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Cambridge House

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    Cambridge House

    Jay Martin has some good info on YouTube, can pick and choose for yourself what you want to watch, but he's got some very big hitters on. Martin is from Squamish, BC. Is good stuff. DYODD.


    Thanks for posting.
    At the 12 minute mark, when Brent Johnson starts discussing how it is not the US alone being unsustainable, it is everyone everywhere. That is my position, I think this can go on much longer than any of us think possible, unless of course some major economy decides to suddenly be responsible. Which seems unlikely.


      Yes thanks for posting , well worth the watch .


        Other notable comment by Raoul is if USD goes sideways like the Yen has and his call on emerging markets. He's had some dandy calls recently. First financial book I owned was by Schiff but if I didn't know better Id say he has a "Canadian" view point. Lol. It works some of the time but when it's wrong, it's really wrong and it goes on for longer then anyone can sustain. Im in a private chat group with Johnson and he's interesting, though I wouldn't say his view is unique, but he does adapt it according to price levels. Raoul launched his platform and left GS because he watched what happened to his father in 08, can call him the original WSB or Robinhood trader. Between the 3, in my opinion, you have every possible scenario described moving forward as far as what's coming. It's all possibilities, but at least it gives a person the heads up, when it does happen. Schiff sells the individual physical gold and Johnson will trade your capital if you pony up, Pal offers a sub for $1/ month. I gave him $12 a year ago. So that's the motivation behind them to make a call on air.
        Last edited by macdon02; Feb 10, 2021, 02:43.


          All of them are probably right, just at different stages.

          All currencies are being debased; if the rest of the worlds fall faster than the USD that will precipitate a rush back into the dollar.

          Japan may have been able to peg its currency against the dollar and ride the system another couple generations but that begs the question, what would the USD peg itself to? A basket of other currencies falling faster? I dont think so.

          So that leaves shiffs outcome that the USD wont be able to keep its reserve status and value has to eventually be backed by something real and thats probably your financial reset there. Is that gold? Land? That why Bill gates is grabbing farmland?

          I dont know what else there is to use. Sure as hell wont be bitcoin.


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