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14km/h wind, knocks down Biden

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    14km/h wind, knocks down Biden

    You can’t make it up, but the whitehouse is claiming that the wind caused Biden to stumble three times as he went up the stairs of Air Force One.

    Seems he’s ok.

    Point is, the alt left lie constantly. Why not just say he tripped? Why do they have to claim a 14kph wind knocked him over? Constant lies, even about tiny things.

    What happened to this thread?

    It disappeared?


      I’ll bet chuck is a moderator and is deleting anything that doesn’t conform to the screwball ideology that the left is pushing.


        It looks like all posts made during the forum maintenance disappeared.
        I don't think we lost much considering the topics...


          Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
          It looks like all posts made during the forum maintenance disappeared.
          I don't think we lost much considering the topics...
          We lost some common sense arguments that actually made sense. Along with the non common sense ones.


            Orange man bad .. lol
            Yup tump had many flaws .
            But Really...


              Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
              Orange man bad .. lol
              Yup tump had many flaws .
              But Really...
              This is CRAZY...looks like Russian President Putin has justification to say, "the new US commander-in-chief old and senile"...

              Biden administration to launch cyber attacks on Russia as feud with Putin escalates
              Josie Ensor
              The TelegraphSat, March 20, 2021, 11:33 AM

              The Biden administration is preparing a series of aggressive cyber attacks on Russia in a major shift in tactics designed as a warning shot to rival powers.

              The attack, which is expected in the next fortnight, is in retaliation for the SolarWinds hack, the large-scale infiltration of American government agencies and corporations discovered late last year that was traced back to the Kremlin.

              It comes after Joe Biden this week engaged in a war of words with Vladimir Putin, calling the Russian president a "killer", while the White Houses attacked China for rights abuses in a tense opening of face-to-face talks.

              The US will not target civilian structures or networks, but the hack is instead designed as a direct challenge to Mr Putin, Russia’s President, and his cyber army, The Telegraph understands.

              The White House confirmed it will take “a mix of actions” - both “seen and unseen” - although it did not provide specifics on when and how it would do so.

              Any such move would mark a different tact taken by previous administrations, which have largely acted defensively against Moscow’s cyber warfare. Donald Trump took a much more cautious approach on Russia, being careful never to directly criticise or challenge the regime.

              “I actually believe that a set of measures that are understood by the Russians, but may not be visible to the broader world, are actually likely to be the most effective measures in terms of clarifying what the United States believes are in bounds and out of bounds, and what we are prepared to do in response,” Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, told the New York Times this week.

              Mr Sullivan stressed that traditional sanctions alone do not sufficiently raise the cost to force powers like Russia, or China.

              A senior Russian government source said they were anticipating the cyber attacks would come in the form of “large-scale information campaign” aimed at discrediting its coronavirus vaccine.

              Russian officials are reportedly expecting “fake news” around the efficacy of its Sputnik-V vaccine, primarily targeted at the European countries which have given emergency approval to the shot such as Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia.

              Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said he was alarmed by the reports. “This would be pure international cybercrime,” he told state media.

              In his first real foray into foreign policy since taking office in January, Mr Biden this week signalled he will pursue an aggressive stance against America’s foes.

              A simmering feud with Moscow escalated this week when Mr Biden blasted Mr Putin as a "killer", promoting the stung Russian president and his aides to brand the new US commander-in-chief old and senile."


              And people thought President Trump was unbalanced... Biden is going to 'war' with China and Russia... hard to see how this will end well....



                Originally posted by TOM4CWB View Post
                This is CRAZY...looks like Russian President Putin has justification to say, "the new US commander-in-chief old and senile"...

                Biden administration to launch cyber attacks on Russia as feud with Putin escalates
                Josie Ensor
                The TelegraphSat, March 20, 2021, 11:33 AM

                The Biden administration is preparing a series of aggressive cyber attacks on Russia in a major shift in tactics designed as a warning shot to rival powers.

                The attack, which is expected in the next fortnight, is in retaliation for the SolarWinds hack, the large-scale infiltration of American government agencies and corporations discovered late last year that was traced back to the Kremlin.

