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Fixing stupid???

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    Originally posted by oneoff View Post
    So. What's your point Tom. Better to have 23,000 dead Canadians with no end insight. Additional proof of 500,000 dead in USA, and whole of rest of world under pandemic conditions?

    Do you really believe that the answer is to ignore the situation and let MOTHER NATURE or God or chance determine what happens?

    Or be rational and weigh the risk/benefit ratios?
    "Be rational"?

    Okay then, identify "the science" behind this graph:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	peaked.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	34.2 KB
ID:	770880

    Or, alternatively, remain buried in your irrational hysteria.

    While I didn't always agree with you, sir, I at least at one time respected you. That has been replaced with pity.


      FYI too long for complete posting in one try. Look yourself for remainder at Canadian Gov't website if interested. Phase 2 trial so for same reasons as vaccines (Phase 3 trials then getting the numerous emergency use approvals) this will be months later at the earliest. Very interesting but not the complete solution; as even the proponent mentions in their recent news release.

      SaNOtizeNitric Oxide Releasing Solutions to Prevent and Treat Mild/Moderate COVID-19 Infection (NOCOVID)

      The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.

      ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04337918
      Recruitment Status : Completed
      First Posted : April 8, 2020
      Last Update Posted : February 10, 2021
      Sanotize Research and Development corp.
      The Emmes Company, LLC
      Keyrus Life Science
      Information provided by (Responsible Party):
      Sanotize Research and Development corp.

      Study Details Tabular ViewNo Results PostedDisclaimerHow to Read a Study Record
      Study Description
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      Brief Summary:
      This is a multi-center, randomized, controlled, phase II clinical efficacy study evaluating a novel Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution (NORS) treatment for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in healthcare workers at risk of infection. Participants will be enrolled into one of two components of this study. Based on initial swabs/symptoms, volunteers who are COVID-19 negative will be enrolled in the Prevention study and randomized to receive standard institutional precautions or standard institutional precautions + NORS. Those who are COVID-19 positive will be enrolled in the open-label Treatment Sub-Study.

      Condition or disease Intervention/treatment Phase
      Corona Virus Infection
      Drug: NORS (Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution)
      Phase 2

      Detailed Description:
      The novel, human-infecting corona-virus, provisionally named 2019 novel corona virus (2019-nCoV) is a single-strand, positive-sense RNA virus and has a similar receptor-binding domain structure to that of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The virus is transmitted via airborne droplets to the nasal mucosa. Replication occurs locally in the nasal mucosa, in ciliated epithelial cells, over a 3-day incubation period. The mucosal cells are damaged with a resultant inflammatory response similar to the common cold. During this time the virus is shed in nasal secretions causing disease in the lower respiratory tract, potentially causing fatal viral pneumonia.

      The literature supports that NO or its derivatives have inhibitory effects on a variety of viral infections. This inhibitory effect was shown to be marked in Interferon (IFN) mediated inhibition manifested by activated macrophage. It was also shown to be correlated with s-nitrosylation of viral proteins such as reductases and proteases.

      Based on the genetic similarities between SARS and corona viruses, similar viricidal effects of NO on COVID-19 can be hypothesized.

      SaNOtize has developed an innovative approach to provide nitric oxide gas using a formulation called Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution (NORS). This patented solution releases virucidal doses of NO for a sustained period and is effective at rapidly inactivating Influenza A and SARS-CoV-2.

      NORS delivered as a gargle (AM), nasal spray (PRN) or as a nasopharyngeal flush (PM) has the potential to decontaminate the upper respiratory tract that could preventing transmission and progression of COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers & Individuals at Risk of Infection.

      The randomized Prevention study will investigate the ability of NORS to prevent COVID-19 infection when used prophylactically. The open-label Treatment Sub-Study is expected to be small and will provide pilot data on the possibility of NORS as a treatment for Mild/Moderate COVID-19 infection.

