Something to ponder into the new yr. Little ole Canada and Australia, countries only a few hundred years old and a fraction of the population of other countries including some with 2000+ yrs of history, and our net worth is right there with them.
China and india have 30 times our population and have had endless growth in the past 25 yrs and yet their net worth is only 7.5 times and 1.5 times respectively greater than our net worth. Our net worth exceeds even Russia.
I can only assume this valuation is due abundance of natural resources because we arent tech power houses, or old established societies nor are we seeing the capital influx of someplace like china building massive infrastructure or the US which is a magnet for capital as well.
Per capita;
Switzerland $484,625
HK $408,800
USA $330,187
Australia $288,080
Canada $231,703
Netherlands $218,765
UK $214,045
France $204,910
Japan $198,349
Italy $189,300
Germany $176,627
Taiwan $176,609
Spain $165,362
SK $143,176
China $46,251
Mexico $21,268
Russia $21,194
Brazil $16,675
India $9,141
China and india have 30 times our population and have had endless growth in the past 25 yrs and yet their net worth is only 7.5 times and 1.5 times respectively greater than our net worth. Our net worth exceeds even Russia.
I can only assume this valuation is due abundance of natural resources because we arent tech power houses, or old established societies nor are we seeing the capital influx of someplace like china building massive infrastructure or the US which is a magnet for capital as well.
Per capita;
Switzerland $484,625
HK $408,800
USA $330,187
Australia $288,080
Canada $231,703
Netherlands $218,765
UK $214,045
France $204,910
Japan $198,349
Italy $189,300
Germany $176,627
Taiwan $176,609
Spain $165,362
SK $143,176
China $46,251
Mexico $21,268
Russia $21,194
Brazil $16,675
India $9,141