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Covid Testing

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    Covid Testing

    Cases in every region coming down because less people opting to get tested. See the huge spikes in october and november just before every govt panicked?

    Anyone remember BSE? Remember when all the ranchers were good little boys and reported every case or suspected case to the feds only to get their farms quarantined and cattle euthanized and then our cases reported to global bodies and beef trade halted with a dozen countries including the US.

    And then ranchers figured out trying to snuff out BSE that way was going to end their entire industry. So it was shoot shovel and shutup?

    Similar thing with covid now. Public is realizing the more they play along, the more they get locked down. So now the pandemic will likely go underground now. Another fine job by our govts.

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    Anybody seen numbers to support this? I'm thinking if hospitalizations as a % of diagnosed cases was significantly higher, this might be the case.

    Seems numbers are coming down most everywhere. Doesnt seem to matter whether you're in Florida(more open), or Ontario(less open). Perhaps it has just ran its cycle for the time being?

    Dunno, by and large I've quit paying attention nearly entirely.


      Originally posted by helmsdale View Post
      Anybody seen numbers to support this?

      24 day now quarantine being called for.





          Ontario cases plummeting, so OPH conveniently raises pcr threshold from 30 to 35 to maintain the fear.

          https://mobile.twitter.com/BenKizemchuk/status/1362019767796826119 https://mobile.twitter.com/BenKizemchuk/status/1362019767796826119


            Originally posted by jwab
            Maybe we’ve been played.
            That we have been played. The last people that will finally realize this will be those that just listen to the "All Knowing & Truthful MSM" that plays fear 24/7. If they spent a little time they would realize this as there are many (1,000's) doctors world wide who have determined that Covid-19 is just another strain of the flu that can be treated with a variety of cheap drugs some which have been used for decades. Of course they are not allowed to use them because the big pharmaceutical can not make mega dollars whereas "Vaccines" bring in the big money. There are some big Money Players at work here. Of course this is also a control issue, just Google "WEF" World Economic Forum, if given the opportunity they will have us all under their rule. This is not conspiracy talk, they are opening saying it. Until people stand up to them it very may well happen. Just stop and think what has happened in the last year. First it was to "Flatten the curve" for 2 weeks, then it has gotten worse from there.

            "The New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”

            Sound like tyranny, dictatorship, whatever you want to call it. Read the following link.

            https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2020/11/07/state-bar-passes-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-recommendation/?slreturn=20210117204006 https://www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2020/11/07/state-bar-passes-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-recommendation/?slreturn=20210117204006

            http://https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/immunization/schools/school_vaccines/ http://https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/immunization/schools/school_vaccines/

            If that doesn't scare or worry you, I DON"T know what will.
            Last edited by oldguy48; Feb 17, 2021, 19:56.


              Originally posted by Jordy2323 View Post
              Ontario cases plummeting, so OPH conveniently raises pcr threshold from 30 to 35 to maintain the fear.

              https://mobile.twitter.com/BenKizemchuk/status/1362019767796826119 https://mobile.twitter.com/BenKizemchuk/status/1362019767796826119
              Create the third wave with adjusted “science” ...
              need to keep the bogeyman going , keep the population in fear .
              Has worked well with climate change so why not .. media will have a hay day yet again


                "I’d be willing to bet if the Covid test was around long before the “outbreak” there would have been a lot of positive tests."

                The Gold Standard, like media repeats ad nauseum, and EXPERTS and ALL POLITICIANS on earth, is a total piece of SH*T, massive LIE! THe creator and his assistant conveniently DIED so that they would not prevent it's misuse. Same with the Sheridans, Hydroxychloroquine producers, murdered by whom?


                  The majority of the world hasn't administered an overwhelming amount of the first dose of the vaccine yet.
                  And now the forefront expert (with no formal training) in science claims we may need a third dose to combat the new scarey variants.
                  Follow the money.

                  https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/covid-vaccine-variants-third-shot-bill-gates/ https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/covid-vaccine-variants-third-shot-bill-gates/
                  Last edited by Jordy2323; Feb 17, 2021, 21:09.


                    The Spanish Flu lasted from 1918 to 1919 as I recall. We're already a year into this pandemic. Aren't we likely to be getting close to the point where it has caused about as much damage as its going to cause? This would explain the falling cases in nearly every jurisdiction.

                    If the Spanish Flu did not spread exponentially over a period of years and kill everyone, then it's unlikely that this one will either.

                    It's inevitable that the Spanish Flu mutated as well, with all sorts of variants arising. They were probably unaware of it back then.

                    I don't object to a vaccine, but at the rate the rollout is happening in places like Canada, we'll have achieved herd immunity the old fashioned way long before everyone is jabbed.


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