      Study Design
      Go to sections
      Study Type : Interventional (Clinical Trial)
      Actual Enrollment : 143 participants
      Allocation: Randomized
      Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
      Intervention Model Description: Multi-center, prospective, randomized, controlled, phase II, parallel group
      Masking: Single (Outcomes Assessor)
      Primary Purpose: Prevention
      Official Title: Multi-Center, Randomized, Controlled, Phase II Clinical Efficacy Study Evaluating Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution Treatment for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers and Individuals at Risk of Infection
      Actual Study Start Date : May 8, 2020
      Actual Primary Completion Date : January 31, 2021
      Actual Study Completion Date : February 2, 2021
      Resource links provided by the National Library of Medicine
      Drug Information available for: Nitric oxide
      Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center resources: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
      U.S. FDA Resources

      Arms and Interventions
      Go to sections
      Arm Intervention/treatment
      No Intervention: Prevention - Standard Precautions
      Participants COVID-19 negative at baseline will be randomized to receive standard COVID-19 screening and protection (per their facility or organization's protocols).
      Experimental: Prevention - NORS + Standard Precautions
      Participants COVID-19 negative at baseline will be randomized to receive standard COVID-19 screening and protection (per their facility or organization's protocols) plus daily NORS treatment for 14 days.
      Drug: NORS (Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution)
      NORS treatment will consist of daily self-administration of three routes; Nitric Oxide Gargle (NOG) every morning, Nitric Oxide Nasophyaryngeal Irrigation (NONI) every evening, and Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) up to 5 times per day.
      Other Name: NOG, NONI, NONS

      Treatment Sub-Study
      Volunteers who are found to be COVID-19 positive during screening will be eligible to enroll in the 21-day Treatment sub-study and receive daily NORS treatment for 14 days. Ten participants can be directly enrolled in the Treatment sub-study.

      Participants enrolled in the Prevention study who meet the criteria in this section will roll over into the Treatment Sub-Study but must remain in their randomly assigned group.

      Drug: NORS (Nitric Oxide Releasing Solution)
      Up to ten volunteers who are found to be COVID-19 positive during screening will be eligible to enroll in the 21-day Treatment sub-study and receive daily NORS treatment for 14 days. NORS treatment will consist of daily self-administration of three routes; Nitric Oxide Gargle (NOG) every morning, Nitric Oxide Nasophyaryngeal Irrigation (NONI) every evening, and Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) up to 5 times per day.

      Any participants enrolled in the Prevention study who meet the criteria for the sub study will roll over into the Treatment Sub-Study but must remain in their randomly assigned group.

      Other Name: NOG, NONI, NONS

      Outcome Measures
      Go to sections

      Primary Outcome Measures :
      Prevention Study: Measure the effect of NORS on the prevention of COVID-19 infection among health care professionals at risk of exposure to COVID-19 [ Time Frame: 14 days ]
      Measure the proportion of subjects with either swab positive COVID-19 or presentation of clinical symptoms as measured by fatigue with either fever >37.2 (oral)and/or a persistent cough.

      Treatment Sub Study: Measure the efficacy of NORS at reducing the progression of COVID- 19 [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the proportion of participants requiring requiring hospitalization for COVID-19/flu-like symptoms and/or needing oxygen therapy, BIPAP/CPAP, intubation and mechanical ventilation following enrollment.

      Secondary Outcome Measures :
      Prevention Study: Measure the effect of NORS on the prevention of progression of COVID- 19 [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the proportion of participants requiring requiring hospitalization for COVID-19/flu-like symptoms and/or needing oxygen therapy, BIPAP/CPAP, intubation and mechanical ventilation following enrollment.

      Prevention Study: Measure the tolerability of NORS treatments [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the tolerability of the NORS treatments as determined by number of adverse events, pain, discomfort or discontinuations of treatment.

      Treatment Sub Study: Measure the virucidal effect of NORS Treatments [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the median number of days to negative conversion of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR from a nasopharyngeal swabs.

      Treatment Sub Study: Determine effect of NORS on the speed of clinical recovery [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Determine the time to clinical recovery in participants with COVID-19 by measuring the median number of days from enrollment to discharge (if admitted), or to normalization of fever (defined as <36.6°C from axillary site, or < 37.2°C from oral site or < 37.8°C from rectal or tympanic site), respiratory rate (< 24 bpm while breathing room air).

      Treatment Sub Study: Determine the reduction in clinical symptoms [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the reduction clinical symptoms in participants with COVID- 19 by the magnitude of the change in Modified Jackson Cold Score Diary Score (5-unit change is a substantial clinical benefit).

      Treatment & Sub Study: Determine positive sero-conversion for SARS-CoV-2 [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
      Measure the proportion of participants that have a positive sero-conversion for SARS-CoV-2

      Eligibility Criteria
      Go to sections

      Information from the National Library of Medicine
      Choosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision.

      Cont'd by yourself.


        Originally posted by burnt View Post
        "Be rational"?

