After Trudeau was elected many oil guys here vowed to not hire a Newfie because the buggers came here and did well and then went home and returned the favour voting liberal. Goes around comes around. This slowdown has caused oil companies to tighten their belts and trend to thermal and secondary recovery on multiple well pads. Means higher production, less footprint, less need for oil services, less workers, and more guaranteed production which means cheaper cost per barrel. Still will be cold wells but biggest manpower demand is digging new wells and that isn’t happening much. Even development of thermal projects is scaled back until things stabilize and demand grows which isn’t indicated. Long story short, Newfie’s Maritimers and Ontarioans better find somewhere else to make a living they can crap on at election time. Same goes for teachers who can’t get jobs in the eastern homes so they come out here and try to poison the minds of our children with their lefty drivel. We don’t need or want you.
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Newfoundland effectively insolvent
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