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Friday Crop Report on A Thursday.

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    Friday Crop Report on A Thursday.

    Hey, I see that the provincial gov in Saskatchewan is looking for a few Crop Reporters. Wow, maybe I should try again to see if I Qualify.

    Some seeding is taking place in Montana and Southern Alberta a few were thinking before the storm that wasn't a storm hit.

    Manitoba one guy looked like he was seeding but really it's March in Canada.

    Dry conditions have not improved with the last few dustings of snow and wind and cool temps. Actually probably took some moisture away.

    Seeding for us begins on the Last week of April or May 1. It works we have tried as early as the 20th of April and had a shit show. One year one guy seeded in April and actually had an average crop but he didn't freeze 2002. But that summer you were looking for warmth all year. Bitter cold year.

    So my guess it will be late April.

    last year this weekend we started the spring harvest which was a continuation of the fall harvest that sucked. Thank god we don't have to do that again.

    Don't build anything this year wow has everything gone up in price. For example, if we wanted to pour concrete in our big shed and insulate it's more for the concrete than the entire building cost. No it's not a pole shed it's a 3ft grade beam with 16 ft 2x6 walls.

    Oh, year Skippy gave us an increase again in Everything with an extra Carbon tax bump up. Oh, don't worry about all the politicians they gave themselves a big fat raise.

    Land and rent are both insane this spring.

    But try to buy some machinery from dealers. Wow. See New has to be priced so high because well the new things it has like a plug for your phone sure make spending 700000 real easy.

    Now your trade that we have on the lot but not as equipped up is valued at 260 thousand, Oh yes we want 375000 for the lesser one with more hours. Now we have to make sure it's all perfect so we can sell it so you will have to pay for the extra costs of a rebuild.

    Make the deal a week later your trade they want 385000.00 Look at all the stuff it has wow come on Mr. Farmer.

    It's a game every deal they need to make $100000 off. New or Used to keep the lights on.

    This whole thing reminds me of the hay day-spring of 1981. Then the dry years hit and interest rates went up and Canada was almost broke thanks to a Trudeau. Sound familiar.

    Seeding intentions for 2021.

    Canola 5000
    Wheat 3800
    Barley 600
    Peas 600

    Bins will be empty by the end of July.

    Have a Happy Easter, be kind and be safe, plus please social distance and wear a mask.

    It’s early I know but today a guy is seeding in southern Alberta it’s on Twitter and he is head of some farm organization.

    We’re still playing in the snow and ground froze solid.


      Seed is getting cleaned.

      Water running snow melting


        Pretty dry and breezy out west.

        Neighbour had a smouldering brush pile flare up yesterday. Burnt about 40 acres and a muskeg. The county came and helped them get it out and now we’re helping them dig out the hot spots.
        Be careful 🍀

        On a side note............

        Got a case of this as a birthday present and I think it’s pretty good. Made in Edmonton to boot.

        Happy Easter from my herd to yours😎


          Windy and soil is moving. Super dry.


            Today was windy and high of 19. Snow dropping fast by Sunday all will be gone. Geese are wondering if they should stay or fly further north. I hope they keep moving on.
            It’s all a learning experience



              Only word I can use to describe cattle.....delicious.


                Woodland, I'd also have to concur with Bucket, "Only word I can use to describe cattle.....delicious."

                also I'm gonna have to get a box of that Alberta Ale,,, the art work on that can is cool, if the beer is good, double bonus.


                  Went to Rosenort to pick up steel, poor visibility from blowing dirt around Carman. Saw one guy scraping dirt in one field and that's about it. Help Wanted signs in front of every shop , all busy and if you have a pulse , come in and we will give you a try.


                    Talked to two contractors yesterday in Regina. They have never been this busy and are looking for guys.


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