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Fixing stupid???

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    Originally posted by oneoff View Post
    This discussion is about questioning a sense of reality.

    Go ahead and have the lat word.

    Haha. I don't identify with your twisted "reality".


      I did a little reading on the spray. My understanding is it's a method to reduce the virus load before it enters the lungs. Early, faster and more convenient testing would be required. The use of the spray to kill the virus after positive tests and before the infection gets out of hand in a persons body could be game changer.

      It's not some continual use prevention tool or a replacement for vaccines/immunity.
      Last edited by Dr Tone; Mar 17, 2021, 08:37.


        If you can’t figure it out Oneoff then have a good life. Yesterday’s news, Regina should be locked down because 101 cases of “likely” dangerous variants, maybe. They don’t have an f—-in clue and they want to lock down Regina and neighbouring communities. They are urging people not to come to Regina but they don’t know what they are testing for. Such a scam! What can we do to scare these lemmings? People are losing their livelihood and businesses and they are talking let’s clamp down on a “maybe” “likely” scenario.
        Last edited by sumdumguy; Mar 17, 2021, 08:29.


          One off started this thread looking for friction. Now he wants to end it.
          Not my monkey but here's my view from the highway.
          Typical human behaviors prevail no matter how civilized or educated we think we are. Internet threads read like turn of last century street rag headlines. Usually when enough people die we change things.
          Every rural cemetery has a cluster of graves in the corner dated 1918. No vaccine till the forties. Mostly forgotten by 1920 in NA.
          This go around it was our health system we were trying to protect. Rather than quarantine people in their homes to live or die, they went to the hospital. Instead of daily body wagons we had reefer vans.

          I would like to know what it is we think we have learned. What would govts do different?
          Because I believe certain restrictions obviously helped. I will take a vaccine when perhaps the JJ one available at my convenience.
          But was it necessary for draconian restrictions. Did it take a near war time compliance to spread enough fear to get the crowd to follow. Perhaps.
          But will elderly couples need to be separated at end of life events next time?
          Will govt mental health services be frozen for a year next time?
          Will people in certain treatment programs be booted to the street next time? Will schools be open so erratically our kids are set back a year and a half again?? Thank goodness for UFA farm stores. For a while it was the only place in the City of Camrose to take a shit.

          How do you get nurses and teachers to go to work if it's hazardous?

          Tough balance lives and deaths when you don't have all the info. Complex problems.
          I can think of a few redos here.
          But let's move forward before people start climbing water towers. And let's try to reread what we write on internet before we hit send. Trump wouldn't have been so dangerous then


            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post

            How do you get nurses and teachers to go to work if it's hazardous?

            Tough balance lives and deaths when you don't have all the info. Complex problems.
            You just touched on a very real issue there - a recent projection here shows that nurses and medical people are on the verge of quitting en masse within the next 6 months.

            Seems they are getting tired of having a stick rammed up their nostrils 2, and even 3 times weekly. Hmm, why would they mind that? Especially since there is no stated target or goal, other than following ineffective measures instituted by apparently-inept and flip-flopping bureaucrats?

            Can anyone blame the healthcare workers for refusing to take this so-called vaccine when their training would tell them that it's a global-scale experiment?

            Who can blame them if they reach a point where they say enough is enough. And what happens when the health care system collapses for a lack of workers, as some in the loop are now predicting will happen within these next 6 months?

            But the PM and premiers are for the most part doubling down with an iron fist.

            Some cruel and unusual punishment has been meted out by a health care and LTC system which has unevenly and unjustifiably applied severe visiting rules which cause the elderly well to give up and die of loneliness, while the dementia-stricken ones - it's just another day.

            Which is exactly what's happening to a woman and her family whom I have known for decades, right now.

            So yes, incomplete information to a point.

            But over 1 year later, should the decision makers not have to admit that their info has long been identifiable as misinformation?

            "I'm from the government and I AM GOD with power over your life and death..."

            If you wanted to breed widespread anarchy or insurrection, you'd have a hard time doing better than the Canadian government and bureaucracy has done.

            Why did some countries take a lighter approach with equal or better results and less damage?

