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Fixing stupid???

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    Originally posted by Jordy2323 View Post
    No way big pharma let's this hit the market. .
    Dont even have to wait for big pharma.


    World might have spent trillions when a $25 dollar treatment was right in the pharmacy.


      Originally posted by Jordy2323 View Post
      No way big pharma let's this hit the market. Especially now that they are working on convincing people they will need a perpetual booster shot every six months.

      However if variants will continually be the fear, then this is the answer. This would be equally as effective on any strain.
      The vaccine can't say that.

      Enough already.

      The world has suffered in many ways for over a year fighting this disease in sometimes harsh economic and social measures. Despite the missteps; and sometimes half hearted and even deliberate sabotage efforts more than half a million Americans and 23000 Canadians have died and tens of millions suffered to lesser extents. But many still can't relate.

      Now there are effective vaccines that ill informed people are panning. There is no arguing their benefits outweigh any risks. Again .... Get real.

      Look at the history written about the 1918 influenza pandemic. For those Tr****bists who believe it was a 1917 date....look at the 1917 accounts. When you find nothing in the newspapers then look at the next 2 years to see where the waves of deaths and suffering occurred.

      Get real for a change. This isn't over and vaccines; maybe booster and annual shots too; along with the masking and social distancing measures are the best current ways out. And the world is a big place that can bring in a Brazilian or Californian or British variant that can all but start the cycle over from the initial cases maybe originating from some seafood market. You've seen what good blaming a source does for anyone...or again NOT>

      Nasal sprays would be great; but we must all work with what we've got. And where is it available and is it "safe" and effective. And just why would a similar RNA nasal spray be any safer for any anti vaxxer. Idiocy and poor reasoning to the extreme..... Don't you remembera formerUSA president promoting bleach and disinfectants internally in human bodies. That will remain a classic.. will it not? Such people must bere infected with some special additional disease.

      Anyone's fear of needles are their own phobias; except when those people are lepers who should be banned to a colony when they refuse to do their part in protecting the rest of their "species".

      But then again who is sure that conspiraciists don't have some genes that make them differ from what hopefully is called humankind.

      This thread is disturbing. There's a way too much unacceptable thought being expressed. Right up to the point that its dangerous to be repeating conspiracy plots and disinformation.

      Of course no firmly held beliefs will be changed by a few responses; but these opinions must be thoroughly discounted. Or Not???

      And make no mistake about the power of being overfed a diet of lies and deception. On the contrary I could repeat a story about a business associate (70 plus years old) who hours ago confided he had never received a vaccine in his life. You see his couple year old brother died after receiving a vaccine and so his parents made this decision for him when he was young.

      Long story short; an hour later in the discussion he enquired about the vaccine registration process and he indicated that he would be talking to his computer savvy grandson

      And that dear reader is just about the sole reason I am refuted the outright bullshit and dangerous information largely discussed in this particular thread.

      Except another case of "elderly" friends who just booked their vaccine dates in less than 2 weeks time. And I have concluded that while they might still vote as a Trumpuist; when confronted with right circumstances; they weighed risks to benefits and made their decision.

      Too ****ing bad everyone didn't have the same common sense and brain capacity. FIX STUPID.
      Last edited by oneoff; Mar 17, 2021, 05:41.


        Originally posted by oneoff View Post
        Enough already.

        The world has suffered in many ways for over a year fighting this disease in sometimes harsh economic and social measures. Despite the missteps; and sometimes half hearted and even deliberate sabotage efforts more than half a million Americans and 23000 Canadians have died and tens of millions suffered to lesser extents. But many still can't relate.

        Now there are effective vaccines that ill informed people are panning. There is no arguing their benefits outweigh any risks. Again .... Get real.

        Look at the history written about the 1918 influenza pandemic. For those Tr****bists who believe it was a 1917 date....look at the 1917 accounts. When you find nothing in the newspapers then look at the next 2 years to see where the waves of deaths and suffering occurred.

