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BUILD BACK BETTER - what does it mean?

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    Originally posted by jazz View Post
    Read closer in the document, it calls for gutting ag as well converting us all to artisan organic farms and international penalties for high carbon output.

    This has to be the most chilling document I have read in a while.
    I was doing a little bit of "light reading" on this early this morning. Made me sick to my stomach for the future of my 14 year old son, and everyone else's kids that age. Thought about pouring a very stiff drink of Jack Daniels , but it was 6:30am LOL ! Anyways.... If world leaders are throwing these ideas around at their little summits and such , you can bet that the ball is rolling on making some of this stuff a reality. A damn painful reality for most of us in agriculture. I don't know what the answer is , other than fight on the local level , however , the problem I see ( one of many) is that we need a few REALLY POWERFUL farm organizations , get rid of some of the driftwood, and start fighting tooth and nail against this " New World Order " that seems to be ever so silently being shove down our throats.

    America just elected a "useful idiot" for a president , who just gave his old boss a third term in office. Ironically , he is smarter than the idiot that we have , but they are one in the same, and their hidden agenda is in plain sight now.

    Where in the **** does this stop?


      Again, learn from history, sh*t has hit the fan before...way more peasants than nobility/filthily f*cking rich!


        Originally posted by fjlip View Post
        Again, learn from history, sh*t has hit the fan before...way more peasants than nobility/filthily f*cking rich!
        Better get on it before they issue an OIC banning our pitchforks and scythes.


          "John Kerry reveals Biden's devotion to radical 'Great Reset' movement"

          "At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry - Biden's would-be special presidential envoy for climate - firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset "will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.""

          https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/528482-john-kerry-reveals-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great-reset-movement?amp&__twitter_impression=true https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/528482-john-kerry-reveals-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great-reset-movement?amp&__twitter_impression=true

          Goodbye to the life we knew.

          Hello to poverty and deprivation for the coming generations.

          Yet, the elites will remain untouched.

          Fact: If Gates, Bezos,, Jack, Buffet and Co. would choose to, they could easily combine their wealth and end many of the world's poverty issues. And they could keep enough back to ensure that they could still live in a manner that the vast majority of us cannot imagine.

          But no, they will sit securely on their wealth and take our earnings to fund their globalist utopia.

          Here at home, it's Justin Jackboots who leads the charge on us as the middle class Canadians.


            So climate envoy Kerry just admitted in press conference, even going to zero emissions wont stop climate change.

            But its a conspiracy theory.

            Everytime these jokers get an inch, they take a mile.

            But I am just happy decency has been returned to the white house.

            Gezus how does a guy protect himself from this if the worlds largest economy has decided to now torpedo itself.

            https://www.breitbart.com/environment/2021/01/27/john-kerry-admits-even-zero-u-s-emissions-wont-solve-climate-change/ John Kerry Admits: Even ‘Zero’ U.S. Emissions Won’t Solve Climate Change


              An addendum produced November/20) to the initial report. I haven't read it yet - wanted to get it out there.

              https://albertainquiry.ca/sites/default/files/2021-01/Nemeth%20Report%20%28Supplement%29.pdf https://albertainquiry.ca/sites/default/files/2021-01/Nemeth%20Report%20%28Supplement%29.pdf


                Originally posted by burnt View Post
                "John Kerry reveals Biden's devotion to radical 'Great Reset' movement"

                "At a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, former Secretary of State John Kerry - Biden's would-be special presidential envoy for climate - firmly declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset "will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine.""

                https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/528482-john-kerry-reveals-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great-reset-movement?amp&__twitter_impression=true https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/528482-john-kerry-reveals-bidens-devotion-to-radical-great-reset-movement?amp&__twitter_impression=true

                Goodbye to the life we knew.

                Hello to poverty and deprivation for the coming generations.

                Yet, the elites will remain untouched.

                Fact: If Gates, Bezos,, Jack, Buffet and Co. would choose to, they could easily combine their wealth and end many of the world's poverty issues. And they could keep enough back to ensure that they could still live in a manner that the vast majority of us cannot imagine.

                But no, they will sit securely on their wealth and take our earnings to fund their globalist utopia.