                It comes after Joe Biden this week engaged in a war of words with Vladimir Putin, calling the Russian president a "killer", while the White Houses attacked China for rights abuses in a tense opening of face-to-face talks.

                The US will not target civilian structures or networks, but the hack is instead designed as a direct challenge to Mr Putin, Russia’s President, and his cyber army, The Telegraph understands.

                The White House confirmed it will take “a mix of actions” - both “seen and unseen” - although it did not provide specifics on when and how it would do so.

                Any such move would mark a different tact taken by previous administrations, which have largely acted defensively against Moscow’s cyber warfare. Donald Trump took a much more cautious approach on Russia, being careful never to directly criticise or challenge the regime.

                “I actually believe that a set of measures that are understood by the Russians, but may not be visible to the broader world, are actually likely to be the most effective measures in terms of clarifying what the United States believes are in bounds and out of bounds, and what we are prepared to do in response,” Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, told the New York Times this week.

                Mr Sullivan stressed that traditional sanctions alone do not sufficiently raise the cost to force powers like Russia, or China.

                A senior Russian government source said they were anticipating the cyber attacks would come in the form of “large-scale information campaign” aimed at discrediting its coronavirus vaccine.

                Russian officials are reportedly expecting “fake news” around the efficacy of its Sputnik-V vaccine, primarily targeted at the European countries which have given emergency approval to the shot such as Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia.

                Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said he was alarmed by the reports. “This would be pure international cybercrime,” he told state media.

                In his first real foray into foreign policy since taking office in January, Mr Biden this week signalled he will pursue an aggressive stance against America’s foes.

                A simmering feud with Moscow escalated this week when Mr Biden blasted Mr Putin as a "killer", promoting the stung Russian president and his aides to brand the new US commander-in-chief old and senile."


                And people thought President Trump was unbalanced... Biden is going to 'war' with China and Russia... hard to see how this will end well....

                United States-China talks sink to war of words
                Emily Goddard
                The IndependentSat, March 20, 2021, 11:04 AM
                <p>Antony Blinken (left) and Jake Sullivan address the media following talks between the US and China in Anchorage, Alaska</p> (Reuters)
                Antony Blinken (left) and Jake Sullivan address the media following talks between the US and China in Anchorage, Alaska

                The first face-to-face talks between Chinese and US officials since Joe Biden took office descended into a war of words on Friday, intensifying troubled relations between the two nations.

                Both sides traded sharp barbs in an unusually public way at the Alaska meeting, with the US accusing the Chinese delegation of “grandstanding” and Beijing firing back, saying there was a “strong smell of gunpowder and drama” that was entirely the fault of the Americans.

                As the summit opened on Thursday, Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, said the Biden administration was united with its allies in pushing back against Chinese authoritarianism.

                In response, Yang Jiechi, the Chinese Communist Party foreign affairs chief, accused Washington of hypocrisy on human rights and other issues.

                Mr Blinken said China’s actions “threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability”, and Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, said China has undertaken an “assault on basic values”.

                Mr Yang responded angrily, saying “there is no way to strangle China” and demanding the US stop pushing its own version of democracy at a time when the country itself has been roiled by domestic discontent.

                Read more

                China accuses US of ‘slaughter’ of Black Americans as Alaska summit collapses into public squabble

                China ‘deeply concerned’ about anti-Asian violence in US

                Biden brings no relief to tensions between US and China

                He also accused the US of failing to deal with its own human rights problems and took issue with what he said was “condescension” from Mr Blinken, Mr Sullivan and other US officials.

                “China will not accept unwarranted accusations from the US side,” Mr Yang said, adding that recent developments had plunged relations “into a period of unprecedented difficulty” that “has damaged the interests of our two peoples”.

                Mr Blinken appeared to be annoyed by the tone and length of the comments, which went on for more than 15 minutes.

                He said his impressions from speaking with world leaders and on his just-concluded trip to Japan and South Korea were entirely different from the Chinese position.

                “I’m hearing deep satisfaction that the United States is back, that we’re reengaged,” the US secretary of state retorted.

                “I’m also hearing deep concern about some of the actions your government is taking.”

