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    Originally posted by farming101 View Post
    Flea why do you say that? There are 588 people on ventilators in Ontario hospitals. No test needed now...
    But how many people have been tested and tested positive with no or very little symptoms? How many people have had it and didn't even know they had it? I am guessing many multiples of thousands.

    I am willing to bet that there are at least double the amount of positive cases than actually caught. Most, if not all, of those didn't even know they had it.


      Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
      They did not skimp over phase 3 testing it is ongoing. The same way as if you have not sold all your 2020 crop does not mean you skipped growing a crop in 2020.
      Phase 3 is "ongoing" but there is a vaccine in how many millions of people already? NOT NORMAL TESTING METHODS! Not even close.


        Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
        But how many people have been tested and tested positive with no or very little symptoms? How many people have had it and didn't even know they had it? I am guessing many multiples of thousands.

        I am willing to bet that there are at least double the amount of positive cases than actually caught. Most, if not all, of those didn't even know they had it.
        Yes it is reasonable to think that not all cases have come forward for a test.


          Originally posted by farming101 View Post
          Yes it is reasonable to think that not all cases have come forward for a test.
          Several of the closely-knit communities in this part of the Province have had it sweep thru their families and had only a few tested as required by regulations for their work. So how does one put a percentage on those folks?

          No deaths, only cases from no symptoms to heavy colds.

          In another instance, an entire family of 5 or 6 had to be tested for international travel. They had both the PCR and antigen test, the latter of which showed antibodies for all of them.

          They remember having a cold last fall. Had they not traveled since then, they would not have known they ever had the Wuhan virus.

          It's making the rounds in our rural area now, with a few neighbours contracting it. Loss of sense of smell, taste and bad headaches.

          Most that I know are being smart about their interactions.

          How is it spreading?

          The actual infection rate could be 10 times higher than "tests" show.

          And then there is the matter of false positives...


            Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
            The usual pokes, anyone who has to come on a forum to brag about their sales is usually insecure.
            I don’t make time for that type in real life, it’s no different here.
            And you are a sweetheart, jwab.
            Listen, this is a marketing thread. I greatly appreciate a fellow farmer like bucket who will share what the flax market is up to in his area. He has made this farm more dollars, just on his commentary of that market than even he might imagine. Thank you, bucket. (cheque is in the mail!).
            Granted, I could have indicated what a piddle amount of soybean sales nets $50,000.00, because that is a necessary math part, but the over riding point was that you could not get me down with your vaccine view. It's an analogy lesson that that happens everyday in real life that you should make time for.
            We, finally, have matched, maybe even exceeded what burnt realized for his Ontario beans, months ago. It only took a 120 year old, state after state freeze the third week of April to bring it about. Buyers still won't par prairie beans to eastern beans.
            Now granted , jwab, you at least are up to speed over flea beetle. He doesn't understand analogies, only WTF, he has been distracted by chasing yet another squirrel.


              Originally posted by jwab
              And you are a sweetheart, jwab.
              Listen, this is a marketing thread. I greatly appreciate a fellow farmer like bucket who will share what the flax market is up to in his area. He has made this farm more dollars, just on his commentary of that market than even he might imagine. Thank you, bucket. (cheque is in the mail!).
              Granted, I could have indicated what a piddle amount of soybean sales nets $50,000.00, because that is a necessary math part, but the over riding point was that you could not get me down with your vaccine view. It's an analogy lesson that that happens everyday in real life that you should make time for.
              We, finally, have matched, maybe even exceeded what burnt realized for his Ontario beans, months ago. It only took a 120 year old, state after state freeze the third week of April to bring it about. Buyers still won't par prairie beans to eastern beans.
              Now granted , jwab, you at least are up to speed over flea beetle. He doesn't understand analogies, only WTF, he has been distracted by chasing yet another squirrel.
              No. It was just that your "analogy" (which wasn’t really an analogy btw) made no sense at all....thus the wtf are you talking about!

              BS Checking!
              Last edited by flea beetle; Apr 25, 2021, 08:13.


                Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                And LUCKY bastards... NO LIABILITY if it f*cks millions up! That is my elephant in the room, they have no faith in vaxes. AND they used Chinese genome sequence to cook up the Vaxes!
                No thanks CCP!

                How can people not be suspicious?????
                Do you honestly think that China's genome sequence was not verified by several independent third parties?
                Even Ronald Reagan said of the Soviets, "trust, but verify". Come on, fjlip.

                You would f*ck an elephant??

                Look, flea beetle wants 100% assurance that this vaccine won't harm him. News for him. He will wait forever because no vaccine, even flu vaccines, are 100% safe, or effective for everyone. He will not receive that guarantee from the supplier. Life is risk vs reward, and most will choose their +- tolerance. Flea beetle has abdicated from making a decision with the excuse in allowing the supplier to make the decision for him.

                This is not unlike the guy that wants a computer, but he wants to wait for a faster model. He will wait, forever, since the one on the store shelf is already obsolete before the next faster model is delivered. And the one after that ...


                  Flea beetle.

                  Was that an analogy, or just a WTF moment for you?


                    "Do you honestly think that China's genome sequence was not verified by several independent third parties?"

                    Not what the interview with a Pfizer or Moderna researcher stated to CBC. They got it from China. They made the mRNA Vax out of that genome sequence.

                    CBC is god like, right? I believe them.

                    Prove it wrong.


                      Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                      "Do you honestly think that China's genome sequence was not verified by several independent third parties?"

                      Not what the interview with a Pfizer or Moderna researcher stated to CBC. They got it from China. They made the mRNA Vax out of that genome sequence.

                      CBC is god like, right? I believe them.

                      Prove it wrong.
                      Well, how about, Jan 29, 2020. The Instit Pasteur which is responsible for monitoring respiratory viruses in France, sequenced the whole genome of the coronavirus known as "2019-nCoV" becoming the first institute in Europe to sequence the virus since the start of the outbreak.

                      Now, put your head back in your bubble wrap and shut up.

                      The mrna vaccine companies used the CRISPR technique. Perhaps it was you who questioned, or agreed with one of the cult, 'how could these vaccines be developed so quickly. They take decades to develop, and then test. They can't be safe to be given to humans in the time frame that they have". CRISPR shaved time from the equation, work done on previous viruses shaved time, and yes, we got lucky that the mrna vaccines worked.

                      Accept it, and all world can get on with life, and restoring our economies.

                      I know, I know, its too much to ask.


                        Dying of covid is the most severe outcome. What about those in the hospital for weeks and possibly a ventilator? They need months of recovery and have lifelong problems. Just quoting death rates does not tell the whole story. What about stress caregivers and medical staff suffer? Vaccination with a safe vaccine is the only way out.


                          Originally posted by checking View Post
                          CRISPR shaved time from the equation, work done on previous viruses shaved time, and yes, we got lucky that the mrna vaccines worked.

                          Accept it, and all world can get on with life, and restoring our economies.

                          I know, I know, its too much to ask.
                          You are aware that CRISPR was attempted on the human genome directly in fetuses with the hope that human diseases could be corrected someday

                          I will just give you the readers digest version, but the resulting off target mutations lead to the banning of that technology for such uses.

                          Little early to crow about safety.


                            Cases , deaths in Israel exactly the same as one year ago...NO VAXES then...explain.


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