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Wild ride for Canola.

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    Wild ride for Canola.

    Canola had an end of the month down. All elevators phoned sell sell sell.

    Well, it's speculators and no supply but guess what today Brazil will tell the world 3 million Hectares are not going to be harvested due to extreme wet. Oh but wait Argentina is going into a very dry period as they finish up the Soy. How does that work in Canada for soy if August is dry.

    But let's Remember one farmer who said Canada had a little smaller crop than all the experts were saying and that STats Canada was so full of shit with supply it wasn't even funny. I know Me.

    Canada is dry if you look at the last few maps that have come out. No real surplus just a lot of red and yellow. But no one is talking about that because it's only March. The same weather pattern since last August doesn't make the news.

    Will Skippy Screw this one up or will Canola have the Covid cough in its samples.

    1000 a ton could be possible in June that's 22 a bushel.

    Today right now July is 18.41 Canadian. Soy is 18 in Ontario.

    Funny we will make way more on the last half than the first.

    Now if wheat wakes up next week when it gets cold again and takes off.

    Ending stocks won’t recover after this crop even if it’s on the larger side it will be sold out. USDA isn’t even going this new crop is going to be record setting huge. It will be sold out. The grain robbery will take us into 2023.


      I agree they all knew except most farmers.


        Fields bare and you can walk through creek beds right now. Lots of water trucks on the road now but nothing to see here. Thinking grass calves might be staying close to home and seeing mixing wagon every morning. Get to seeding at the crack of noon after doing chores, most my neighbors on 2nd 1/4 by then But theres still lots of time for wet I guess.


          Most that understand what’s going on realize we won’t build the inventory cushion back in one year with wall to wall canola. Especially when other crops pay well.

          We were screwed by stats can and most farm experts with bullshit for years.


            THEY knew, just held off till lots was priced the SOB's. Perhaps volume will NEVER catch up...due to wicked HOT climate like the scary guys say....betting even 25% will equal more than the 75% priced.


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