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      What a circle jerk. Take your hard earned dollars away on the one hand but wait for it. On the other hand they’re going to rebate your money back so nothing to get excited about. The only people enjoying this waste of time will be the bureaucrats who I assume will be working for free.

      Have a great day.


        Consumer is the key word in Chucks propaganda piece.
        It won't matter what the consumer gets back from a CO2 tax.
        It is businesses who will be paying it all, and not getting it back. Businesses who don't vote.
        Businesses who hire employees, who use that income to become consumers.
        After driving all the businesses over seas or into bankruptcy by unfairly burdening them with a CO2 tax which their competition around the world is not paying, there will be no jobs, no consumers, no revenue from the CO2 tax to redistribute to the consumers( voters).
        And no reduction in CO2 output worldwide, since other countries will fill the void left by our exiting businesses.

        How can anyone who pretends to be a farmer ( business owner) be signing up for their own demise?


          BS chuck. Guy from CFIB was here yesterday. He said they’ve calculated the tax per acre with Carbon at $170 per tonne is $30 an acre. $150 thousand dollars for a 5 thousand acre farm


            Originally posted by Livewire View Post
            BS chuck. Guy from CFIB was here yesterday. He said they’ve calculated the tax per acre with Carbon at $170 per tonne is $30 an acre. $150 thousand dollars for a 5 thousand acre farm
            I would say hoarding urea might be a good venture to get into.


              This is a false economy. Reminds me of the child in a Kafka novel.


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