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Friday C o c k t a i l report and other useless stuff. Its Friday let's have fun.

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    Friday C o c k t a i l report and other useless stuff. Its Friday let's have fun.

    Well, it's finally Friday in Covid shut down Canada. A year ago today I packed up the Yukon and we headed north to Canada from our home in Florida. It was an interesting trip. Very little traffic and hotel space were easy to find. We wiped our hands wore masks and sanitized and then did a two-week lockdown. The border skippy says is going to be closed another month. In the USA about 18 states are wide open back to normal no masks required get on with life. Americans are vaccinating at a record amount and well Canada is a shit show. But hey it's all Harper's fault.

    Yesterday the Federal Gov announced a $185 Mill program for farmers to go green but you have to work with Businesses and other groups to get the funding. Yes, our forests and Ag land in Canada is a massive sink that with fun math would be a natural sink but the feds see that and won't pay. The funny thing the USA under Biden with no Carbon tax is shifting the way it subsidizes the USA farmer and will develop a carbon sequestration program to funnel money that way to the USA farmer. In Canada Under ****ing Trudeau were getting nothing. To all who think less gov is better, I agree but under these ****ing liberals that's not going to happen they are coming after farmers and yo8u better be ready they are going to get us and get us good.

    Oh here is a little Friday fun reading the China closure of our Canola cost western Canadian Farmers $1.3 Billion you all remember canola prices at below 10. Yea it was ****ing fun wasn't it. Not one peep from our useless Federal ag minister and not a peep from Trudeau or any farm group in Western Canada. Just like **** you farmers tough shit you got screwed now get back to work giving us your checkoffs you worthless fools.

    Ah hell, we also need to know what's happening with our grain once it's sold price and volume and who it's going to. Under the new system, you cant go gee an elevator has 18.90 for Canola I think ill deliver two loads. They have you sign a contract that is either delivered in two months to keep their supply going or 4 months out. What does the farmer get, Nothing.

    Land rent and land are going insane. Yes, 100 plus is the new normal.

    I'm wondering if we are the only farm that shifted it to neutral and is sitting back building something waiting for the end. Equipment sales are through the roof. If you have a tractor go down this spring no dealer will have a spare to supply. Round up big boys are in tight supply go figure. They see the 2x4 that use to be $4 now $15 and are licking their lips. Then throw in that Carbon tax and wow. Liftoff.

    I remember farming in 1981 and was told by a real estate agent you have to buy today or by tomorrow it will be gone. He was pissed when we said sorry on the section that in 1981 was 180 thousand a quarter. It was bought by a famous Regina Farmer and he lost it four years later. We now own that section and I paid $57 thousand for it. Some say oh it didn't happen yea it did back in the 30s and 80s and probably 22. Crashes happen and well this is exactly like 1981 oh and one other things it stopped raining.

    Anyone look at the long-term forecast for North America that no one is really talking about. Yea it's ****ing dry now and will get dryer over the summer. The same pattern is in place since last July. Doesn't that give any normal farmer a warm fuzzy feeling? Oh, some insurance you have great get a claim and see where they come next year with your premium. Oh, and the droughts in the 80s lasted more than one season the third year was the worst. But Dads who lived it are afraid to tell their kids anything and history will repeat.

    So what scandal did Skippy have this week? Well, the WE WE Brothers and him maybe arent bum buddies anymore. He threw them under the bus and they are pissed. They have that smirk if it was the old days you could wipe it off their face behind the school in a one-two your out.

    O'Toole is having a convention virtually this weekend and he has to get going with his game. The only way to get to 170 is to suck up to Ontario voters, beating Trudeau at his own game. If he loses I feel the West will be so pissed it will drop the conservatives and create a new party to start the process of change. What's needed is a real leader someone with charm and charisma and strong. One election or a change will flood the land. The Liberal Experiment has to end.

    Let's have a Drink it was ST Patricks day


    This Irish Mudslide with Jameson is made festive for St. Patrick’s Day by adding a bit of green and switching out the vodka for Jameson. It gets blended with a bit of half and half, Kahlua, and Baileys for a creamy, dreamy cocktail that you will be craving year-round.

    1.5 oz. Jameson
    1.5 oz. Baileys
    1.5 oz. Kahlua
    3 oz. half and half or milk
    1 C. ice
    a few drops of green food coloring (optional)

    Add all ingredients to a blender bowl and blend until combined and smooth. Pour into a highball glass and top with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

    Luck of the Irish. Or just fall down. either way, enjoy.

    Found something farm-related that looked interesting in Europe they have a baler-looking machine that takes wheat or barley straw and makes pellets in the field. It used to be burnt for heat (Oh no Trudeau will tax heat) or for chicken barns for bedding. Cool idea.

    Anyway, it's the Wifes birthday so off to nowhere. Got clean bill of health I would have flew south for two weeks but thanks to a quarantined hotel from hell ill be staying home. It's the lock-up senior's tour for Trudeau and team diversity. You bad bad peoplekind stay home only the prince can travel. Peasants.

    Stay safe and enjoy today at Plus 15. Oh this isnt climate changes it's just like 1978 or 79 check back.

    On Monday in Florida I just got an email all residents will get their second vaccine and as an under 60 Canadian I would qualify to get my first free. Now in Skippy's world maybe by September.


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      This is how I feel.


        Saskfarmer I did a little googling to see what this $185 million entailed. As far as I can see it is spread over 10 years and it appears the money will be spent as an example studying how effective intercropping is at sequestering carbon. Looks to me to basically be funding for research.

        As far as intercropping in most cases where I live lack of moisture is usually our biggest limiting factor. I fail to understand how under seeding my crop with a crop that will continue to grow after harvest using up more moisture is a benefit. How do I get the first crop dry to harvest? If I swath it and lay the swath in the green growth of the second crop it will never dry. As for canola anything planted will be killed by the herbicide you use. Now if you try to plant a second crop after harvest how does that work when in some years harvest ends in November? Interested in input.
        Last edited by Hamloc; Mar 19, 2021, 08:09.


          The program announced yesterday...ACS ....will go directly to liberal farmers.

          Go to movemygrain twitter and listen to the fact that Saskatchewan farmers will not be eligible for the provincial offset program...

          Big $$$$$$$ lost...... the conservatives let us down...


            From one news article I read “To be eligible for the ACS program, applicants must form a large network of partnerships within in a province, including with agricultural non-profits, indigenous organizations and environmental groups.” What a waste of time and money fml!


              Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
              From one news article I read “To be eligible for the ACS program, applicants must form a large network of partnerships within in a province, including with agricultural non-profits, indigenous organizations and environmental groups.” What a waste of time and money fml!
              All code for a liberal slush fund.




                  We have friends who wintered in Mexico,they just returned and are isolating at home for 2 weeks.No hotel for them.Look inside your passport, statement right from the queen herself.


                    Hotel Schmotel, tell them to go catch a mouse. 👍


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