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O'Toole declares 'the debate is over' on climate change, but his party's grassroots d

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    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
    I see Chuck is back to using the non-scientific word "believe" in reference to global warming again.

    Does it concern anyone else that national policy decisions are potentially being decided by what certain people "beleive"?

    Or that those certain people are not climate scientists, and in the case of the leader, is not a scientist (or STEM) of any description?

    Or that anyone could in any sphere can ever declare a scientific debate over? That is the most unscientific approach possible. This is reminiscent of the dark ages, or the inquisition, or a cult, where the leaders have the authority to declare something to be true, and outlaw all debate or evidence to the contrary.

    Perhaps most concerning is that the party or the leadership thought this was an appropriate time to sow some excess split and disunity in the party by even bringing this subject up, when the population of the country is much more concerned about a pandemic(and that includes those on either side of that debate), and the ensuing financial implications. Global warming isn't even on the radar as a priority of the majority of Canadians according to polling, so why not lose some more votes by bringing this into the spotlight?
    Some years ago when it became clear that the climate "science" agenda was driven by "beliefs" rather than unMANNipulated data, I predicted that science would suffer as a result, loosing any credibility due to its abuse by political and ideological fundamentalists.

    Now, I see that you categorize yourself as a White Supremacist because of your reference to "STEM'.

    Clearly this shows you to be a racist Colonialist who has climbed to your undeserved success on the backs of the underprivileged.

    Go to your room and don't come out until you're called. (Which you won't be)


      Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
      The blackface story came out at what would have been a terrible time as well though. But it didn’t matter even a little bit to the immoral creeps in this country who chose Trudeau.
      Don't worry, after Blackface broke, the media went out to the streets and did interview after interview, till they had the four or five non-white people who would say that they can forgive the Turd and wearing Blackface isn't so bad or he was just a kid when it happened, that they're not offended, etc,,,

      Then they put all those interviews together for the nightly news, leaving the critical ones of Trudeau on the cutting room floor.(did you see one interview where a person was critical or said Trudeau should resign?)

      That is how news is made with the Media we have now days. They're on one side, and they'll do what they can to protect those that align with them and in return support them.

      The Media, particularly ceebeecee grilled Scheer on his personal position on abortion, but Trudeau was never asked about his personal position or asked whether the Liberal Party's position on abortion was leading to "sex selection" through abortion, or that the Liberal position was leading to a higher percentage of BIPOC abortions, like what is happening in the U.S.

      True, Scheer could have handled it better by saying "this is Canada, not China, here in Canada we have a right to hold personal views, and my views are not Party Policy." He could have also said that, "his personal views are based on science and that thousands of babies born premature survive and lead normal lives every year, they ARE human beings."

      How Scheer wasn't ready for those questions are beyond me, he should have known he would be attacked unless you're pro abortion.


        Originally posted by burnt View Post
        Some years ago when it became clear that the climate "science" agenda was driven by "beliefs" rather than unMANNipulated data, I predicted that science would suffer as a result, loosing any credibility due to its abuse by political and ideological fundamentalists.

        Now, I see that you categorize yourself as a White Supremacist because of your reference to "STEM'.

        Clearly this shows you to be a racist Colonialist who has climbed to your undeserved success on the backs of the underprivileged.

        Go to your room and don't come out until you're called. (Which you won't be)
        Thanks for the well deserved dressing down. Guilty on all counts.

        We are currently reaping the rewards of science losing all credibility thanks to the likes of the Micheal Manns of the world, and the blind followers such as Chuck. We have a large portion of the population so (rightfully) skeptical of the lack of scientific integrity thanks entirely to the corrupt and fraudulent global warming issue, that when these same folks started preaching about a pandemic, they had no credibility at all.
        The same people, the same political organizations, the same media, are now using the same tried ( and failed) fear mongering control tactics to sell the pandemic science.

        They may very well be right this time, but they wasted their ammunition fighting the climate change battle, and now wonder why people won't listen to them. This outcome was as predictable as the sun rising in the east. Even with this relatively (thankfully) minor pandemic, the consequences have been dire, it has cost lives, imagine how bad it will be when even bigger threats come along.

        Just look at Agriville, with very few exceptions, it is the same people on the same side of each debate.

        They have learned no lessons. And their efforts to control the media and narrative and to declare what they consider fake news etc. instead of allowing open scientific debate has only added fuel to the fire.


          all of this talk about the Conservative party and it's leader... As a long time Conservative supporter, let me say.... Todays Conservative party is no longer conservative, and O'Foole is steering it even further left...

          As my Dad(a long time Liberal supporter) said half way through P.E.T.s first term as PM.... "The Liberal party had LEFT him"

          I'm now saying, "the Conservative party has LEFT me."

          If U consider yourself a conservative it is now time to look else where, to park your vote... I'm STRONGLY looking at the Maverick Party, they aren't perfect but for me, right now they are Better then any other party.

          Trudope is going to win a majority and Western Canada can only count on the O'Foole Conservatives to continue to sell their souls to Urban Ontario and Quebec..


            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
            If quebec can have its own national party, why not the prairies??
            We need a two term law.
            The Maverick Party..

            It isn't perfect but it is a GOOD start.


              Look at Otoole a little closer. He is trying to expand the base by being more progressive and taking on woke policies. The biggest thing he could have done to expand his base is bring McKay in as a trusted partner just like Harper did 20 yrs ago.
              McKay is the face of the moderate wing of this party and good for an easy half dozen seat pick up in the Maritimes. Instead Otool has elevated the riff raff in the party (Scheer) and sidelined his talent (Poilievre). Has made zero overtures to the west and he hasnt penetrated the GTA at all.

              They always say vote for something instead of against something but hatred of Trudeau to stop the carnage is the only reason to vote CPC. Globalism isnt going to stop, private property rights are not going to be protected, freedom was destroyed with covid and fiscal responsibility is a pipe dream now.

              And nationalism? I cant support that at all in its current form.

              Scheers win was tainted by the Quebec dairy and the last CPC leadership race was stained with that Derek Sloan in there. Now this election is lost because of a stupid motion. You dont have to believe in a thing to articulate a policy for it. The motion should have been about crafting the policy, not whether you believe in the cause or not.
              Last edited by jazz; Mar 21, 2021, 11:20.


                The Reform/Alliance was your Maverick Party, but the Social Conservatives should definitely form a new party and get out of the way.

                You'd be doing the Fiscal Conservatives a huge favour.


                  The value in a prairies only national party would not be so we could wear our bedsheets and white hoods to Ottawa.
                  It would be an attempt at regional representation. The kind the Senate does not provide. Neither does any national party with its base in population. Works for Quebec.
                  I realize it would not fly. There would be no support in the cities. And we do not enjoy distinct, (read separate) society status. Also, I believe any more than two national parties leads to a never ending election campaign by minority govts.
                  Only Covid and a bungling Opposition has allowed this minority to act like a total majority.
                  And by all means, keep trading shots about science and abortion. Plays perfectly into the Liberal playbook.

                  An entertaining thought experiment at least.


                    Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                    The Reform/Alliance was your Maverick Party, but the Social Conservatives should definitely form a new party and get out of the way.

                    You'd be doing the Fiscal Conservatives a huge favour.
                    As a pro death person, do you feel your needs as a voter are currently being met?


                      As a male do you feel you can speak for women?


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