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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Ah how far we have fallen as a country under skippy's rule. The USA and other places got the vaccines and people are getting vaccinated and life in Some states is returning to normal. A young USA couple we hang with in Florida just got back from Vegas a couple of weeks ago now are in Jamaica and will be going to Europe this summer all thanks to them both having both sets of vaccines 21 days apart. In Canada I am lucky to have one shot of the vaccine but who knows how long till the second. In Sask probably earlier than other provinces but what June. Skippy is keeping the border south closed they say now till Fall or later.

    We will need a passport to travel it's coming just watch.

    It's time his 15 min are up. More Debt than all the other PMs combined should be a red flag.

    Ok Rant over here is the crop report for the end of April till today.

    Planting of the 21 crops is moving along quite fast with some guys south of us having up to 44% of the crop seeded and are now waiting on warm weather to finally arrive so they can plant Canola and crops that dont like getting froze off every morning. Global warming my ass.

    For our area, we are at 13% some north are waiting a bit longer and Friday will be the start day.

    Peas are almost all seeded with a quarter or two left. Lentils are going in our area due to it being dry and lentils love dry vs Canola.

    Barley is being seeded and acres are up but maybe not as much as I thought. Guys are talking flax and lentils which means wheat and canola could be flat to wheat down in acres.

    Wheat is just starting to be seeded and we have about the same as peas in so far with the second drill.

    Canola is in Bags in a warm shed waiting to be seeded.

    This weeks cold over night temps and cold ground has left guys scared to seed to early then have to reseed and this year seed is tight supply so reseeding could be a challenge.

    Fire is a bad thing and when it's a dry spring or summer or fall it's even worse. Cleaning up the grass around a house led to a big fire yesterday that got some land that now looks like a forest fire ripped through it. Around 6 quarters are black before it was stopped last night. 8 tractors and discs etc plus two fire crews and a bunch of guys worked to get it out.

    Put the ****ing matches away and don't throw your cigarette out the window.

    Water for spraying could be an issue come summer and water for cattle looks to be an even bigger issue. Dugouts in creeks had a min runoff and will drop fast.

    The weather pattern that has been in place since last July hasn't changed and nothing really for moisture has happened. Total for the season since April 1st is 2/10. plus snow from winter has helped our area.

    Flea beetles are out and with nothing really green is eating most things could be interesting with the shit they treat seed with now. sure miss the old stuff that cleaned up a lot of this mess.

    Spraying for weeds is min as nothing really is growing. leaves arent out yet that's a sign it's still cold.

    Have a great week and be safe and put the matches away.

    On grain prices what can I say

    Smoke’m if you got them.

    Nice run up and maybe a little more top left in these or is this like everything else a uptick in all prices.

    Maybe a sheet of lumber is worth 95 in 2021

    Maybe a steel and coal are worth this price

    Maybe grain should be 10 or higher for wheat

    Maybe all real commodities should be up and not just CEO bonuses.

    Super cycle I’m thinking as yes it’s dry and yes SA corn is bad and yes they over estimated years of Canola but this new cycle makes owning a 70000 tractor that in 1984 is worth 700000 now.

    At 24 canola and 9 plus wheat maybe it is.



      Oh you can still get stuck I’m on a half that had hail last year and a big rain sure different than by town.


        What are others seeing going on in their area?

        Please post because this report is more reliable than any provincial report or paid by companies reporting (Remember Big BS Canola crop report last year)


          -1 this morn better than -8 yesterday fair bit of wheat in already in area . Banding fert for barley today and seems others doing the same till warms up. Hay fields starting to green up but pastures not so much. Neighbor sowed canola yesterday so let the games begin. My buddy texted me saying potatoes all in by Friday and GPS in mother deere would not work . He seemed kinda BITCHY!


            2 camps here.

            Insane fired up BTO fall 2020 crop dumpers jizzing in their pants cant wait to get this crop in the ground so they can get some of the rally before it evaporates.

            Other group pretty calm. Not pushing the cold nights. Maybe starting today now. Still giving the market a pounding selling old crop. Old crop lentils 34c today.


              Lentils like it on the dry side, but even they need some moisture. Do you think 34 cents will go to 40 cents if we leave our outfits in the shed?


                About 70% of us got going this week, trying to get into moisture while it’s still there. No rain in the seven day forecast from either Drew or Weather Network. Should have all our wheat in by early next week, it would be nice to see a half inch of rain before we switch to canola.


                  Today, we might start dealing with some of the rough fields where we had to disc our crops under last year.


                    How to tell who is still in the Grain Rally and who doesnt have a bushel left in the game.

                    We play it with everyone we talk to.

                    Start talking about grain prices today and watch them say we need to first grow a crop or yea 15 for fall looks really good.

                    They are out of ****ing grain.

                    If they say selling today at over 22 sure is nice they have lots left.

                    My calculations is guys even with lots of money and a tax problem will liquidate at these prices.

                    We have a number in mind and when it hits it's all gone.

                    Lotto max maybe can happen.

                    have a great day and trust a farmer not a ****er in an office.

                    Larry Weber is on the farmer's side and he is the only one.

                    The rest can go pound sand with their big crops and not getting out and seeing what the **** was happening.

                    Farmers got screwed and it would of continued if the drought didnt show up and **** up a great plan.

                    Grow more by 24 and get 9 to 10 and be ****ing happy.


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