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We Could Have Been Largely Free of the Pandemic by Now -Andrew Nikiforuk 25 Mar 2021

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    Here's the Alberta situation

    COVID-19 R values
    The R value, also known as the reproduction number, describes whether cases are currently increasing, decreasing or staying the same. It tells us average number of people that someone with COVID-19 will infect.
    For example, if the R value is:
    at 1, then an infected person will infect one other person, on average
    below 1, it means the rate of transmission was decreasing during that period
    above 1, the transmission rate was increasing
    R values from March 15 to 21 (confidence interval)
    Alberta provincewide: 1.14 (1.10-1.18)
    Edmonton Zone: 1.13 (1.05-1.21)
    Calgary Zone: 1.23 (1.17-1.29)
    Rest of Alberta: 1.05 (0.99-1.11)
    COVID-19 R values will be updated weekly.


      Here's an actual news report that real trolls might use for advantage.

      "Two months after the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Saskatchewan, there are no active cases in Regina.

      Here's what's changed in the two months since Sask.'s first COVID-19 case
      Seventy-six cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Regina in total. The first case was reported in Regina on March 14.

      “It puts us in a good place to cautiously reopen but we do realize there is an outbreak in the north west of the province,” Dr. Saqib Shahab said during Tuesday’s press conference. “It’s important that anyone with even mild symptoms in the province step forward for testing.”

      All true; but just maybe it was published a year ago.

      Of course; as of a couple days ago; Regina has half of Sask Sask cases; twice the positivity rates of rest of province; and our local school is closed to mid April. Maybe even worst positive case rate in Canada. Doesn't matter ...does it??
      Nothing to see in Sask???


        Now here is some really good news on the Covid vaccination front.

        Reliable reports are that we now have quite drastically available vaccine supplies for a least the next few weeks. Reports are the challenge may well be to get the vaccinations ramped up post haste; starting about right now.

        A second indicator is that immuno-compromized people are getting letters indicating prioitized vaccinations.

        Do we all consider this good news?. My only hope is that the reports are on the conservative side of what could happen; given best planning and full efforts towards cooperation.


          Originally posted by jazz View Post
          Sask govt just put out the call for eligibility in the age group 64-69, so from that I assume most 70+ yr olds have been booking and getting the shots imminently. In the north they have opened up eligibility right down to 50yrs.

          Just about everyone in LTC has had two shots.

          With 99% of the deaths in the 60 plus crowd and most of those in care homes, if the virus isnt blunted in the next few weeks, whats the alternative? Lock down again? There is no covid booster in the works that is around the corner.
          Sask gov’t has been at 62+ booking for 4 days now.

          It’s going to take a month or more for the over 60 in Saskatchewan to get a shot and another 2-3 weeks to build up anti-bodies. It’s a race against the variants at this point.

          With the idiot running our country we really don’t have a choice.

          Follow the guidelines. No one in the general public is being asked to go to war and risk their life. Our health care workers are and it’s the least we can do for them.


            Originally posted by oneoff View Post
            Now here is some really good news on the Covid vaccination front.

            Reliable reports are that we now have quite drastically available vaccine supplies for a least the next few weeks. Reports are the challenge may well be to get the vaccinations ramped up post haste; starting about right now.

            A second indicator is that immuno-compromized people are getting letters indicating prioitized vaccinations.

            Do we all consider this good news?. My only hope is that the reports are on the conservative side of what could happen; given best planning and full efforts towards cooperation.
            Your reliable reports are wrong Saskatchewan health will be calling and rescheduling appointments in rural areas this week because of vaccine shortages.


              They are lowering ages because 30-40% are NOT getting a shot. Rest will get done quicker. Easily 20% recovered don't need more VIRUS injected. Variants or more accurately MUTATIONS just happen, not all flew in from all over the planet. We have "mutants" too.


                Originally posted by Dr Tone View Post
                Your reliable reports are wrong Saskatchewan health will be calling and rescheduling appointments in rural areas this week because of vaccine shortages.
                Patience...we shall both see.


                  Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                  They are lowering ages because 30-40% are NOT getting a shot. Rest will get done quicker. Easily 20% recovered don't need more VIRUS injected. Variants or more accurately MUTATIONS just happen, not all flew in from all over the planet. We have "mutants" too.
                  Please provide contradictory definitions of "variants" and "mutations" as they pertain to a disease such as novel Covid. Each and every person has many many mutations that obviously don't cause identifiable variants. Its the relatively rare cases of more readily transmissible; or more severe disease causing VARIANTS that should be of concern.

                  Your other statements above are most probably just as far off the mark. OUR Sask premier did state that the Phase 1 age classification were lowered as 80% fulfillment of age bracket was booked and as vaccines were expected to be available. No reason for him to lie on such a fact...is there.

