Hugh Segal a former Conservative senator and Chief of Staff to Brian Mulroney has been arguing for a guaranteed basic income for years.
Says we already have one for seniors called the Guaranteed Income Supplement.
He argues a guaranteed basic income would lift many vulnerable people out of poverty and give a lift to our economy with their increased spending. Plus cut the cost of delivering a complex system of other welfare programs.
He’s Urged a Guaranteed Income for Years. Are We Ready Yet?
Hugh Segal on his new book ‘Bootstraps Need Boots: One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty.’
Says we already have one for seniors called the Guaranteed Income Supplement.
He argues a guaranteed basic income would lift many vulnerable people out of poverty and give a lift to our economy with their increased spending. Plus cut the cost of delivering a complex system of other welfare programs.
He’s Urged a Guaranteed Income for Years. Are We Ready Yet?
Hugh Segal on his new book ‘Bootstraps Need Boots: One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty.’