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Chuck explain?

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    So if your chart is true we should be warming at such a rate and rain events would be more as we become the tropics.

    But it’s not.

    Also why only play with number for the last 50 years and not look at the big picture.


      Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
      So if your chart is true we should be warming at such a rate and rain events would be more as we become the tropics.

      But it’s not.

      Also why only play with number for the last 50 years and not look at the big picture.
      The chart I posted is only about CO2 concentrations and extends not for just 50 years but 800,000 years and disproves you claims about current CO2 levels. Nor is the chart or am I making any claims about the correlation of CO2 levels and temperature or precipitation, it only addresses CO2 levels. The only question that this chart should bring up is what has happened in the last century and a half which has changed the cycle of CO2 concentrations that has been relatively stable over the last 800,000 years.
      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 15, 2021, 12:45.


        Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
        They are not at the lowest level since the last ice age or in the history of the world as you claim. In fact they are more than double the concentration at their low point of the last glaciation period. And they are more than 1/3 higher than the highest concentration reached over the last 7 glaciation periods.

        The last time glaciers covered North America (ending about 11,000 years ago) ice core samples in Antarctica showed CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere at 180ppm. The highest CO2 levels reached before 1950 and in the last 800,000 years (again based on ice core data) in which time there were repeated glaciations on earth was 300ppm. Today the CO2 concentration is about 415 ppm.

        If you looked at the initial chart you would see it goes back much farther than 800000 years.


          They love picking and choosing to fit the narrative. Sad science can prove back millions of years they don’t look at that.


            Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
            If you looked at the initial chart you would see it goes back much farther than 800000 years.
            So what? SF3 claimed we are at the lowest point in the history of the world for CO2 and I presented data showing it is the highest it has been in 800,000 years by actual measurements. I could have provided this to refute his claim: "Widespread forests slowly draw in massive amounts of CO2, gradually lowering the level of atmospheric CO2 from 650 ppmv down to around 100 ppmv during the Miocene." (23 million years ago) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_time_scale#:~:text=The%20geologic%20time% 20scale%20(%20GTS)%20is%20a,timing%20and%20relatio nships%20of%20events%20in%20geologic%20history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_time_scale#:~:text=The%20geologic%20time% 20scale%20(%20GTS)%20is%20a,timing%20and%20relatio nships%20of%20events%20in%20geologic%20history.
            The Miocene epoch marked a CO2 level 1/4 of today's level but it it irrelevant comparison because there were no humans around then - homo sapiens first appeared around 800,000 years ago. Land masses were different back then too because of continental drift so ocean currents were different. There was a time when the earth was molten, no oxygen, and more methane as the atmosphere too. Again so what?

            I ask you too why for the entire period humanoids walked the earth has CO2 levels been consistantly cyclical and never exceeding 300ppm until a century and a half ago. What and why the change that has boosted CO2 levels by 1/3 higher than seen in 800,000 years?
            Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 15, 2021, 13:17.


              That’s not the history of the world that can be proven


                Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                They love picking and choosing to fit the narrative. Sad science can prove back millions of years they don’t look at that.
                you are the one who picked the time period before man even existed to claim make your claim CO2 levels are at the lowest in history. Why did you pick prehistorical levels for comparison instead of any period in the last 800,000 years? Seems like you are the one picking and choosing to try to fit you narrative but unfortunately, real data does not even support your claim.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                  That’s not the history of the world that can be proven
                  YOur right, the only actual measurements we have for CO2 are from the last 800,000 years through ice coring in Antarctica yet and all that data disproves your point that we are at the low point in CO2 concentrations.


                    Oh now you can’t use before-man existed it is bad.

                    It’s the history and cab be proven by science not pick and choose


                      Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                      Oh now you can’t use before-man existed it is bad.

                      It’s the history and cab be proven by science not pick and choose
                      YOUR CLAIM (post 21) not mine! The geological studies which show high CO2 levels in preshistoric times also show the 100 ppmv levels during the Miocene epoch which are 1/4 present day values and invalidating your claim of lowest levels in history of the world. It is you picking and choosing data.
                      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 15, 2021, 13:34.


                        I love how you guys pick and choose.

                        Maybe read a book on the subject instead of bringing up charts.

                        It's a scam and you know it. It's all about moving wealth.

                        And as all good liberals did I Spell it all right and punctuate because that probably is also wrong.

                        The main reason the Climate scam is working on some is that their little brains can't see a million years ago so it doesn't register. It's like the polar bears dying, Stupid people who believe will never travel to the artic or see a polar bear so they are easy to fool.

                        One newspaper does a claim that the great reefs are dying, but yet nowhere it can be shown or proven. They get headlines and the sheep believe.

                        It's rather a great way stupid people cant figure it out so it grows and grows because most can't see. Basing most on the last 50 or so years most can't see or remember or ever talked to someone about the thirty or earlier on planet earth so they believe whatever scam is out there.

                        Again best thing since Siegfried and Roy. Magic.


                          Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post

                          We’re at the lowest levels of Co2 in the history of the world yet CO2 is the problem.
                          Don't let dml and Chuck get hung up on semantics. When you take the long view, your statement is correct. Compared to historical levels, current CO2 is still virtually rock bottom, and was on its way to extinction levels eventually before we rescued life on earth by releasing some of the CO2 sequestered back during the carboniferous. Buying some time (still waiting for Chuck to figure out how much time we have bought at these levels, unfortunately, no one seems to know).

                          It is so humbing to consider geologic history, such as the graph above.
                          Life has survived (although just barely a few times) through all of that range of conditions.
                          Coral reefs started at about the same time as that graph, back when CO2 levels were more than 10 times higher than today, and they also survived temperatures 10 degrees warmer than now.

                          Now we have the hubris to think they can't survive in any conditions beyond what occured at the depth of the little ice age. Nature will make a fool of all of us eventually.



                            Carbon tax It’s a scam. There is no debating it. The science is settled.


                              I have lots of Climate Change killing charts...
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                              Same old question, WHO the F*ck wants COLDER?


                                The fact is and it’s a fact! If u look back thru all the predictions these wingnuts have made u would be hard pressed to find one that has come true. The odds are in their favour that they will eventually get one right. Scare scare scare. It’s all our fault. Humans are the bad guys. If the sun quit shining tomorrow.........drop the mic. Christ sakes already. U would think u would have figured out already that there are charts that prove this hypothesis and charts that prove the opposite. It’s all setup up to confuse the hell out of everyone. All u have to do is watch CNN and Fox. Same subject totally different ends of the spectrum. Who’s right whose wrong? They don’t want u to know just confuse u! Thus just look at our society. Fighting over bullshit.


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