        Okay then, identify "the science" behind this graph:


        Or, alternatively, remain buried in your irrational hysteria.

        While I didn't always agree with you, sir, I at least at one time respected you. That has been replaced with pity.
        Graph scale is linear; and Johns Hopkins University purports to have graphed the number of daily new Covid-19 cases detected by testing. Data was smoothing by using a 7 day rolling average; and as the fine print says; this graph is an underestimate cases because of limited testing.

        The data extends back to January 28/2020 and is highly likely to be up to date as of the Mar 19 preparation of the graph and data from three first world nations providing available data (USA, Canada and UK). However for whatever reason; you chose to post the data from Mar1/2000 to current data. Nothing much informative was missed because we all should agree that little testing was done at that time and the infections from that missed time period would have hardly shown up given the x-axis scale of 800 or so. What should however be emphasized is the unmistakable proof of the "power of doubling" otherwise known as exponential growth. It started from single cases and is what it is. It never was a hoax; and its still capable of spreading like wildfire.

        The grap clearly shows there were three waves to date. Each one setting new highs. Sure there were periods of decline such as the one we were maybe until maybe a few days ago. These declines are correlated with combinations of seasons; lockdowns; the general general populations and governments loosening up and giving up on control measures that decreased the incidence of the disease. What has also changed and is not specifically mentioned is the continued mutant evolution of new variants that have been shown to be more virulent through increased transmissaibilty and resistance.
        Each of the plateau's; has been followed by another period of increased exponential growth. Will our current lull (which is still not lower than last July peak) be the beginning of a fourth wave. Remember what wave showed in time period expected after the Thanksgiving and Christmas travel of three months ago. Now the spring break and it associated breakdown of precautions; could overtake the limited protective offset of the now vaccinated US people; of which only some 13% is fully vaccinated (or much less in our country).

        The graph can tell nothing about reinfections (that I can see). The basically "grey scale" output from the graph provided makes it difficult to follow on this computer. Its possible it originally provided colored line; maybe it some eye defect; but I think color rendering was lost. But trends are pretty clear to any eyes
        Basically all three countries follow the same trends; which other data confirms. Differences seem to not be random when attitudes and adherence to known protective behavior are taken into account.

        The graph data strongly suggests there is lots of room for a fourth wave. Upcoming warmer weather; the vaccination initiative and everyones adherence to known protective behavior will all help.

        Everything else (at this point) will do the opposite. Conclusion is that you take advantage of putting fire out when the conditions and limited equipment can be used to best advantage.


          A most important point was missed.

          When that Johns Hopkins graph is on your display screen .... Just click on the "Linear/Log" display. (near top left of body of graph) That isn't just for amusement. Of course you will have to bone up on what appears before your eyes; but be damned if I would even EVER attempt to tell you what that graph now says in an even more obvious way.


            There are SUPER scared people out there, can't fix those STUPIDS. Thankfully I only talk with smart reasoning ones, Non covid vaxers.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Transmission.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	61.3 KB
ID:	770882

            Stay healthy, immunity beats the sh*t out of vaxes

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Treatments.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	95.9 KB
ID:	770883


              t's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

              For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

              Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow. Reply With Quote


                Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                There are SUPER scared people out there, can't fix those STUPIDS. Thankfully I only talk with smart reasoning ones, Non covid vaxers.


                Stay healthy, immunity beats the sh*t out of vaxes

                You are transmitting ignorance. It is far more deadly than the vaccine


                  It's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

                  For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

                  Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow.


                    Originally posted by oneoff View Post
                    It's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

                    For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

                    Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow.
                    Here, let me help you -

                    It's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

                    For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

                    Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow.


                      Originally posted by oneoff View Post
                      It's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

                      For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

                      Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow.
                      It's long past the time for EVERYONE to acknowledge that Covid 19 is not a hoax and is a deadly pandemic.

                      For those who claim otherwise there is a challenge to show any instance of a Nursing home/ long term care/Old Folks home where a COVID outbreak was easily handled by basically letting things run their course? Is there some strange pleasure associated with consoling the families of the deceased? Maybe early inheritances; freeing up land bases; just desserts; morbid reactions ...just wondering

                      Failure to report a single example of only minimal consequences from Covid outbreaks in above "institutions" will result in the continuous reposting of this particular challenge (ad infinitum and without further elaboration) in response to continued repetitious disinformation; for as long as agriville moderators allow.
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