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Phos / mosaic

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    Phos / mosaic

    Um 1000 a ton? Mosaic wants total control of the phos market.

    Originally posted by Robertbarlage View Post
    Um 1000 a ton? Mosaic wants total control of the phos market.
    They got it with the US agreeing to Mosaic's request for tariffs or duties on Russian and Moroccan Phos.

    In canada there is no duties or tariffs but Mosaic has us by the bag...Retailers are not going to build infrastructure to buy from somewhere else.


      Mosaic filed petitions in June 2020 to request the start of countervailing duty investigations. The company maintained foreign subsidies are unfair and that these duties would restore competition in the U.S. market.

      "Today's decision upholds our belief that fair trade is the cornerstone of a healthy U.S. economy, and that American farmers will benefit from having a more competitive American fertilizer industry," a Mosaic news release said.

      Tariffs in place for the next 5 years.
      Not sure how that makes it a more competitive American fertilizer industry?


        Canadian retailers not linked to Mosaic should be finding ways to get Russian/ Moroccan /Chinese phosphate brought in since there are no tariffs that I am aware of...but will be as this government will probably rollover for Mosaic as well.


          Originally posted by bucket View Post
          Canadian retailers not linked to Mosaic should be finding ways to get Russian/ Moroccan /Chinese phosphate brought in since there are no tariffs that I am aware of...but will be as this government will probably rollover for Mosaic as well.
          Ports in canuckistan are not set up to import bulk commodities and the coast and mountains are a choke point so we are screwed. When urea was high a decade ago, some was brought in from china by Green Prairie International in containers, but that is about all the fertilizer importing that will happen. Phos will be a barrier to expanded production in the future.


            Originally posted by ajl View Post
            Ports in canuckistan are not set up to import bulk commodities and the coast and mountains are a choke point so we are screwed. When urea was high a decade ago, some was brought in from china by Green Prairie International in containers, but that is about all the fertilizer importing that will happen. Phos will be a barrier to expanded production in the future.
            So as a country we don't have the ability to import fertilizer. ?

            Would that not qualify as an infrastructure project?


              Nah I have been back hauling fertilizer, most sulphur blends, back to SK retailers all winter from Vancouver. 20’ containers on tipper tables get conveyed into the trailers. Looks like it is coming from Korea according to the labels.


                Originally posted by Taiga View Post
                Nah I have been back hauling fertilizer, most sulphur blends, back to SK retailers all winter from Vancouver. 20’ containers on tipper tables get conveyed into the trailers. Looks like it is coming from Korea according to the labels.
                Nobody wants to crawl out of Trail anymore?



                  Originally posted by bucket View Post
                  Canadian retailers not linked to Mosaic should be finding ways to get Russian/ Moroccan /Chinese phosphate brought in since there are no tariffs that I am aware of...but will be as this government will probably rollover for Mosaic as well.
                  why in fu-ck would any govt care more about mosaic then their farming industry ?
                  don't get it ?


                    Originally posted by helmsdale View Post
                    Nobody wants to crawl out of Trail anymore?
                    MES15 imported vs elemental from Trail. Haven’t hauled from Trail myself but other guys say that by the time you detour down there, chain up and down sometimes several times, wait time, it’s a real money loser.
                    Waited 17 hours to dump barley once in Abbotsford because they wanted to unload a rail car of canola meal first. I didn’t see a driver of the rail car anywhere... trucking is so abusive.


                      We need to get used to this going forward. I think someone is actually taking the long view here, short term pain for long term gain on rthe ultimate strategic resource.

                      This will motivate north American supplies to fill in the void, then our food supply can't be held hostage to foreign interests. Eventually at least.

                      Mining and resource extraction are coming back home, Trump started it, this administration may be pandering to the eco-loons publicly, but behind the scenes, the repatriation continues to accelerate under Biden.

                      Same thing will be happening with rare earth's, already happened with energy.


                        Originally posted by ajl View Post
                        Ports in canuckistan are not set up to import bulk commodities and the coast and mountains are a choke point so we are screwed. When urea was high a decade ago, some was brought in from china by Green Prairie International in containers, but that is about all the fertilizer importing that will happen. Phos will be a barrier to expanded production in the future.
                        We have a couple loads of phos with sulphur called Polar 42 on order from the local retailer, supposed to be a boat coming from China in the next week or so into Vancouver. First time I heard of someone bringing in anything from China.


                          Originally posted by Taiga View Post
                          MES15 imported vs elemental from Trail. Haven’t hauled from Trail myself but other guys say that by the time you detour down there, chain up and down sometimes several times, wait time, it’s a real money loser.
                          Waited 17 hours to dump barley once in Abbotsford because they wanted to unload a rail car of canola meal first. I didn’t see a driver of the rail car anywhere... trucking is so abusive.
                          O god... I destroyed $1200 worth of tire chains and split a $1100 tow job to the summit once upon a day. At least I "high marked"... if you ever see a bigfoot with tire-chains for jewelry, you'll know why as I threw them over an embankment and deposited them at the bottom of the valley coming off the salmo.

                          Also got to feel 4th gear fall to the bottom of the oil pan climbing out of cranbrook. It's a LONG shift from 3hi to 5lo.


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