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Frost Damage

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    Originally posted by Blaithin View Post
    Someone on here was laughing at me when I said old farmer logic was don’t seed until trees leaf out.

    Trees really leafed out here last week. Canola planted last week is safe in the ground still, got this lovely rain, and should be set to go.

    The scale up in acres puts the pressure on to get the seed in the ground ASAP. Unfortunately ASAP to get at the dirt doesn’t always equal ASAP for the seedlings. It’s a tough call. Hopefully not too many people take a big hit for it this year.

    Kind of ridiculous to get mad at meteorologists and climate supporters and use the season as proof global warming isn’t happening. It was warm enough people started seeding in March.... yet cool enough that Mother Nature was telling everyone “Don’t do it yet!”

    So which is it. So warm people can start seeding earlier than they ever have before!

    Or so cold that stuff seeded earlier than ever before now needs reseeded?

    Obviously it has to be one or the other. The world works in black and white after all.
    Trying to seed canola into moisture a few days earlier is better than waiting for the perfect date and seeding into dust .... it does not always rain to save the day
    Hindsight is 20/20 .
    Very few were seeding canola real early here , most waited and started a bit earlier than normal to try to get into moisture while it lasted .

    No one anywhere could have predicted over 30 hrs of below zero in a 72 hr period .
    Kinda crazy how those that don’t , need to tell those that do .
    Strange world is never black or white


      All farming is calculated risk.

      Buy and apply fungicide and then conditions aren’t a concern anyway or think conditions aren’t a concern so don’t buy and apply and then get kicked in the ass.

      Keep cattle over because you have the grass and think markets will go up. Rain shuts off, grass disappears and the market tanks.

      Seed early to get at moisture and harvest early. Smoke from fires delays maturity anyway and a wet fall delays harvest.

      It’s why farmers are addicted to all the weather apps and get angry/frustrated when it doesn’t manifest as predicted. Pretty much every decision is a gamble based on what the weather is going to do with a sprinkle of market stress as a garnish.


        Logic dictates that you get seeding done as soon as possible to beat summer heat during the all important blossoming stage of all crops. Have read studies years ago, by agrologists mind you not politicians or environmental types that have proven yield advantage in cereals through early seeding. Not only is there a yield advantage to seeding early, we as farmers never know when the the next weather event, break down, or nh3 shortage may stop you in your tracks.


          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
          Trying to seed canola into moisture a few days earlier is better than waiting for the perfect date and seeding into dust .... it does not always rain to save the day
          Hindsight is 20/20 .
          Very few were seeding canola real early here , most waited and started a bit earlier than normal to try to get into moisture while it lasted .

          No one anywhere could have predicted over 30 hrs of below zero in a 72 hr period .
          Kinda crazy how those that don’t , need to tell those that do .
          Strange world is never black or white
          If you’re trying to say I don’t grow crops so how can I tell people what to do... when have I ever told anyone what to do? I like to offer a different perspective or approach but I would never offer condemnation and judgment for someone’s decision. If anyone ever reads what I say regarding their farming choices as condemnation please pause and re read it in a different tone. It’s not meant negatively, just differently. I may not like something someone does but since when does everyone have to like what everyone else does? Or have to do it the exact same way? Everyone’s trying to do what’s best for their situation and each situation is different.

          I know why those who seeded early did. Some have a lot of acres and need as quick a start as possible, some were hunting moisture, some feel early seeding gives the best chance at early harvest. Reasons can be endless. I also know that those that were seeding in March weren’t seeding canola. Many changed up their seeding order because they weren’t comfortable with how early it would have had canola going in. Around here they were confident their peas and cereals would be able to with stand any cold. Their confidence was a bit shaken because of how cold it did get but the crops are still bouncing back fairly well already.

          As I’ve said before, each farm is its own business and each farmer will make their own decisions. Just because I wouldn’t do what they do doesn’t mean they’re right or wrong.

          I fully understand the perspective of chuckling at my more esoteric opinions. It’s the most common reaction. And they are opinions I can more easily hold because I don’t have the acres and money invested into a time crunch, I recognize that. However I am still human enough to chuckle back at the chucklers when my esoteric opinions end up not being as far out in left field and ignorant as they were proclaimed to be. If people are going to laugh at me, then they should also be able to handle when I laugh back at them. Fair turnabout.

