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Frost Damage

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    Light frost here again this morning


      With every frost , even if just lite , the crop gets set back , GDD and CHU stay low , and frost free days get shorter........ thus shortening the growing season

      With a heavy frost like Manitoba just got they just lost 3 weeks of growing season regardless of what happens the rest of summer now .

      Ahh farming ... so easy


        Your wishes have been granted. You don't have to worry about frost if you had to reseed your frost damage crops. The week ahead looks to be very hot and dry with several days well over 10 degrees warmer than normal. It will be a sad week for those who didn't get as much rain as they needed.

        Some farmers still seemed confused over the concept of climate versus weather. But on a site where wacky covid vaccines conspiracies are taken seriously by a few posters, don't expect a rational discussion about science.

        Prior to the internet I always wondered who purchased and read all those supermarket tabloids? In some cases it must have been the parents of some frequent posters on Agrisilly.
        Last edited by chuckChuck; May 30, 2021, 07:09.


          Canola planted May 9 at 2.1 lbs

          That was yesterday. This mornings frost probably won’t cause physical damage but set it back another day . Will still be miles ahead of anything just seeded or reseeded if that happens.
          Majority of canola all over is up now , or should be .
          Lost about 30% plants but still should be ok .
          Many areas far worse with 70% loss
          So far here zero reseed , but crops set back as much as 2 weeks .
          Manitoba different story
          Your response chuck , speaks for itself ..... ASSUMING a lot

          No wish granted here , no reseed , got my vax, and yes more rain will be needed as are warm temps . May was very cool with frosts 5 times in the last 10 days and extremely cold early May with -10 and -8 on a few mornings as well . Not conducive to longer growing seasons at all .
          This first rain we all had here was a saving grace but will just establish this crop into Mid June at best .
          Much more will be needed .
          Last edited by furrowtickler; May 30, 2021, 07:44.


            Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
            Canola planted May 9 at 2.1 lbs .
            The seed companies must hate you.

            2019 was the yr we learned the hard way about late establishment. Reseeding is a real crap shoot. even switch to a shorter season crop is a toss up.
            Last edited by jazz; May 30, 2021, 07:34.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              The seed companies must hate you.
              Not sure lol. It is what it is , but now we will have a bit of a challenge with Beatles and weed control but manageable now that winds have settled and we have enough moisture to help save establishment . But that’s expected on most canola seeded before the 15th here that gets frost events . Especially if it establishes quickly .

              Very surprised actually after 4 mornings of frost , 3 were below zero for 10 plus hours , thought it would be 50% gone or more . A few small areas were .
              One slight advantage may be no chance of fertilizer burn to add to stress on seedlings with planter ? Not sure but most canola here must have hardened off enough on the first very cold night after it was up .
              We should be at near ground cover now even with 15 in spacing . Nothings easy in farming .


                Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post

                One slight advantage may be no chance of fertilizer burn to add to stress on seedlings with planter ? Not sure but most canola here must have hardened off enough on the first very cold night after it was up .
                We should be at near ground cover now even with 15 in spacing . Nothings easy in farming .
                Is your planter set up to apply any fertilizer?
                Do you have to make a separate pass, broadcast, or banded?


                  Black seed row helps


                  You have minimal residue and a nice black furrow which seems to allow ground heat up to protect the canola seedlings. My straw covered seed rows freeze way worse than rows with some black color.

                  What do you do to get it that black? Harrow few times and fall fertilize? Or do the planter residue managers keep it black?

                  I use Bourgault 3320 qda drill and it seems the wheat straw flows in and completely covers the furrow.


                    I dont think I could sleep at night with only 2lbs of seed in the ground.

                    Maybe conditions are different up your way but here with the very dry springs, wind sheering, beatles and an extra allowance for mortality above what they advise and a little insurance to boot, we are still seeding 5ish lbs here.

                    My biggest fear is some canola germinating and then dying in the dust before a real rain comes.


                      Originally posted by poorboy View Post

                      You have minimal residue and a nice black furrow which seems to allow ground heat up to protect the canola seedlings. My straw covered seed rows freeze way worse than rows with some black color.

                      What do you do to get it that black? Harrow few times and fall fertilize? Or do the planter residue managers keep it black?

                      I use Bourgault 3320 qda drill and it seems the wheat straw flows in and completely covers the furrow.
                      90% of our canola now in standing wheat stubble

                      That is direct seeded into barley
                      The first picture from above was seeded first cause it was black bean stubble . Actually the very reason we seeded that first .
                      I will get pictures of the canola in cereal stubble in same conditions later today . It is a bit thinner in very heavy trash areas but still ok .


                        Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                        Is your planter set up to apply any fertilizer?
                        Do you have to make a separate pass, broadcast, or banded?
                        We have tried several ways . NH3 in fall , dry banded in spring , split liquid streaming before and after seeding . All seem equal according to soil and tissue tests .
                        Last fall we broadcast the majority of it . Sulfur is mostly bio sul.
                        We use 4.5 gal Alpine G22 with .3 l/ac Crop Aid plus at planting time , 660 gal on board tank on Horsch .
                        Not ideal but seems to work .
                        We may add 500 gal saddle tanks next year but keeping it simple at seeding seems efficient for us .
                        That 40 ft can cover a lot of ground at 7-8 mph in a day with very few quick fills .
                        Not for everyone but seems to work for us


                          Originally posted by jazz View Post
                          I dont think I could sleep at night with only 2lbs of seed in the ground.

                          Maybe conditions are different up your way but here with the very dry springs, wind sheering, beatles and an extra allowance for mortality above what they advise and a little insurance to boot, we are still seeding 5ish lbs here.

                          My biggest fear is some canola germinating and then dying in the dust before a real rain comes.
                          We have all those conditions as well , have seen most in the 5 years with this planter now .
                          And yes it made for a few sleepless nights , especially this past 10


                            One thing to keep in mind , not all seed is equal .
                            We try to use 5.5 g seed or larger ... preferably over 6

                            This is from a few days ago , not ours but from a friend ....

                            Exactly same conditions , same every thing ..

                            In stressful conditions it shows
                            In “normal” good growing conditions differences are negligible in establishment.
                            We are not afraid to plant canola with large seed a bit on the early side . Although this past 10 days nearly changed that completely lol .
                            A lot of canola was seeded at least a week earlier in area and NW of here . So we are not “early” seeders in this area at all . Just a bit earlier than the later guys at times is all .


                              Corn leaves are nipped, but not frozen to the ground, in the area I walked. Didn't check the lowest ground though...

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Corn nipped.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	80.7 KB
ID:	771152


                                Cold conditions right through the end of May have caused a lot of crop damage in many areas of North America now
                                As far south as Iowa just a few days ago


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