What a week in Canada.
We now have Jails for travelers coming back to Canada and these same jails have sexual assault like the real ones. Yet at the same time, we have border crossings where peoplekind can walk right over and get looked after by Canadian taxpayers. So they charge gramma and grampa coming home with 2000 a day yet freeloaders get free lodging and Canadian passports. WTF is wrong with Canada.
Oh, wait you have a liberal gov that on Can Ag day bragging how they love farmers and we are the greatest at what we do etc etc. Then the next day they vote against a bill to cut the carbon tax on Propane and natural gas used on a farm.
They love women's rights in one breath then look the other way when a woman is assaulted.
They toughen up on gun laws to nail Duck hunters then the next day brings in a law to cut time in jail for criminals of gun crimes and lessen the offense of gun crimes.
So you have liberals when the cameras on say the right things but when it's off they are exactly the opposite of what they preach.
Sick really. ****ing sick. I don't get how one single person in Canada can still vote for these fools. Women wtf is wrong with you. But the MSM will brag how the Liberals are doing so great up in the polls etc.
Biden is such a great president its refreshing to see him in action. Yep putting BLM on bombs he is dropping in Syria. Wow nothing really for four years and he is in less than a month and bombs dropping. Oh, the Democrats say everything and then do the opposite. Sounds like our idiot doesn't it.
Farmers getting a break on Natural gas for dryers and propane. Really both should be exempt along with the whole BS Carbon tax.
Fertilizer keeps going up and up and up. Wow, love farming.
Equipment sales are roaring along. Try to find a tractor for spring.
Its Chem salesman starting to come out of hibernation time. No holidays this winter so they are out early.
Land keeps going up and up and up. Good if you own bad if you don't and want to.
They can land a rover on the surface of Mars and take pictures and send them back crystal clear yet on most days I can't get more than one bar at the farm and my internet is back to the dial-up days.
Star link is a breath of fresh air but the initial cost is way higher.
BOOM goes the grain markets they topped. Grain sales happened months before and farmers were in the dark. Now the specs play and they are playing. Up then down up then down up then down. Interesting times. Canola is basically all sold out. Min still in bins, min left to sell. Were dry in the western provinces and min snow. Happy times. But Sask Crop insurance is out to help you with higher coverage and away higher premium. Fun times on the farm.
Telemiricle is this weekend get out and look in your wallet for a few dollars and send its a great cause. A single Donation from our area could be quite big.
Well, let's have a drink.
Bad Day at Work
High-quality gin, clementine orange juice, and a generous splash of seltzer make this cocktail just the
thing after a stressful day at the office.
1 cup sugar
1 ½ ounce Bluecoat or other high-quality gin
4 ounces clementine orange juice (from about 3 to 5 clementines)
A generous splash of seltzer
Fill a tumbler with crushed ice and set it aside.
Make simple syrup: In a small saucepan, mix the sugar with 1 cup water. Simmer over low heat until
sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool, about 5 minutes.
In a shaker, combine the gin and orange juice with 1 teaspoon simple syrup. (Remaining syrup can be
refrigerated for up to 1 week.) Shake well, and pour into the tumbler. Top with a splash of seltzer, add a
stirrer and serve.
AH, this should help with the weird and wonderful week.
So again on the farm front, it's raining again in SA if they can get it planted corn will do good but soy is having issues coming off first to get the corn seeded.
Next week is march and were only 60 days away from seeding. Have a great week and be safe.
We now have Jails for travelers coming back to Canada and these same jails have sexual assault like the real ones. Yet at the same time, we have border crossings where peoplekind can walk right over and get looked after by Canadian taxpayers. So they charge gramma and grampa coming home with 2000 a day yet freeloaders get free lodging and Canadian passports. WTF is wrong with Canada.
Oh, wait you have a liberal gov that on Can Ag day bragging how they love farmers and we are the greatest at what we do etc etc. Then the next day they vote against a bill to cut the carbon tax on Propane and natural gas used on a farm.
They love women's rights in one breath then look the other way when a woman is assaulted.
They toughen up on gun laws to nail Duck hunters then the next day brings in a law to cut time in jail for criminals of gun crimes and lessen the offense of gun crimes.
So you have liberals when the cameras on say the right things but when it's off they are exactly the opposite of what they preach.
Sick really. ****ing sick. I don't get how one single person in Canada can still vote for these fools. Women wtf is wrong with you. But the MSM will brag how the Liberals are doing so great up in the polls etc.
Biden is such a great president its refreshing to see him in action. Yep putting BLM on bombs he is dropping in Syria. Wow nothing really for four years and he is in less than a month and bombs dropping. Oh, the Democrats say everything and then do the opposite. Sounds like our idiot doesn't it.
Farmers getting a break on Natural gas for dryers and propane. Really both should be exempt along with the whole BS Carbon tax.
Fertilizer keeps going up and up and up. Wow, love farming.
Equipment sales are roaring along. Try to find a tractor for spring.
Its Chem salesman starting to come out of hibernation time. No holidays this winter so they are out early.
Land keeps going up and up and up. Good if you own bad if you don't and want to.
They can land a rover on the surface of Mars and take pictures and send them back crystal clear yet on most days I can't get more than one bar at the farm and my internet is back to the dial-up days.
Star link is a breath of fresh air but the initial cost is way higher.
BOOM goes the grain markets they topped. Grain sales happened months before and farmers were in the dark. Now the specs play and they are playing. Up then down up then down up then down. Interesting times. Canola is basically all sold out. Min still in bins, min left to sell. Were dry in the western provinces and min snow. Happy times. But Sask Crop insurance is out to help you with higher coverage and away higher premium. Fun times on the farm.
Telemiricle is this weekend get out and look in your wallet for a few dollars and send its a great cause. A single Donation from our area could be quite big.
Well, let's have a drink.
Bad Day at Work
High-quality gin, clementine orange juice, and a generous splash of seltzer make this cocktail just the
thing after a stressful day at the office.
1 cup sugar
1 ½ ounce Bluecoat or other high-quality gin
4 ounces clementine orange juice (from about 3 to 5 clementines)
A generous splash of seltzer
Fill a tumbler with crushed ice and set it aside.
Make simple syrup: In a small saucepan, mix the sugar with 1 cup water. Simmer over low heat until
sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool, about 5 minutes.
In a shaker, combine the gin and orange juice with 1 teaspoon simple syrup. (Remaining syrup can be
refrigerated for up to 1 week.) Shake well, and pour into the tumbler. Top with a splash of seltzer, add a
stirrer and serve.
AH, this should help with the weird and wonderful week.
So again on the farm front, it's raining again in SA if they can get it planted corn will do good but soy is having issues coming off first to get the corn seeded.
Next week is march and were only 60 days away from seeding. Have a great week and be safe.