I do not think you can expect the same outcome in any two places. So, while it is ill advised to compare, look at South Dakota stats:
According to Worldometer SD has recorded 2262 deaths/M. SK has had 448/M. So to compare, SK needs to see another 2130 deaths to have the same outcome as SD.
SD has recorded 123,911 cases while doing 476,597 tests
SK has recorded 45,490 cases while doing 840,457 tests
The stats show there is no comparison.
According to Worldometer SD has recorded 2262 deaths/M. SK has had 448/M. So to compare, SK needs to see another 2130 deaths to have the same outcome as SD.
SD has recorded 123,911 cases while doing 476,597 tests
SK has recorded 45,490 cases while doing 840,457 tests
The stats show there is no comparison.