Then we changed again to variable-rate the first system back in the late 80s for anhydrous was not like today you did it on the go as you were seeding. It cost quite a bit we found it at Fargo Big iron. So again now we were using less fertilizer. Then came the coulter system for anhydrous and fert boots that could put granular on side and seed over there. No seed burn and again less fert and off to the races.

    Then Came to the great Diesel is bad and AG switched all or most tractors to DEF along with semis and trucks etc. Less pollution going in the air.

    Soil got better again over the years. When the winds came you could sit back and enjoy the clean air as your soil didn't move no matter what. In spring the runoff didn't create huge ditches and sent all to the valley. The summer rains soaked into the rich ground and runoff and pollutant into the Qu'Appelle was min.

    Then the drill revolution came big rigs big Hp and variable and section control and mapping. This took ag to the 21st century and beyond. Canada one of the only places in the world where direct seeding works since we don't have to work the soil or plough and let all we capture go.

    Yes, there were setbacks along the way. Hell disease with the mass of straw on the land. The heavy harrow helped at the beginning then the new salfours etc to open just a bit and break up the dirt. Still not disturbing the base. Insects we have more but then we have way more birds deer moose and other animals. AGain were helping rebuild a prairie landscape that back 200 years ago lightning would strike in Calgary and with a strong SW wind burn all the way to Saskatoon and then maybe shift and burn to Winnipeg. TRees were min look at old photos. Open as far as the eye can see.

    Yes, the building of roads did help in drainage and some complaint but other places in the world that are done way better than we did in Canada.

    So basically now in 2021, we are going to get the Great Reset according to Captain Skippy and the merry band of Liberals. They are so proud of Ag and all it's done but won't for one second see what we have done compared to the people of Toronto or Montreal or Vancouver. They are pushing an agenda on Western Canada.

    Farmers did there part compared to 90% of the Canadians or the European green piece activists advising Trudeau on a daily basis. We did our share and now they want to hit us with rules and regulations that will cripple every single farm in Western Canada.

    We aren't the problem but the solution.

    BooBoo can Preach that she needs us respects us loves us is a total crock of shit when on the other side of their mouth they are going for the jugular on every farm in Western Canada.

    Wake up this isn't a day trip to West Edmonton mall for fun times its reality 2021 is the year of fighting back against a useless foolish stupid Gov agenda that will punish the one area that has done their share.

    It's us against them.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Now I also do look to the future and see a time where our Big tractors are still run on Diesel maybe more Bio but diesel for sure. Then add in electric motors to turn the wheels and also the drill will have power assist to help move you along. Big HP like a train.

    It's coming.

    Oh, I also forgot to hit BoBoo one more time.

    In 1986 I think or 1988 we brought back a high lift sprayer from the USA that we bought at Big Iron. A Gallenburg or something I can't remember the number. 80 ft and big tank with foam marker. Less chemical. Better for the driver and you could cover acres in a hurry. lots of Custom paid for that first machine in one summer of Midge.

    Farming is a never-ending change to stay ahead of the game. But when Governments are your enemy and its not foreign it's your own a voter base that is all urban that won't see what you have done vs what they do.


      Dot was a joke and auto tractors maybe by 2050 but this is the future


        All I want is for farmers to fight back and realize they should be the new Reset by showing the rest of Canada how it's done.

        We did our part and will continue to move ahead but never put us down or try to crush us like trudeau and the liberals are doing. This makes zero sense.

        Booboo and Trudeau need to see we were pioneers and did our part now the rest of Canada has to follow. Pay us for what we did.

        One tidbit Fert companies get a break because they turn anhydrous bad into granular good. FArmers pay.

        Why doesn't Quebec have to follow the rules that Skippy wants to impose.

        Why is the largest landmass with the smallest population in the world the problem. We are 80% covered in trees.

        Questions need to be answered and skippy and the liberals need to answer them.

        He isn't a smart man if push comes to shove he would fold and how away. Weak is easy to break when they aren't protected by the Media. Call a spade a spade. Being nice hasn't worked so maybe hit them with real science and push back.


          The word you are looking for to describe Bibeau is

          Double U


            To Trudeau and his ilk, you are not a real farmer.

            A real farmer is a real old stock dairy or egg farmer in Quebec and anyone who grows produce and hires foreign seasonal workers.

            If we all started growing asparagus instead of canola, then the govt would be right there.


              Originally posted by bucket View Post
              The word you are looking for to describe Bibeau is

              Double U
              Which is synonymous with



                Why does Quebec get a free pass on this also. Its a joke, why can't Canadians see this. But what we have become is Urban vs very few rural. We have a better life they know it because all my friends that live in Cottage country are pissed at all the People from Toronto fleeing the City as the lockdown hits full gear. Cottage country got a break from the City rats in winter and the locals really liked the peace and quiet.

                The problem is Cities living like rats in 40-floor skysc****rs and driving bikes. Gun violence etc. But see up on the 41st floor you don't hear the shit or see the shit going on, on the side walk.


                  I call the checkoff commissions occasionally and have sent resolutions to them.....goes nowhere even after hearing things like....

                  " ...we haven't thought of that ..""" or " thats a good idea"

                  Never gets acted on....mandatory sales reporting gets file 13 after they hang up....their masters say don't bother...

                  Pretty sad that farmers get on boards saying they will do something and then sit on their hands..

                  Two of the three elected board members to saskpulse dont even understand the importance or reasons behind mandatory sales reporting....they might now when they realize the sales for the latest price run up were made when they were reporting their yields on Twitter or facebook in the combine...and the sask government gave their data away for free in the weekly crop report....

                  Although after talking to candidates they might not realize it either...


                    Yes, pissing and moaning on a farm forum doesn't work or does it start to wake the giant that is sleeping in every farmhouse in rural western Canada.

                    I personally don't want to lose what I have worked for thanks to a little actor with a trust fund and his mental companion that love to destroy everything he touches. The dynamic duo. One with no brain and one who thinks he is smart a dangerous companion.

                    Yes, you described our farm groups to a TEE.

                    They blew this.

                    When the idiot in Saskatoon was spouting off about wheat doubling and he has a big degree to the national media the wheat groups should have sent out press releases that day hitting back at the idiot and getting into the faces of media. Nope, they take two weeks to make a cry for help and zero news picked it up. To little to late.

                    FArming in Canada is going to change and I did my part changing because I had to this time we will have to fight our own federal government and quite frankly I can't figure out how to win against City voters and Fools running Ottawa.

                    I really feel there are a lot of guys between 55 and 65 that will say **** it and leave the industry because they are beaten from always being taken advantage of. Back in the 80s, we had to change or go broke. The feds and prov. Were not going to fight the USA on trade so it was up to us to change. We did.

                    But now it's us against our own Gov. The people of Canada think free money is great and we will be the ones hurt.

                    This time like I said I can't figure out how to win and it is driving me nuts.

                    Yes, I get the 30 mill ill be gone in a flash and I will not stay being a Canadians. I'm sorry but it's us against our own Governments. Federal and Provincial.


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