        Get real for a change. This isn't over and vaccines; maybe booster and annual shots too; along with the masking and social distancing measures are the best current way out. And the world is a big place that can bring a Brazilian or Californian or British variant in that can all but starts the cycle over fro one case from maybe a seafood market. You've seen what good blaming a source does for anyone...or again NOT>

        Nasal sprays would be great; but we must all work with what we've got. And where is it available and does is it effective. And just why would a similar RNA nasal spray be any safer for an anti vaxxer. Idiocy and poor reasoning to the extreme..... Don't you remember that former president promoting bleach and disinfectants internally in human bodies. That will remain a classic.. will it not? Those people are infected with some special additional disease.

        Anyones fear of needles are their own phobias; except when those people are lepers who should be banned to a colony when they refuse to do their part in protecting the rest of their "species".

        But then again who is sure that conspiraciists don't have some genes that make them differ from what hopefully is called humankind.

        This thread is disturbing. There's a way too much unacceptable thought being expressed. Right up to the point that its dangerous to be repeating conspiracy plots and disinformation.

        Of course no firmly held beliefs will be changed by a few responses; but these opinions must be thoroughly discounted. Or Not???

        Oneoff, you are quickly tossing any credibility you may ever have had right out the window.

        Because of your dogmatic dismissal of any other thoughts as being unacceptable, the only opinion being discounted is your own.

        And didn't you say you're done with this thread? Farewell.


          What I have written is a slam on many of the posters to this thread. My opinion is that someone should speak truth to dangerous beliefs.

          Hopefully all others will consider all the comments when making their decisions


            Originally posted by oneoff View Post
            Enough already.

            The world has suffered in many ways for over a year fighting this disease in sometimes harsh economic and social measures. Despite the missteps; and sometimes half hearted and even deliberate sabotage efforts more than half a million Americans and 23000 Canadians have died and tens of millions suffered to lesser extents. But many still can't relate.

            Now there are effective vaccines that ill informed people are panning. There is no arguing their benefits outweigh any risks. Again .... Get real.

            Look at the history written about the 1918 influenza pandemic. For those Tr****bists who believe it was a 1917 date....look at the 1917 accounts. When you find nothing in the newspapers then look at the next 2 years to see where the waves of deaths and suffering occurred.

            Get real for a change. This isn't over and vaccines; maybe booster and annual shots too; along with the masking and social distancing measures are the best current ways out. And the world is a big place that can bring in a Brazilian or Californian or British variant that can all but start the cycle over from the initial cases maybe originating from some seafood market. You've seen what good blaming a source does for anyone...or again NOT>

            Nasal sprays would be great; but we must all work with what we've got. And where is it available and is it "safe" and effective. And just why would a similar RNA nasal spray be any safer for any anti vaxxer. Idiocy and poor reasoning to the extreme..... Don't you remembera formerUSA president promoting bleach and disinfectants internally in human bodies. That will remain a classic.. will it not? Such people must bere infected with some special additional disease.

            Anyone's fear of needles are their own phobias; except when those people are lepers who should be banned to a colony when they refuse to do their part in protecting the rest of their "species".

            But then again who is sure that conspiraciists don't have some genes that make them differ from what hopefully is called humankind.

            This thread is disturbing. There's a way too much unacceptable thought being expressed. Right up to the point that its dangerous to be repeating conspiracy plots and disinformation.

            Of course no firmly held beliefs will be changed by a few responses; but these opinions must be thoroughly discounted. Or Not???

            And make no mistake about the power of being overfed a diet of lies and deception. On the contrary I could repeat a story about a business associate (70 plus years old) who hours ago confided he had never received a vaccine in his life. You see his couple year old brother died after receiving a vaccine and so his parents made this decision for him when he was young.

            Long story short; an hour later in the discussion he enquired about the vaccine registration process and he indicated that he would be talking to his computer savvy grandson

            And that dear reader is just about the sole reason I am refuted the outright bullshit and dangerous information largely discussed in this particular thread.

