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Gun buyback

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      Originally posted by biglentil View Post

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        We can only pray that this bill dies on the order paper along with our dim witted gov’t in the upcoming election!


          What has O’toole said about this? I don’t see anything.


            There is not one set of balls in govt in this country.


              O'toole says same as last time.
              Missing the mark,won't do anything about the gang problem etc.

              On CBC this pm they had expert prof from eastern university read off a lib press release about comprise and how lucky we are to have Liberals doing this for us. On Regina radio.
              Why don't they just start the day reading lib press releases and not have to chase around for an hack from a lib college to endorse it.No mention of western alienation.

              Lazy overpaid " news reporters".


                I feel the provision to let municipality set gun laws is the only good thing to come from this gov,bill if toronto wants to ban hand guns that is better than the feds baning cross country, at least one could move to a different local ,
                There is no way to voice your opinion when we have no setting gov members of parliament in Ottawa . Mabey its time we go after the media and make them correctly report news items,,They LIE by OMISSION they dont tell that most gun crime is done by drug gangs,run in large part by ethnic gangs (guess that makes me racist ) or am I just telling the truth,I will bet the gov has the stats on who is the perpetrators are but POLITICALLY CORRECT WONT ALLOW TRUTH IN REPORTING


                  The govt stats are flawed. Crime gun is a term applied to a firearm confiscated during any interaction. Not just used in a crime.
                  The increase in red flag laws is an increase in guilty until proven innocent.
                  Municipal bans are a precedent. One which will only show they work under a faulty and biased statistical reporting.
                  The change to the buy back shows their original plan wasn't realistic. This whole thing was politics.
                  Gun ownership is a privilege not a right. So too it seems is innocence before proof. Guilt by association.
                  And as well, property ownership a privilege not a right.
                  The same arguments presented against the first Trudeau's govt years ago.
                  It's not about the guns but the bullschiite.


                    Allowing municipalities to ban handguns is not a solution to gun crimes! It would only penalize legal gun owners, criminals could give a $hit about a ban. Furthermore municipalities only exists at the pleasure of the provinces and the feds have no jurisdiction in granting powers to municipalities.
                    Could you imagine someone going to participate in a handgun competition a province or two away trying to travel around the gun ban zones or even knowing which municipalities to avoid. if somehow this did go foreword you can expect to have centralized storage of handguns. Not too hard to mass confiscate them when they are all in one storage area in the controls of municipal council.
                    Yesterday blackguns and variants, today handguns, tomorrow what ever is left except for criminals!!


                      Not sure you guys caught this part of the bill, but there is a provision for family and neighbors to snitch on firearm owners.

                      Serious Nazi level stuff being pulled on us in the name of keeping us safe.


                        Originally posted by jazz View Post
                        Not sure you guys caught this part of the bill, but there is a provision for family and neighbors to snitch on firearm owners.

                        Serious Nazi level stuff being pulled on us in the name of keeping us safe.
                        How is this worded?


                          Easy if your pissed at your neighbour dial 911 and say the guy is off his meds speaks help and is yelling at the neighbours. Oh he has guns. 6 squad cars will arrive guns blazing.

                          Snitch on neighbours the new norm.


                            Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                            Easy if your pissed at your neighbour dial 911 and say the guy is off his meds speaks help and is yelling at the neighbours. Oh he has guns. 6 squad cars will arrive guns blazing.

                            Snitch on neighbours the new norm.
                            The Bastards are trying the snitching with VIRUS lockdown violators, all about dividing the people, destroying society, creating the POLICE state. Nazis did, Stalin, Mao...it works great.

                            Dumocrats trying a photo copy of the TURDS gun laws....wait for the WAR to start!


                              Originally posted by GOODRUM View Post
                              How is this worded?
                              Dont know if its in the bill or what, but apparently a tip line and some provision for friends and family of an owner to petition a court regarding their firearms usage etc.



                                This is a long watch but a vey civil debate.


                                Not sure about pasting links,


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