            Is the disaster we are looking at not a product of our "big government knows best" approach?

            JT has blood on his hands.
            Last edited by burnt; Mar 17, 2021, 09:49.


              Government restriction did nothing but damage. Couple of my wife's relative got covid last summer. One a 20 something health care worker and the other her 50 year old cousin. Both cases were very mild (barely noticable) and came at a time when immune systems are strong. Had more of that occurred we would be at herd immunity already. As we transition into summer, cases will fade away. If government was prevented from printing money, there would be no lockdown as people have to earn a living. Now there is a debt bomb that will put generations to come into the poor house. Hallway medicine is normal at times but data leaking out shows that the output of the medical system has decreased this winter. (That info comes from the UK). Have not seen comparable data from Canada but suspect it is similar. The whole debacle is a result of politicians, Jason Kenny included, (we were warned he was a lightweight) just let healthcare bureaucrats run the show. Now that considerable damage has been done, we have to focus on sane budgeting, ending the lockdown immediately, and try to rebuild lives. We will still have to take precautions but there is no bureaucrats determining what is essential going forward. All business must be allowed to open and CERB and the like discontinued immediately. No lockdown noise for next winter either as this is already the most isolated place on the planet and won't have another winter without being able to get out once and a while. Nobody needs Zoom marketing meetings. Ag meeting are for socialization and being appreciated with a sponsored lunch.


                Originally posted by shortbox View Post
                I came back to this thread to see if "stupid" had been fixed, but I see it hasn't. You are still here talking about Trump!
                You just can’t fix stupid.... even with duct tape.


                  Originally posted by Happytrails View Post
                  You just can’t fix stupid.... even with duct tape.
                  When are you going to take the duct tape off the T****P Fox News interview where that former president very clearly said that even his supporters should take "his vaccine". Also note that both the Donald and his wife Melania have recently received that same Covid vaccine.

                  And for those afraid of 1 1/2 inch long hypodermic needles; just screw up your courage (like the fearless leader has done); and now is encouraging everyone else to do likewise.

                  On a personal testamonial note; I confirm that the Covid 19 Moderna injection was about 1/3 as painful as a mosquito bite. And not any mosquito itchiness now 7 hours after the fact.
                  Hope there is nothing in this information that is found offensive....because I may very well speak my mind clearly next time if there are similar outbursts from people who only obey portions of what their messiah preaches.


                    There's also even better news on the Sask Covid vaccination front. As of noon today; those aged 67 and up can book a date to get their first shot. That happens Apr 2 for the applicable two people I've talked to so far. Ten minute intervals approx; get asked a couple questions; confirm your booking at a table; sit for 10 minutes (or less) to wait for a free nurse; 10 jabbers operating in parallel at sites I've heard about; and a 15 minute socially distanced visit afterwards and not one person was seen to be carted out not under their own steam.

                    AND NOT ANY ****EN COMPLAINT OR LAME SNIDE COMMENT ABOUT THE PROCESS. NEVER SAW A LEMMING NOR A CHILD OR PROTESTER COMPLAINING ABOUT ANY CONSPIRACY. Where do the agriville posters hide and how many of them are there really going to be true to their beliefs.

                    Get a life and save your own and maybe even someone else's if you care enough.


                      Originally posted by oneoff View Post
                      There's also even better news on the Sask Covid vaccination front. As of noon today; those aged 67 and up can book a date to get their first shot. That happens Apr 2 for the applicable two people I've talked to so far. Ten minute intervals approx; get asked a couple questions; confirm your booking at a table; sit for 10 minutes (or less) to wait for a free nurse; 10 jabbers operating in parallel at sites I've heard about; and a 15 minute socially distanced visit afterwards and not one person was seen to be carted out not under their own steam.

                      AND NOT ANY ****EN COMPLAINT OR LAME SNIDE COMMENT ABOUT THE PROCESS. NEVER SAW A LEMMING NOR A CHILD OR PROTESTER COMPLAINING ABOUT ANY CONSPIRACY. Where do the agriville posters hide and how many of them are there really going to be true to their beliefs.

                      Get a life and save your own and maybe even someone else's if you care enough.
                      Amen! Getting my shot in April.


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