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    Compare the covid numbers between Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia's population is 924,000. Saskatchewan's population is 1.17 million.

    Saskatchewan by population has one of the worst records and Nova Scotia one of the best.

    Saskatchewan has about 7 times the number of deaths and only about a 25% bigger population.
    Last edited by chuckChuck; Apr 20, 2021, 07:57.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      Why are bars and restaurants still open when more dangerous variants are on the rise and affecting workers? Bars and restaurants are not essential. Laid off workers can receive support. Business owners can receive support.
      Bars and restaurants are closed and have been for almost 3 weeks. All schools as well. Large retail restricted. All city rec centers shuttered.

      But I am sure the NDP could save us if its a destroyed economy you are looking for. They excelled at that decades before the pandemic. Hell by that time someone might even notice the opioid death surge in the city.

      Nova Scotia is a Liberal hell hole economy that has been raging since the 90s. It might as well be New Zealand with no economy. Sask sits on the nexus of all of our counties exports. Its more important economically than any maritime province ever will be as evidence of our per capita GDP twice what those places are.
      Last edited by jazz; Apr 20, 2021, 08:00.


        https://www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-measures. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-measures.

        Only in Regina are bars and restaurants closed. Moe is waiting for covid to get much worse in the rest of sasky before he shuts them down. Closing the barn door after the proverbial horse has ran away!

        All restaurants and licensed establishments (bars, taverns, nightclubs)

        See above for restaurant and licensed establishment restrictions in place for Regina and area.
        No alcohol sales after 10 p.m. in licensed establishments
        Limited to seat four at a single table
        If there are impermeable barriers between the tables, tables must be placed two metres apart. If there are no impermeable barriers between tables, there must be a three metre distance between all tables.
        Restaurants and licensed establishments must maintain guest/reservation information on all patrons.
        Review the Restaurants and Licensed Establishments Guidelines.


          Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
          Maybe the vax won't kill you outright, but will it affect you later on in life?

          Prove that statement.

          What is your fixation with wanting to flee to Quebec?
          It isn't up to me to prove that the vaccine will harm you. I was asking if the people that want everyone to get the vax knew if it will affect you later on in life. It is up to you to prove that it won't. It is you advocating for EVERYONE to get the shot before it has been thoroughly tested to health canada standards.

          In case you missed my point since things tend to go over your head, I was saying that at this point, nobody knows if the vaccine is safe since it isn't properly tested.


            [QUOTE=flea beetle;494017]
            Originally posted by checking View Post

            It isn't up to me to prove that the vaccine will harm you. I was asking if the people that want everyone to get the vax knew if it will affect you later on in life. It is up to you to prove that it won't. It is you advocating for EVERYONE to get the shot before it has been thoroughly tested to health canada standards.

            In case you missed my point since things tend to go over your head, I was saying that at this point, nobody knows if the vaccine is safe since it isn't properly tested.
            They forced Canadian children to wear masks in schools all day but didn't bother to check if they are safe. BOMBSHELL: Disposable blue face masks found to contain toxic, asbestos-like substance that destroys lungs. Yet people blindly put their faith in our health authorities, let me tell the health authorities from Health Canada and the manufacturers should be sued and heads need to roll. Corrupt through and through.
            Here is the article from Natural News:
            https://archive.ph/VfsWn# https://archive.ph/VfsWn#
            Last edited by biglentil; Apr 20, 2021, 08:31.


              Originally posted by checking View Post

              That's been the premise of all of Flea's posts, debating with numerous Agriville Posters. Every Agriville Poster has stated nobody is forcing you take the Covid Vaccination, that's your choice. Flea then comes back you are restricting me from traveling within Canada if not vaccinate, which is not true at this point as Ontario is not allowing anyone from another province to enter by car, vaccinated or not.

              That's been Flea's response on five pages on this thread.

              Bottom line Flea's an anti vaxxer and anti science there's no question about just spinning it in another direction.