                  Where is there any indication of widespread cancellations of vaccine appointments has happened. Just because this same logic was applied to a certain big lie of widespread voter fraud; doesn't mean you'll get away with same deliberate lies concerning a Sask vaccination program.

                  Enough already

                  Learn to pronounce
                  plural noun: variants
                  a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.
                  "clinically distinct variants of malaria"

                  AND the following explanation of how commonplace mutations are; and how few are significant on their own

                  Quote: In fact, the G-T mutation is the single most common mutation in human DNA. It occurs about once in every 10,000 to 100,000 base pairs -- which doesn't sound like a lot, until you consider that the human genome contains 3 billion base pairs.Feb. 1, 2018 Unquote


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                    Michael Yeadon 25 Mar 2021 10:43AM
                    Once an infectious disease is endemic it's nonsensical to prevent a tiny proportion of people moving from A to B. The variants narrative is completely fallacious. I'm immunologically trained & can see gaping holes in the story. As an illustration, note that the most-different variant is still 99,7% identical to the original sequence. There's no way on earth that a 0.3% change will allow a variant to not be recognised by the immune system as the same virus. It's as if I put my baseball cap on back to front & expecting not to be recognised as Dr Mike Yeadon. Worse, once you realise it's all lies re variants, you surely get a wash of fear? Why have they all but closed borders? Why are they making top up vaccines? Why have global medicines regulators decided no safety studies are required? What's happened & happening does not add up. Once you accept that, you should become sceptical. There's risk of being told you're silly if you ask questions. But the far bigger risk is NOT questioning things. No one is going to come & put all this mess right. Only we can do that & only if enough of us say "I'm not putting up with this nonsense a moment longer", Please do that. I can't communicate how vital it is that you do.
                    Dr Mike Yeadon
                    Last edited by Jordy2323; Mar 28, 2021, 08:36.


                      Amazing how some posters post misinformation without any second thoughts. Like Jazz declaring everyone over 70 have been vaccinated because they are opening booking to 64-69 year old. Or jwab claiming 50% in Chile vaccinated without giving any indication how he came up with this number and in spite of vaccination tracking sites such as this https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations one showing only 17% of Chileans are fully vaccinated as of March 27. Or fjilip saying 20% of Saskatchewan don't need to be vaccinated because they have had Covid. Based on what facts fjlip? US blood donor testing? And how does this correlate to Saskatchewan. Or the calls by many that masks should no longer be needed and business open because we are vaccinating and since this is not happening somehow proves either vaccinations don't work or masks and socialdistance never worked, or whatever propaganda this group is trying to peddle.

                      There is an article in today's new york times that I recommend reading. It is a look at what is happening in Brazil right now. Over 300,000 have died. 125 people AN HOUR are now dying from Covid in Brazil. Hospitals are overrun. Think our waiting lists for elective surgery is bad in Canada, the article states: "In Rio Grande do Sul, the state that includes Porto Alegre, the waiting list for intensive care unit beds doubled over the past two weeks, to 240 critically ill patients." This article is a remarkable story of the rejection of science, failure to take any precautions against the spread like masking, and relying on unproven drugs for treatment. It is a failure by the president of Brazil, the government, and the people by seeing Covid as nothing more than the flu. What is really interesting is the vaccination per 100 numbers of Brazil and Canada are just about identical. This is a what Canada could face if we do not continue to take vaccinations seriously and continue to practice things like masks and social distancing to minimize spread until we reach the potential for herd immunity. And it is a long way off yet, even if 20% have had it as fjlip claims. Do read this article if nothing else today: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/27/world/americas/virus-brazil-bolsonaro.html?campaign_id=2&emc=edit_th_20210328& instance_id=28576&nl=todaysheadlines&regi_id=50975 083&segment_id=54360&user_id=7a12d123dfb1d02ee141d bfea005288b https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/27/world/americas/virus-brazil-bolsonaro.html?campaign_id=2&emc=edit_th_20210328& instance_id=28576&nl=todaysheadlines&regi_id=50975 083&segment_id=54360&user_id=7a12d123dfb1d02ee141d bfea005288b https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/27/world/americas/virus-brazil-bolsonaro.html?campaign_id=2&emc=edit_th_20210328& instance_id=28576&nl=todaysheadlines&regi_id=50975 083&segment_id=54360&user_id=7a12d123dfb1d02ee141d bfea005288b

                      And before taking the vaccination numbers that are being thrown out on here with no reference from where they come from, at least consider this global vaccination tracking site to get a fact based snapshot as to actual numbers of people vaccinated around the world. You will see the world is not nearly as close to herd immunity anywhere as some people want you to think it is. There is a tonne of information here. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations


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