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O'Foole proves he is a Liberal in a Blue suit

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    In 2019, sheer floated the idea of using technology and innovation to address climate hoax and that was flatly rejected. Canadians like being taxed hard.

    Otoole just giving them what they want with a different spin. Now by leaving the carbon fund for each individual to use as they see fit, he gets around the big govt administration and using it to buy votes. Its your fund to do with what you want. Its more of a self tax than anything. I think its better than what Trudeau is pushing. At least should be able to confuse and dazzle the retards at CBC and CTV and in the GTA.


      Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
      The trouble is, without addressing climate, like or not, if the CPC doesn't have a plan for climate they have NO hope of winning the next election. The alt left Liberanos have convinced too many in Canada that it's an issue. Far too many want to be woke snowflakes. They think it's cool. Unfortunately they're just flakes so ...

      By positioning themselves here the Cons have taken a weapon away from the alt left. I can't help but wonder if Harper had supported legalized marijuana if we would never have had the alt left sock puppet in power? I'm sure soros would have found a way to get him in. Just a harder road.
      Although, when various polls are done with Canadians, "climate Change" usually ranks far down the list of concerns Canadians have, 10 or 12 of 15, sometimes even lower.

      I will however, Braveheart,,, not argue with you, that "climate change" is very important to those in the Media !


        Originally posted by jazz View Post
        Dont worry what otoole said. Play the game Trudeau plays, promise everything to the mouth breathers and then find a reason why it cant be done once you are in office.

        The media is going to hammer climate change now after covid. You heard the CNN undercover report say the same thing. Have to have something to counter it and this is the only thing that will work.

        Now otoole needs to talk up some unicorns and solar panels for the real climate cult. Just say anything. Voters are dumb as nails.
        You are bang on Jazz. i would have said, the supreme court has ruled, we are accepting the tax that justin has put on us. get elected, and then do what you want.


          To start with we have to flush the TURD.
          If Tool is a Tool we will worry about that later..


            Is this the case of the DEVIL we know that we don't want?


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              In 2019, sheer floated the idea of using technology and innovation to address climate hoax and that was flatly rejected. Canadians like being taxed hard.

              Otoole just giving them what they want with a different spin. Now by leaving the carbon fund for each individual to use as they see fit, he gets around the big govt administration and using it to buy votes. Its your fund to do with what you want. Its more of a self tax than anything. I think its better than what Trudeau is pushing. At least should be able to confuse and dazzle the retards at CBC and CTV and in the GTA.
              You are ignoring the fact that Otoole has only designated a short list of goods for which the carbon tax saving can be used to purchase like bus passes and bicycles. Yet all fuels will have the carbon levy. Now that work for city dwellers but until I know what the individual carbon fund can be used in agriculture I am not going to claim it is better given the amount of fuel/levy that the average farm will be charged an saved. I am not interested in going into the bicycle business.


                Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                You are ignoring the fact that Otoole has only designated a short list of goods for which the carbon tax saving can be used to purchase like bus passes and bicycles. Yet all fuels will have the carbon levy. Now that work for city dwellers but until I know what the individual carbon fund can be used in agriculture I am not going to claim it is better given the amount of fuel/levy that the average farm will be charged an saved. I am not interested in going into the bicycle business.
                **** no, your mans $170/tonne way better


                  He couldn’t even offer an olive branch to this base and say agricultural grain drying fuel will be exempt.
                  If you just introduce similar liberal policies how are you offering anything different from the other two parties to attract new voters? All you are doing is turning people away.
                  I doubt there will be any fiscal conservatism coming so that theme is lost as well.
                  All we can hope for is less scandal and corruption, Trudeau set the bar low there.


                    What a disappointment both Toole and Scheer have been. Trudeau has had no opposition because these guys are same as APAS - U-S-E-L-E-S-S


                      Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                      Otoole is left of Chrétien. The shift to the left continues on.
                      Erin O'Foole 1's positioning spots Jean Chretien and Paul Martin as social conservatives (which they were).

                      Justin O'Foole 2 is *so far out in left field* that, by comparison, Tommy Douglas could have been a Baptist minister (which he was).

                      Somewhere both left-wing parties broke into a thought-free contest for Dumb and Dumber, their competition coinciding with their departure from any morals. And then eventually we had Jackass Layton...

                      And now, like a bunch of extremely stupid juveniles fully engaged in a schoolyard battle for Most Popular Idiot, the O'Foole cons are chasing them in their battle for irrelevance.

                      The CPC will be nearly eliminated in the next election.

                      *so far out in left field* - the extremes of any ideology all lead to a fascist mentality, followed by subsequent actions.

                      With Justin Jackboots Trudeau, we are quickly getting there.

                      May God have mercy on us. Ach, how could He? We say He doesn't exist.

                      And when we look at history and now the present, I don't think anyone would dare say that evil does not exist...

                      So if that's your belief system, it looks like you are on your own, like a child fighting off a ruthless pedophile, trying to repel a remorseless, determined evil.

                      But go ahead and vote for your choice of diktator. Like it will make any difference at this point...


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