              Flea don't get Vaccinated
              Travel isn't restricted if you don't have the vax AT THIS POINT, but it is being proposed that travel restrictions will be put in place. Don't you think it is smarter to advocate for your rights, BEFORE they are taken away? Rather than after they are already gone? Is it even legal to block the borders of interprovincial travel?

              Where am I an anti-vaxer. My family has their flu shots. It is a proven vaccine. I am simply waiting for science to prove that the covid shot is safe. How exactly is that being anti-science? Isn't trying to thwart health canada's testing procedures more anti-science than waiting for them to go through their normal procedure?

              Please answer that bolded statement.

              And don't worry forage, I won't be getting the vax until it is proven safe. If you want to be a guinea pig, have at it. But don't come crying on here if some ill side effect shows up later on. Although, sterility would probably be a good thing in your case.
              Last edited by flea beetle; Apr 20, 2021, 08:43.


                Its up to big pharma and our govts to prove its safe and it would go along way if the FDA took it off EUA for one. No drug has ever been mass produced and distributed while under EUA. Ever try to get a pre approved drug authorized for compassionate use? I have for my father in law when he had cancer. No way they would let any of those drugs out, nor would they let him enroll in the trials. More people died from cancer than covid yet none of those experimental drugs go out for us until they are all the way through Ph3 trials.

                Big pharma has short circuited the usual process, so in my opinion, they have an extra responsibility to prove this is safe. And I dont mean animal studies or tightly selected control groups.

                So skepticism is well placed, until more data comes through.


                  [QUOTE=flea beetle;494020]
                  Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                  And don't worry forage, I won't be getting the vax until it is proven safe. If you want to be a guinea pig, have at it. But don't come crying on here if some ill side effect shows up later on. Although, sterility would probably be a good thing in your case.

                  I get that we don't agree with each other regarding the vaccine, but is this really called for?

                  Your against the vaccine I get that, yet I never stated that if you get Covid don't come crying on here. Covid is serious, Canadians die from it.

                  Not even going to touch the sterility part. I'll leave the debate at this point.

                  Good health to all on here.


                    Wow. Cant take a little jab after giving one? You need thicker skin...


                      I think it is more that you don’t want to answer the bolded statement above.


                        Flea Beetle, and all the others who are questioning the safety of vaccines, I really want to know how about your farming practices. I assume none of you use glyphosate anymore given the questions about its safety. Did you ever use glyphosate? Or did you quit when IARC labeled it as a 2A carcinogenic? Since diesel exhaust is rated as carcinogenic (IARC 1 rating) have you gone back to horses and parked all diesel powered equipment? How long do you wait to use a new to the market pesticide to make sure it is safe or do you not use any pesticides including organic pesticides? Have you ever used biological products on your farm and how did you determine they were safe to apply to food crops given the limited testing of them? Will you ever grow a GMO crop? When and how will you be absolutely sure GMOs are safe?
                        Last edited by dmlfarmer; Apr 20, 2021, 10:35.



                          You must be a Philadelphia lawyer to pluck up and cause a chain reaction of pluck ups in what is a post credited to a name, and what is a correct repeat of a post of what a person actually wrote.

                          Lawyer advice now (sorry Philadelphia) can you please correct your plucking mistake which will allow me to get the spit out of my mouth on anything flea has said credited to me.

                          Reflect, deny, reject can only take the cult a certain distance. Infinity isn't it.


                            Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                            It’s been a month, dude. And your response was predictable, towing the narrative line always works. And no, people aren’t generally wearing masks. Can you show a chart of the mask states beside the non mask states and explain why Texan numbers are dropping while mask states skyrocket?
                            No, pretty sure no one can explain anything to you.


                              DML it isn’t vaccines we are questioning. It is unproven/untested vaccines that we are questioning.

                              Care to answer the bolded question since forage ran away?


                                "Isn't trying to thwart health Canada's testing procedures more anti-science than waiting for them to go through their normal procedure?"

                                Answer the question? TruAnons....

                                0.003% positive cases in NS, how the h*ll does that compute for being rational? Waste of $72 million!


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