                Here at home, it's Justin Jackboots who leads the charge on us as the middle class Canadians.
                I bet none of them including Kerry will give up their private jets or 2nd or 3rd homes . They have a carbon footprint of 1000 average citizens but tell all of us we need to change to save the earth
                Sadly this gets overlooked


                  Before reading the two reports linked in this thread you might want to consider the following 4 points:

                  1. Before reading the reports I tried to find the C.V. of the author Dr. T. L. Nemeth. The few references to this person that I could find included: "Dr. T.L. Nemeth, a Canadian living in the UK with a PhD in history from the University of British Columbia." (https://energynow.ca/) and "The report was authored by energy researcher Tammy Nemeth, who according to the CBC is currently a home-school teacher in England...Nemeth doesn’t appear to be associated with any university or research institution." (/www.vice.com/en/article/88akk3/alberta-inquiry-jason-kenney-paid-dollar28k-for-a-report-smearing-climate-journalists). I could find no references to any other work or papers published by this author.

                  2. So I wondered how she come to author this report for the Alberta Inquiry. I found that she was commissioned by the Alberta government to write it. According to the vice article: "Asked how she was chosen to supply key evidentiary materials for a major government inquiry, (Alberta Inquiry) spokesperson Boras explained that “she along with others have been engaged and interested in the topic matters and as a result of that discussion she contributed this to the inquiry.”" Multiple sources report she was paid approximately $28,000. for the report by the Alberta Inquiry.

                  3. Which leads to the question, Why is the Alberta government releasing these two preliminary reports which the Alberta government themselves commissioned and on which they are basing the Inquiry Report before releasing the actual Inquiry report (not scheduled to be released until Jan 31, 2021)? Normally the finished report is released first and then you can access the information on which the report has been based.

                  4. And is question 3 answered by the negative feedback from some of the reviewers of the preliminary reports? If you are going to read these two reports, read the review of the reports by Martin Olszynski “Textbook Climate Denialism”: A Submission to the Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns" https://ablawg.ca/2021/01/14/textbook-climate-denialism-a-submission-to-the-public-inquiry-into-anti-alberta-energy-campaigns/ https://ablawg.ca/2021/01/14/textbook-climate-denialism-a-submission-to-the-public-inquiry-into-anti-alberta-energy-campaigns/

                  Unlike Nemeth, Olszynski provides his background in his submission to the inquiry B.Sc. in Biology (Saskatchewan), LL.B. (Saskatchewan), LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law (University of California at Berkeley). Associate Professor Faculty of Law, University of Calgary.

                  So his review of Nemeth's work should be considered including conclusions such as:
                  "It is difficult to conclusively assess the value of the Nemeth Report without further information about Dr. Nemeth’s qualifications. To an even greater extent than Dr. Cooper’s report, however, the Nemeth Report relies on generalizations, speculation, conjecture, and even conspiracy."

                  That is quite the review of the "facts" on which the Alberta UPC government has based an $3.5 million Public Inquiry on!
                  Last edited by dmlfarmer; Jan 29, 2021, 13:04.


                    but, but , but.... al gore, david suzuki ?


                      Originally posted by caseih View Post
                      but, but , but.... al gore, david suzuki ?
                      Difference is we know their background and their views. No idea about even who Nemeth is. Second, Nemeth was paid a commission to create a study, instead of reviewing what actually happened - which is what a public inquiry should focus on. Big difference. When paid a commission the payer has an expectation of what will be produced so fits the narrative the payer wants. Can be done through selection of the contractor or by asking for edits, inclusions, and/or deletions before the final version is published. Third, the Public Inquiry was not focused on climate change yet this is the major argument presented in Nemeth"s work.
                      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Jan 29, 2021, 14:28.


                        Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                        Difference is we know their background and their views. No idea about even who Nemeth is. Second, Nemeth was paid a commission to create a study, instead of reviewing what actually happened - which is what a public inquiry should focus on. Big difference. When paid a commission the payer has an expectation of what will be produced so fits the narrative the payer wants. Can be done through selection of the contractor or by asking for edits, inclusions, and/or deletions before the final version is published. Third, the Public Inquiry was not focused on climate change yet this is the major argument presented in Nemeth"s work.
                        Something for you to read: financial post.com/opinion/terence-corcoran-the-ugly-left-wing-media-smear-storm-of-alberta’s-anti-energy-inquiry.


                          BUILD BACK BETTER narrative across the globe... watch after 10 minutes!

                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0cbIzJy-R0&feature=share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0cbIzJy-R0&feature=share


                            So Kenney pays $25000 to an unknown author with no particular qualifications to write a paper that is largely a rehash of climate change denial articles? That sounds like a great plan to restart Alberta's struggling economy.

                            I can't wait to see the proposed state owned oil company he talked about to invest taxpayers money in a bid to ensure continued growth in tar sands development.

                            How a new state owned oil company will make money is anybodies guess when many private and public oil companies are running away from further investment in the oil sands.


