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Friday C o c k t a i l report and other useless stuff. Its Friday let's have fun.

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    Friday C o c k t a i l report and other useless stuff. Its Friday let's have fun.

    Ah, I love Friday its the end of the week it's two days in the winter that you can actually sit back and relax or go out and enjoy the winter outside. Well, this weekend were all getting a lesson on why Natural gas and Clean good power supply are so important.

    Sunday will have us in close to min 30 C. I wish all the Green pushers would go to their breaker box and shut the power off or use their own solar with no backup. Then go to the Natural gas meter outside and turn the dial off. Then sit in your house and tell me how ****ing wonderful it is to be you.

    Biden the Country smasher is surely doing a bang on job of putting people out of work. He is skippy with actual Power. It's Sad America will never be great again.

    Let's talk mental health, Ok that was a week ago but **** me fertilizer prices are going through the roof. Phos at $1000.00 S15 up to 980 and Nitrogen 680. Anhydrous .60 cents delivered. So in one month if no prebuy I would be out $200000.00 but wow I'm getting 16 Canola not.

    Most farmers it seems sold early thanks to Great reporting by Ag Canada and experts about a big big big crop. Now oh shit it wasn't.

    Why is the Fertilizer price bug me.

    Well, say I wanted to rent the 11 quarters from Anjelic and say I'm going to pay 80 an acre for the ground and now I haven't got my fertilizer in place because the above land doesn't close till the end of Feb. You're looking at basically $20 bucks right off the cuff extra since your bid maybe went in. High prices cure high prices.

    **** more bush clearing in our area than I can ever recall. Code of ethics cause this? But Clean up your 40 acres of Bush and you just gained some very nice dirt.

    Speaking of the code of ethics who else thinks this BS code is already set in stone and will be rubber-stamped by the industry because they did farmer consultations and well we want it implemented so here it is MR Farmer. Oh ****up and your responsibility, not us.

    The land just keeps on going up and up and rent going up and up and where it stops no one knows. Earlier in the week, I said we hit the Bigtime with a basic nothing quarter and yard moving over the magic $600.

    Equipment is also moving lots of used trading hands and Air Drills well all are sold out.

    Barley barley everywhere will be the theme in 2021. What acreage will it pull away from? Well, I would say Wheat is taking it on the chin. Durum will be huge in Saskatchewan in 2021 for those who can grow it but fringe areas like ours will see an uptake. Canola will rise but not by as much as experts wish it to, Canola is an expensive crop to grow and you miss rain in July your not going to be very happy come fall. Flax is at $21 a bushel now and I would say some more acres will go in. Oats suck all the way and acreage will drop. Peas yellow are going to be all over the place. Lentils will be in the south. Chickpeas well those who can grow will grow. Canary and mustard will be about the same.

    Did I miss anything? Oh, hemp. Not sure on that one but well see.

    Oh, yea Soy is dead in Sask till we get stronger better varieties. What's out there is a hit swing and a miss.

    **** it's Cold let's get something warm in our bellies.

    Hot Buttered Bourbon cider ****tail

    Apple Cider. A classic ingredient for a fall ****tail. I love how apple cider tastes with the spices, butter, and
    bourbon. (If you do too, you’ll also love this Apple Cider ****tail.)
    Butter. This ****tail isn’t greasy or heavy; rather, the butter makes it smooth, creamy, and utterly
    Honey. For a touch of warmth and sweetness.
    Spices. Cloves, cinnamon, and ginger come together to make this drink taste truly cozy.

    Simmer the cider. Mix the butter, honey, and spices together. Whisk the butter mixture into the cider.
    Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the bourbon. Serve with cinnamon sticks and ENJOY! This might
    be the easiest fall ****tail ever!
    Bourbon. Hot bourbon drinks are a true treat!

    Ah, enjoy, I might try this on Saturday night as the Clean bill of health has finally arrived.

    Speaking of Sunday it's Super Bowl Sunday.

    I will be Cheering for my Second Home Team after the Riders, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Brady helped us get here and we might actually get to be Super Bowl Champions. Kansas City Chiefs are also a great football team and are returning champions. Time will tell but this fan will be watching Sunday Night.

    What's a week with out Skippy ****ing Up.

    Well were now 35 th in the world for getting vaccines and he gave money to a Montreal company to build a plant to produce vaccines even if we have one in Calgary that could be retooled and do it. Then he blames Harper for his problems and says the companies didn't want to make the vaccines. All hiding from the public coming out once a day to great the Canadian media and say **** all.

    So is Bombardier moving to Western Canada?

    Oh once The USA closes another pipeline that sends oil to Toronto will we finally get a made in Canada Plan. Or just have skippy making shit up as he goes. This isn't responsible Gov and after five long years, we can see the Trudeau experiment with team Diversity was the Biggest **** up in Canadian history.