                Underscoring the animosity, the State Department criticised the Chinese delegation for violating an agreed-upon two-minute time limit for opening statements and suggested it “seem(ed) to have arrived intent on grandstanding, focused on public theatrics and dramatics over substance”.

                “America’s approach will be undergirded by confidence in our dealing with Beijing – which we are doing from a position of strength – even as we have the humility to know that we are a country eternally striving to become a more perfect union,” it said.

                Yang Jiechi described the attitude of US officials as ‘condescending’AFP/Getty
                Yang Jiechi described the attitude of US officials as ‘condescending’AFP/Getty
                Speaking later in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Mr Blinken and Mr Sullivan had provoked Chinese officials into making a “solemn response” after US officials made “groundless attacks” against China.

                “It was the US side that ... provoked the dispute in the first place, so the two sides had a strong smell of gunpowder and drama from the beginning in the opening remarks. It was not the original intention of the Chinese side,” Mr Zhao said.

                The meetings in Anchorage were a new test for ties between the two countries, which are at odds over a range of issues from trade to human rights in Tibet, Hong Kong and China’s western Xinjiang region, as well as over Taiwan, China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea and the coronavirus pandemic.

                “We wanted to share with them the significant concerns that we have about a number of the actions that China has taken, and behaviours exhibiting concerns, shared by our allies and partners,” Mr Blinken said after the meetings concluded.

                “And we did that. We also wanted to lay out very clearly, our own policies, priorities, and worldview. And we did that too.”

                In separate comments, Chinese Communist Party foreign affairs chief Yang Jiechi said dialogue was the only way to resolve differences, but he also made clear that Beijing had no intention of backing down on any issue.

                “China is going to safeguard our national sovereignty, security and our interests to develop China. It is an irreversible trend,” he said.

                “We hope the United States is not going to underestimate China’s determination to defend its territory, safeguard its people and defend its righteous interests,” he said.

                Yang Jiechi (front row, third from left) and Antony Blinken (second from right) trade insults during the high-level strategic meeting in AnchorageEPA
                Yang Jiechi (front row, third from left) and Antony Blinken (second from right) trade insults during the high-level strategic meeting in AnchorageEPA
                The Biden administration has yet to signal whether it is ready or willing to back away from the hard-line stances taken under Donald Trump.

                Just a day before the meeting, Mr Blinken had announced new sanctions over Beijing’s crackdown on pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong.

                In response, China stepped up its rhetoric opposing US interference in domestic affairs and complained directly about it.

                “Is this a decision made by the United States to try to gain some advantage in dealing with China?” State councillor Wang Yi said.

                “Certainly this is miscalculated and only reflects the vulnerability and weakness inside the United States and it will not shake China’s position or resolve on those issues.”

                Mr Trump had taken pride in forging what he saw as a strong relationship with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

                But the relationship disintegrated after the coronavirus pandemic spread from the Wuhan province across the globe and unleashed a public health and economic disaster."



                  Originally posted by burnt View Post
                  What happened to this thread?

                  It disappeared?
                  Unfortunately it started up again and surprising even got worse.


                    Would China have had the nerve to tell former President Trump that the U.S. wasn't able to "speak to China from a position of strength"??

                    https://Top U.S., China officials cl...“ Politics

                    I think most rational people know the answer to that one.

                    The current placeholder of the U.S. Presidency can't even climb the stairs to Air Force 1 without falling 3 times.

                    Not exactly a show of strength and stability.

                    Who in their right mind - especially family - would subject a debilitated, demented senior to such international humiliation?

                    Let alone a WHOLE NATION that was once a world superpower?

                    https://babylonbee.com/news/instead-of-traditional-warfare-chinese-military-will-now-be-trained-to-shout-wrong-pronouns-at-american-troops/ https://babylonbee.com/news/instead-of-traditional-warfare-chinese-military-will-now-be-trained-to-shout-wrong-pronouns-at-american-troops/

                    "Instead Of Traditional Warfare, Chinese Military Will Now Be Trained To Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Troops"
                    Last edited by burnt; Mar 21, 2021, 07:28.


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