Originally posted by jwab
The Covid issue though needs to be looked at for what it is: A PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. There is confusion between this being a health issue and more gov't control over us. The Covid response is driven by the chief public health officers. In MB, Dr. Brent Roussin is driving the bus. He has the power. Pallister is premier but is second fiddle to Roussin on this issue. Pallister is just a talking head re Covid. When the health emergency is over, thanks to a more vaccinated populace, restrictions will lift.
Contrast this against Trudeau's OIC prohibition of our sporting arms, Trudeau's "purchasing" of MSM media, imposition of carbon taxes while overriding provincial powers to approach climate. That's just the tip of the gov't overreach to be wary of.
Re the younger generation, they need to know how to differentiate between real threats to democracy and freedom rather than grow up being skeptical and cynical about every issue they confront.
BTW, to help with your profiling, I'm not currently scared of anything. It's a weakness I seem to have acquired somehow.