Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have not been on Agriville that much the past year or so....we have busy launching some new projects.
I hope everyone is well and I do still love watching the action here.
We have been looking at some future innovations and it seems like a lot of new technology is being developed in the farming automation and robotics sector.....I think it is more likely starting in the horticulture sector where covid has really hammered the farm workers picking and processing fruit and vegetables. Innovations like the DOT developed by the SeedMaster founder in SK are moving to commercialization...This farmer in the video, bought one and I saw it in action this past year.
We have been interviewing farmers and business people and decided to record some of the discussions and post for other people in video and podcast form. Here are some of the past episodes
https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast
Here is podcast visit we had with farmer Chuck Baresich where we talked how some of the new farm equipment innovation may improve operations.
Sorry I if take the focus off of Justin Trudeau and politics here for a minute....
Ok, let's start a vigorous discussion on farming, innovation, automation, robotics and will things change in the farm machinery industry or not......let the games begin.
Please let me know if there are topics and people I should be visiting with on the podcast.
Take care and best wishes,
Joe Dales
Former Agriville.com Champion and Manager
Sorry I have not been on Agriville that much the past year or so....we have busy launching some new projects.
I hope everyone is well and I do still love watching the action here.
We have been looking at some future innovations and it seems like a lot of new technology is being developed in the farming automation and robotics sector.....I think it is more likely starting in the horticulture sector where covid has really hammered the farm workers picking and processing fruit and vegetables. Innovations like the DOT developed by the SeedMaster founder in SK are moving to commercialization...This farmer in the video, bought one and I saw it in action this past year.
We have been interviewing farmers and business people and decided to record some of the discussions and post for other people in video and podcast form. Here are some of the past episodes
https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast https://www.rhaccelerator.com/ready-set-grow-podcast
Here is podcast visit we had with farmer Chuck Baresich where we talked how some of the new farm equipment innovation may improve operations.
Sorry I if take the focus off of Justin Trudeau and politics here for a minute....
Ok, let's start a vigorous discussion on farming, innovation, automation, robotics and will things change in the farm machinery industry or not......let the games begin.
Please let me know if there are topics and people I should be visiting with on the podcast.
Take care and best wishes,
Joe Dales
Former Agriville.com Champion and Manager