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Drought Watch 2021
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Maybe it's a good thing wheat is still a shitty price what I have left might be the only wheat I have to sell in the fall. That's if I don't put it in a mixing wagon first. Look's like we are in the worst spot but I already new that cause I am just down the road of a community well, lots of trucks hauling .
Most of southern Alberta has missed the spring rains. If it gets hot like they forcast and no rain, by next weekend the cereal crops won’t even get harvested. If it rains the cereal crops will yield max of 40% of normal.
Peas are going into flower and they are 5†tall.
Average crop would be a nice dream to have here.
Too dry for thunder showers here. 30 to 40 degree C temps for the next 7 days. Ouch
28mm of rain here in my part of the Peace since May 1. Starting 7+ days of 38C. Starting cutting hay at mid-shin high, normal is waist height. If I wait it will just mature further at this height. Grains look good only because of good spring soil conditions, I expect it to look poor in a week.
New alfalfa seeding is a total fail. Prices will be good but if you don’t get the production then you aren’t winning.
We’ve been fortunate so far for moisture and crops and grass looks good but if the forecast heat comes in the next 5 days we’ll be needing a cool off and rain or it’ll be serious. Older hay fields suck while new ones need a drink soon. Planted wheat deep the first and thought it kinda sucked but now it looks alright but pulled plants and it was rooting deep. It knows more than me. Biggest worry is canola. Sprayed all my canola a second time the other night. Most is cabagging and see odd buds so within a week or so will see some bolts. Some neighbours earlier planted is bolting. This heat blast this early could do damage but more concerned later if we don’t get a rain and cooler temps when flowering. You’d have to be a fool to think the prairies will pull off much of a crop this year.
East central Sask is just holding on, we need rain soon or it will be average at best. The barley is already burning up on all the high ground and the canola leaves are cupping and blue. Going to have to hope for the rain lotto. For those that make hay it looks like lots of miles between bales.
Getting quite dry here in NE Sask. Because of the snow last winter we have had the moisture to get this far with the crop still looking decent. Since the snow melt there has been very little rain here. Never a rain of more than half inch. If this coming week of heat shows up without any rain the crop will go backwards and yields will be cut for sure just not sure how much.
So after 18 years of hating rain I am back to wishing for rain!
Fricken climate keeps changing.
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