            Except another case of "elderly" friends who just booked their vaccine dates in less than 2 weeks time. And I have concluded that while they might still vote as a Trumpuist; when confronted with right circumstances; they weighed risks to benefits and made their decision.

            Too ****ing bad everyone didn't have the same common sense and brain capacity. FIX STUPID.
            You sound like a child, but I assume you're an adult...
            So the choice is yours whether to get the shot or not. Just like it should be the choice of people who choose not to.
            You're questioning a nasal sprays safety, meanwhile a dozen countries suspended a vaccine over safety concerns.
            The absolute question nothing, full speed ahead, pro-vaxxers don't do their cause any favors, by bringing politics or name calling into their promotion. And attempting to belittle and dismiss the concerns of the legitimate skeptic, helps nothing either.


              I'm a sucker for your punishment. The nasal sprays referred to actually have molecular iodine active components which have antiviral properties lasting about 6 hours in the nasaal cavities. Taken multiple times each day for the last year for supposed Covid protection did any patient wonder about the real possibility of iodine toxicty. Also did virus laden air that went staight to the lungs get sufficient iodine from lung tissue to kill those virus particals?

              This is exactly what the former US president overlooked and was referring to with his disinfectant and bleach reference.
              You really do have to quit promoting dangerous ideas.


                Originally posted by oneoff View Post

                This thread is disturbing. There's a way too much unacceptable thought being expressed. Right up to the point that its dangerous to be repeating conspiracy plots and disinformation.
                Actually this thread is quite enlightening to see people still gripped in irrational fear because the media has ramped up its covid coverage again now that trump is gone.

                Covid turned out to be about 4 times deadlier than the annual flu which we already have a vaccine for. Some cassandras were predicting 400M deaths due to their extensive knowledge of exponential functions.

                Are you saying covid deaths will go to zero if we get vaccinated? Because that certainly doesnt jive with our experience in flu still with an estimated 640k deaths per yr. That sounds much like the same argument about 2 weeks to flatten the curve and we will stop the spread if we just lock in the closet.

                If the govt wants widespread adoption of their version 1.0 tech, then all they need to do is state the obvious benefits beyond not killing grandma who should already be protected anyway. Can we travel? Can we ditch the mask? Can we drop the social distancing and see family? Does the fing vaccine even stop transmission of the virus? That would be an important thing to study now wouldnt it.

                I am waiting to see what the first country to be 100% vaccinated starts saying. UK is coming up to that in a few months. Lets see what the message is after that.
                Last edited by jazz; Mar 17, 2021, 07:36.


                  Originally posted by oneoff View Post
                  I'm a sucker for your punishment. The nasal sprays referred to actually have molecular iodine active components which have antiviral properties lasting about 6 hours in the nasaal cavities. Taken multiple times each day for the last year for supposed Covid protection did any patient wonder about the real possibility of iodine toxicty. Also did virus laden air that went staight to the lungs get sufficient iodine from lung tissue to kill those virus particals?

                  This is exactly what the former US president overlooked and was referring to with his disinfectant and bleach reference.
                  You really do have to quit promoting dangerous ideas.
                  Looking at the way you think I'm betting your whole life is like a one big punishment as you fail daily interacting with people kind. And be careful of those thought crimes lol


                    Originally posted by oneoff View Post
                    I'm a sucker for your punishment. The nasal sprays referred to actually have molecular iodine active components which have antiviral properties lasting about 6 hours in the nasaal cavities. Taken multiple times each day for the last year for supposed Covid protection did any patient wonder about the real possibility of iodine toxicty. Also did virus laden air that went staight to the lungs get sufficient iodine from lung tissue to kill those virus particals?

                    This is exactly what the former US president overlooked and was referring to with his disinfectant and bleach reference.
                    You really do have to quit promoting dangerous ideas.

                    I came back to this thread to see if "stupid" had been fixed, but I see it hasn't. You are still here talking about Trump!


                      This discussion is about questioning a sense of reality.

                      Go ahead and have the last word.
                      Last edited by oneoff; Mar 17, 2021, 07:44.


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