I am no expert on any of this
But the US can do what it dam well
Pleases, have they ever done anything different.?
Softwood ,tarrifs steel aluminum, farm subsidies.
If it is in their interest, they might do it.
Time for us to get off our ass and get the oil a port in
This country and avoid the middle man in Texas.anyway.
The US has enough of their own oil for now anyway.
Stop the whining,
Whether Trudeau wants it or not , what difference does it
But the US can do what it dam well
Pleases, have they ever done anything different.?
Softwood ,tarrifs steel aluminum, farm subsidies.
If it is in their interest, they might do it.
Time for us to get off our ass and get the oil a port in
This country and avoid the middle man in Texas.anyway.
The US has enough of their own oil for now anyway.
Stop the whining,
Whether Trudeau wants it or not , what difference does it