    Enjoy the Cold Thank god for Natural gas and nice Clean produced power. Maybe instead of an irrigation project, they could dam up South Saskatchewan about 3 more places and then start building a nuclear reactor north of PA. Then worry about irrigation all the way along the river. Nah that makes sense in Canada now pick the stupidest thing you can think of and skippy and the Liberals might actually try making it. For sure if you're a good liberal they will fund it. I want to dig a Ditch all the way along our southern Border from Calgary to the Great Lakes and allow freighter traffic on it. ONE TRILLION DOLLARS WHOS WITH ME.

    Oh before I forget the Regina International Airport will be reduced to an Airport for small Cessna planes. Skippy is going to try everything he can to shut us down. Will it be traveling again to Minot to catch a plant to anyplace or Winnipeg or Calgary or Saskatoon. **** me we're a shit hole.

    Joke of the Day. It's in Ottawa that's all I have to Say.

    Have a great Super Bowl Weekend GO Buccaneers

    Ol sleepy Joe is going to run the US debt right off the charts. $1T for student loan forgiveness, $2T climate change, $2T covid relief and $2T infrastructure project that wont build anything.

    All while shutting down the energy industry.

    Its exactly the same playbook we have had here for the past 5 yrs. Where do these guys get those ideas from?

    I dont know what this plan is to just keep printing money and tossing it at everything.

    PM Harper (yes thats our last real PM) was in an interview this week and talked at length about sovereign debt crisis coming in a couple yrs for many countries. He said you can protect yourself if various countries have troubles, like Greece did 10 yrs ago, but if the US has one, there will be no place to hide.

    17m mark. Also talks asset inflation and something I never knew, the BoC has bailed out NFLD already before covid.

    Last edited by jazz; Feb 5, 2021, 07:26.


      because they did farmer consultations

      There were very few farmers involved in the code of practice...lots of industry people saying they were farmers because they go back to dad's farm for the weekend or to help out occasionally...

      This code has the same smell as the seed tax as far as consultations go....the seed tax meetings were stacked with industry people promoting it , and when real farmers asked questions , they were quickly sidetracked.

      Same on these zoom meetings ...to many " I don't knows " or " thats a good point " indicating they haven't a clue...

      But will listen ad nauseum to people that are in favour of it....

      The consultations were stacked as I googled some of the participants as it went along...industry people.

      And there really should have been no commission people on the call as they had their own meeting prior...they had their opportunity to voice their opinion...

      The code of practice is the preamble to legislation....do not doubt it for a minute...walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ...its a duck.....this is legislation...


        Cleaned some barley but not because of price, soil moisture levels low some dugouts empty. We need major snow ,rain event by May 1 or pastures and hay ground hooped. Germ on canola ground won't be good so might not need lots of fertilizer . Helped neighbor fill empty dugout with dirt yesterday , guess cows aren't coming back. I am sure I am already failing at code of practice so don't give a shit. Our Great Leader Justin doesn't follow any Code Of Practice from what I see so learning from the worst. It's MILLER TIME !!!!!!!!!!!


          I wonder if Tweety is involved , you make some good points Bucket


            I missed the meeting and at first, the lady was going to do a one on one then some BS came up and I was never given a chance. It's all sewed up and Bullshit report that will be rubber-stamped.

            Farmers will pay and the industry will play.

            Farmers never win at this game, when you realize that life is so much easier.


              Oh, I forgot anyone grow Connect Barley before. What's the positive and negative?


                Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                I missed the meeting and at first, the lady was going to do a one on one then some BS came up and I was never given a chance. It's all sewed up and Bullshit report that will be rubber-stamped.

                Farmers will pay and the industry will play.

                Farmers never win at this game, when you realize that life is so much easier.
                You are a farmer, not an industry insider posing as a farmer....guaranteed there will be excuses as to why they won't talk to you....don't be offended....they couldn't answer my questions either.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                  Oh, I forgot anyone grow Connect Barley before. What's the positive and negative?
                  I grow connect. Its a decent variety. MR on vomi. We seed it pretty heavy. My beef is that we have had so many good barley agronomically speaking but if the maltsters don't buy them then they are done. Third year for us with connect, it appears the maltsters are ok with it.


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                    I missed the meeting and at first, the lady was going to do a one on one then some BS came up and I was never given a chance. It's all sewed up and Bullshit report that will be rubber-stamped.

                    Farmers will pay and the industry will play.

                    Farmers never win at this game, when you realize that life is so much easier.

                    Code of practice, On farm traceability, social license, etc etc can have merit in some ways but in the end the cost is on farmers with no payback. I feel that those farmers that do get involved in the discussions about these projects do have their heart in the right place. Unfortunately at the end of the day the marketplace only grudgingly pays for the extra work and costs. We have such a huge disconnect from the farm to fork. It is concerning that those with no real understanding of the reality of modern agriculture can and will handcuff us to do things as "they" see as proper. How do we as farmers react to this incursion in our business ? To date I have taken my check off back yet from the commodity groups and don't have a problem with them engaging in the discussion about the code of practice issue on one hand but feel that they had better tread very lightly and consider the ramifications. The ducks and canola issue from last year was a glaring example .


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