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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
    We love our 8910
    Thousands of acres year after year , no welding , light weight to pull .
    It just simply works time in time out
    No fancy b/s
    There are lots of 5710s and concordes and flexicoils still around not even worth $50k that will put a $500k paralink to shame. And near zero maintenance.

    My wifes car is worth more than my drill.


      I truly believe it’s the butt in the seat
      I have seen great results from all drills and planters
      The most consistent crops in area most of the time come from one neighbour with an old 8800 and old 3000 series tank
      Takes his time and always great emergence .
      And have also seen great consistency from the big guys with the right operator in new 80-90 foot new drills
      Also seen the opposite of each .
      Depending on the operator behind the wheel the majority of the time

      1 mph too fast , 1/2 in too shallow or too deep , too much air , too much fert too close to seed ..... many different variables that even the same drill side by side same day will probably vastly different results
      Last edited by furrowtickler; May 23, 2021, 21:19.


        I like your Idea about the operator.
        I will go with that.
        Must go tell the wife now. Lol..



          Simply stress factors in most cases
          Frost ... several
          Drought stress
          Fertilizer burn .... no agrologist or retailer will admit that lol

          Also a combo of all three
          Also never discount herbicide flash from pre emergence applications .
          A lot of things going on right now


            In general you can see the below zero events there
            Freeze in morning , grow a bit , freeze the next morning.... repeat.
            Was like ground hog day the movie ...

            Not much different than pod blast during hot spells on canola in mid to late July
            You can almost pick out dates and duration by the amount of pod blast on a canola racieem .


              Yellow banding like that will be from fluctuating temperatures. Deeper seeded is worse. +31 to -5, can’t get much worse than that.

              First leaf isn’t all that important. Have had the first leaf burn completely off coming out of hot dry soil before and still yield very good.

              Never have I seen a spring quite like this. Just need to have a flood and I’d have seen it all....


                just about 3/4 of an inch overnight. Ok, we're good for a month now. Nothing to see time to move on.

                Ah, typical Saskatchewan spring. Nothing special just your not in the Canola dome growing crops. Its life and weather changes in the wide-open praries.


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                  just about 3/4 of an inch overnight. Ok, we're good for a month now. Nothing to see time to move on.

                  Ah, typical Saskatchewan spring. Nothing special just your not in the Canola dome growing crops. Its life and weather changes in the wide-open praries.
                  good assessment. I will shallow the openers when we go back seeding and dont think in the big picture be too far behind come harvest...Alot of crop sitting in dry dirt deep for two weeks...


                    Only negative of this rain will be the grain markets, otherwise a million dollar rain


                      Originally posted by Sodbuster View Post
                      Only negative of this rain will be the grain markets, otherwise a million dollar rain
                      It never ceases to amaze me that farmers live and breath the environment they work in...dry conditions 2 days ago to the point if this hadn't come, RBA would have been fully booked for next spring maybe even this fall.

                      Markets see rain as more production....this rain will barely finish the germination process...and its far from the bin.

                      And yet farmers will take it on the chin for the next few days, price wise, while just trying to enjoy a modest break.

                      I know without another rain in three weeks this crop will be in bad shape again.


                        The rain was nice but it's not filled the tank more than a 1/4 tank. Shallow roots and no full tank and were back to where we were almost a week ago. It's nice but not a bin buster.

                        Watch the expert talking big yields next week.


                          Geez us boys that’s the way it is most years. Too much too little too cold too hot. It’s what we chose to put up with just gotta roll with it. When I was younger I used to get so mad about it it was driving me nuts but now I watch what I wish for because it can turn on u and turn out worse in the end. What will be will be.


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