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How many more of these stories?

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    How many more of these stories?

    False positive Covid tests.


    According to information given at a press conference by one of our esteemed provincial "top doctors", Dr. Barbara Yaffe, perhaps about 50% of those who were refused based on a "positive".

    Recourse for suffering and injury? ZERO.

    The icing on the cake - "we really care about this..." but can't comment...

    It's called cover your butt talk.
    Last edited by burnt; Mar 18, 2021, 06:28.


      So if there are that many false positives, does this mean Covid is even more deadly that the 2.4% death/case rate based on the actual number of cases is less than recorded?

      And if even fewer people have actually had Covid than is being reported, are we even farther away from herd immunity than we hoped?

      And are antibody tests also suspect? Someone stated a few days ago that 20% of unvaccinated blood donors have antibodies to Covid. That is a long way from herd immunity. But is this number also suspect now? That on top of the question of whether those antibody tests actually indicate they have had covid or merely been in contact with someone that had it, and especially if the level of antibodies in those blood donors are high enough to protect against getting Covid in the future.

      instead of using false positives to make against against Covid practices, maybe your post is doing the exact oppositie.


        No it means less people actually died from covid.


          Heartbreaking story. There will be more as the ccp flu debacle drags on. Trouble is, government and its minions have so much invested in the risk of covid that there is no way out except vaccines that further increase chance of premature death. In the first place, a 2 yr wait for thyroid surgery? Canuckistan is supposed to be first world.


            When is the UofS vaccine to be rolled out?


              Article I read said human trials began Feb 10/21 and at that time if things went well it would still be another 9 months...

              How many vaccine doses has “Blackface” bought... and at what cost.

              Should I buy 12 tractors in case the one I need breaks down or doesn’t arrive just to be safe... it’s only costs me 12x the cost to have 12 extra units in the shed. Oh wait I need a bigger shed...

              What an idiot we have running this country.


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