                              Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                              Before reading the two reports linked in this thread you might want to consider the following 4 points:

                              1. Before reading the reports I tried to find the C.V. of the author Dr. T. L. Nemeth. The few references to this person that I could find included: "Dr. T.L. Nemeth, a Canadian living in the UK with a PhD in history from the University of British Columbia." (https://energynow.ca/) and "The report was authored by energy researcher Tammy Nemeth, who according to the CBC is currently a home-school teacher in England...Nemeth doesn’t appear to be associated with any university or research institution." (/www.vice.com/en/article/88akk3/alberta-inquiry-jason-kenney-paid-dollar28k-for-a-report-smearing-climate-journalists). I could find no references to any other work or papers published by this author.

                              2. So I wondered how she come to author this report for the Alberta Inquiry. I found that she was commissioned by the Alberta government to write it. According to the vice article: "Asked how she was chosen to supply key evidentiary materials for a major government inquiry, (Alberta Inquiry) spokesperson Boras explained that “she along with others have been engaged and interested in the topic matters and as a result of that discussion she contributed this to the inquiry.”" Multiple sources report she was paid approximately $28,000. for the report by the Alberta Inquiry.

                              3. Which leads to the question, Why is the Alberta government releasing these two preliminary reports which the Alberta government themselves commissioned and on which they are basing the Inquiry Report before releasing the actual Inquiry report (not scheduled to be released until Jan 31, 2021)? Normally the finished report is released first and then you can access the information on which the report has been based.

                              4. And is question 3 answered by the negative feedback from some of the reviewers of the preliminary reports? If you are going to read these two reports, read the review of the reports by Martin Olszynski “Textbook Climate Denialism”: A Submission to the Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns" https://ablawg.ca/2021/01/14/textbook-climate-denialism-a-submission-to-the-public-inquiry-into-anti-alberta-energy-campaigns/ https://ablawg.ca/2021/01/14/textbook-climate-denialism-a-submission-to-the-public-inquiry-into-anti-alberta-energy-campaigns/

                              Unlike Nemeth, Olszynski provides his background in his submission to the inquiry B.Sc. in Biology (Saskatchewan), LL.B. (Saskatchewan), LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law (University of California at Berkeley). Associate Professor Faculty of Law, University of Calgary.

                              So his review of Nemeth's work should be considered including conclusions such as:
                              "It is difficult to conclusively assess the value of the Nemeth Report without further information about Dr. Nemeth’s qualifications. To an even greater extent than Dr. Cooper’s report, however, the Nemeth Report relies on generalizations, speculation, conjecture, and even conspiracy."

                              That is quite the review of the "facts" on which the Alberta UPC government has based an $3.5 million Public Inquiry on!
                              I haven't read the report, and I haven't read the thread. But predictably, I see both dml and Chuck have chimed in. Both have applied their go to response of attacking the author. But I see nothing about the report itself. These tactics get old, this is all we get in response to all their favourite topics.


                                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                                I haven't read the report, and I haven't read the thread. But predictably, I see both dml and Chuck have chimed in. Both have applied their go to response of attacking the author. But I see nothing about the report itself. These tactics get old, this is all we get in response to all their favourite topics.
                                you mean tactics like the way you are attacking me and chuck instead of challenging the information I presented in my post?

                                As far as your complaint about me not commenting on the Steve Allen report itself that is impossible seeing as it has not even been completed yet. But since you want information on the report itself, here is what I do know:
                                -it was commissioned in 2019
                                -it was budgeted to cost Alberta taxpayers $2.5 million
                                -it had a completion deadline of July 2020
                                - in July 2020 it was given a 4 month extension and another million dollars (now costing $3.5 million)
                                -In Oct 2020 it was given another 90 day extension with firm deadline of Jan 31, 2021
                                -On Jan 29th, United Conservative government issued an order-in-council amending the inquiry's deadline to May 31.

                                My issue is this "Public" Inquiry has been anything but public. Rather than investigating what actually transpired, the government paid $90,000 to some of these persons; non-experts commissioned to present theories that were outside the parameters of the report. Even Allen stated on the Inquiry website that he did not consider the climate change to be part of the Inquiry's mandate yet that was the focus of the commissioned papers. And why are these commissioned studies being released publically when the Inquiry and report being written based on them is not completed? The process is so bad even USA today trashed it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/01/28/climate-point-biden-takes-aim-fossil-fuels-canada-takes-aim-journalists/4279472001/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/01/28/climate-point-biden-takes-aim-fossil-fuels-canada-takes-aim-journalists/4279472001/
                                Last edited by dmlfarmer; Feb 2, 2021, 16:32.


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