Cases in every region coming down because less people opting to get tested. See the huge spikes in october and november just before every govt panicked?
Anyone remember BSE? Remember when all the ranchers were good little boys and reported every case or suspected case to the feds only to get their farms quarantined and cattle euthanized and then our cases reported to global bodies and beef trade halted with a dozen countries including the US.
And then ranchers figured out trying to snuff out BSE that way was going to end their entire industry. So it was shoot shovel and shutup?
Similar thing with covid now. Public is realizing the more they play along, the more they get locked down. So now the pandemic will likely go underground now. Another fine job by our govts.
Anyone remember BSE? Remember when all the ranchers were good little boys and reported every case or suspected case to the feds only to get their farms quarantined and cattle euthanized and then our cases reported to global bodies and beef trade halted with a dozen countries including the US.
And then ranchers figured out trying to snuff out BSE that way was going to end their entire industry. So it was shoot shovel and shutup?
Similar thing with covid now. Public is realizing the more they play along, the more they get locked down. So now the pandemic will likely go underground now. Another fine job by our govts.