          Also, it should not be assumed that my ability to chuckle at the person who commented after this particular unfolding of events means I can’t feel bad and understanding about those who have received a raw deal in how things played out. Complex human emotions and all that.


            2 degrees here late morning May 25! Day after day of cold and certain groups of people think this is a good thing?

            That group of people should study history and realize the human world has always done better and made more progress during the warm periods.
            Its almost like their goals are to stop human progress!


              Originally posted by Blaithin View Post
              Someone on here was laughing at me when I said old farmer logic was don’t seed until trees leaf out.

              Trees really leafed out here last week. Canola planted last week is safe in the ground still, got this lovely rain, and should be set to go.

              The scale up in acres puts the pressure on to get the seed in the ground ASAP. Unfortunately ASAP to get at the dirt doesn’t always equal ASAP for the seedlings. It’s a tough call. Hopefully not too many people take a big hit for it this year.

              Kind of ridiculous to get mad at meteorologists and climate supporters and use the season as proof global warming isn’t happening. It was warm enough people started seeding in March.... yet cool enough that Mother Nature was telling everyone “Don’t do it yet!”

              So which is it. So warm people can start seeding earlier than they ever have before!

              Or so cold that stuff seeded earlier than ever before now needs reseeded?

              Obviously it has to be one or the other. The world works in black and white after all.
              More like fifty shades of grey. Or more.


                If we slip by a big frost Wed. and Thurs. some of those early croppers will look pretty smart. As we see today, a rain event can change everything - too dry to seed became too wet to seed. In this heavy gumbo, farmers will be delayed into possibly June now. That seeding window can get kinda small and a moving target between dry layers, frosts, tractors that shut themselves off for environmental reasons, electronics that piss you off, all kinds of “externalities” . It would be nice if one could snap his fingers and presto, crop is in. Good Luck all our Agriville friends with threading the needle. 🍀


                  Perception of the seeding window in western Canada ...

                  Reality most years ... especially the past 4 ..


                    Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                    If we slip by a big frost Wed. and Thurs. some of those early croppers will look pretty smart. As we see today, a rain event can change everything - too dry to seed became too wet to seed. In this heavy gumbo, farmers will be delayed into possibly June now. That seeding window can get kinda small and a moving target between dry layers, frosts, tractors that shut themselves off for environmental reasons, electronics that piss you off, all kinds of “externalities” . It would be nice if one could snap his fingers and presto, crop is in. Good Luck all our Agriville friends with threading the needle. 🍀
                    I lost a day to a sensor on the front drive shaft that had been crimped???? The mechanic said " don't know how that happened" No shit and no one would look for it on a green light either.

                    I lost another day on a cracked centre rim that needed to be welded...What green light service provides for inspection of the inside of rims?

                    Would have I been done seeding before the rain...pretty close but what is left can be put in shallow and be up just as quick.

                    It also opens up a couple opportunities for some other crops to finish...Might put in a quarter of canola...and I would have waited for moisture for the oats.

                    Will be spraying before the drill runs again.


                      -3 coming tomorrow. Glad beans will not be up . Some early canola and beans may get hit.


                        Durum is looking a little punk here, kinda in shock with the rain, I think. 😂


                          Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                          -3 coming tomorrow. Glad beans will not be up . Some early canola and beans may get hit.
                          Ya unfortunately most of eastern sask and Manitoba have a few below zero mornings to deal with yet
                          We will be close by morning again here. Hopefully not over 8 hrs again like the other three .
                          Certainly will be a challenge even with moisture.


                            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                            Wheat and peas up.
                            Anyone have experience?
                            Supposed to be -3 tonight and -4 tomorrow night.
                            We always seed canola last.
                            wheat and peas will be fine
                            just stay away with sprayer until several warm days have passed


                              Originally posted by seldomseen View Post
                              2 degrees here late morning May 25! Day after day of cold and certain groups of people think this is a good thing?

                              That group of people should study history and realize the human world has always done better and made more progress during the warm periods.
                              Its almost like their goals are to stop human progress!
                              thats exactly their goal


                                Originally posted by seldomseen View Post
                                2 degrees here late morning May 25! Day after day of cold and certain groups of people think this is a good thing?

                                That group of people should study history and realize the human world has always done better and made more progress during the warm periods.
                                Its almost like their goals are to stop human progress!
                                Food security? What food security?


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