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Guess which boy was vaccinated against small pox?

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    Guess which boy was vaccinated against small pox?

    For the "rabid" antivaxers!

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    https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/smallpox-and-the-photos-anti-vaxxers-dont-want-you-to-see/24MJGHWAIJRJYD6LIPQ6ZTBKHI/ https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/smallpox-and-the-photos-anti-vaxxers-dont-want-you-to-see/24MJGHWAIJRJYD6LIPQ6ZTBKHI/

    It was one of the deadliest and most contagious diseases known to humankind.

    Smallpox killed over half a billion people in the 20th century alone — three times the number of deaths from all of the century's wars combined.

    It began with flu-like symptoms, progressing to an horrendous rash consisting of deep sores, filled with fluid that would blister, ooze, crust and scab over, leaving permanent scars on those lucky enough to survive.
    Advertise with NZME.

    Just one teaspoon of smallpox virus is enough to infect every man, woman and child on earth, news.com.au reports.

    But then a miracle — British doctor Edward Jenner created a vaccine after noticing that the milk maids (the women who milked the cows) who had been infected with "cow pox" never contracted smallpox.

    This month marks the 270th birthday of Dr Jenner, known as the pioneer of vaccination who arguably saved more lives than anyone else in history. And yet, despite saving countless lives, he still had to deal with the early "anti-vaxx" movement where in 1796 as well as 2019, the boundaries between opinion and fact are often blurred.

    Many people are too young to have ever seen smallpox in their lifetime, or have simply forgotten the sheer horror of the disease.

    With a mortality rate of up to 30 per cent, many survivors of smallpox were left with significant scarring and even blindness. Smallpox has no cure, but that didn't stop people from trying, with treatments including being bled, purged, starved, and wrapped tightly in red cloth.

    Owen Gower, vaccine expert and museum manager at Dr Jenner's House, told news.com.au it's difficult for many of us to comprehend what was achieved through vaccination against smallpox.

    read on ... with the link

    JWAB stop spreading lies and misinformation about vaccine risk. If you don't want the vaacine don't take it.

    It's you and your antivax covidiots who should f..ck off!


      https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/smallpox-and-the-photos-anti-vaxxers-dont-want-you-to-see/24MJGHWAIJRJYD6LIPQ6ZTBKHI/ https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/smallpox-and-the-photos-anti-vaxxers-dont-want-you-to-see/24MJGHWAIJRJYD6LIPQ6ZTBKHI/

      Smallpox and the photos anti-vaxxers don't want you to see


      As long as there has been vaccination, there has been an anti-vaccine movement. The British medical and scientific community of the early 1800s was said to be very cliquey and dominated by highly influential people.

      According to Gower, this meant there were fierce personal rivalries.

      Variolation, inoculation with smallpox as a preventative measure, had only been introduced relatively recently and many of the leading physicians were making significant amounts of money from it.

      "Into this came a country surgeon promoting a safer alternative and who wanted to give his vaccination away for free. Out of jealousy and fear of losing their income, people started to attempt to discredit Jenner and his work," Gower said.

      "Many of the arguments against vaccination that we see today stem from this period: the idea that Jenner had no qualifications, that vaccination could actually cause smallpox, syphilis, or any number of diseases, and that vaccination would affect the way the body worked by the introduction of material that was not meant to be there.
      This iconic photo of two boys - one vaccinated against smallpox and one who hadn't been vaccinated - was published in 1901, and taken by Dr Allan Warner at the Leicester Isolation Hospital. Photo / The Jenner Trust
      This iconic photo of two boys - one vaccinated against smallpox and one who hadn't been vaccinated - was published in 1901, and taken by Dr Allan Warner at the Leicester Isolation Hospital. Photo / The Jenner Trust

      "The reason many of these claims have pervaded is mostly because they are based on the tiniest grain of truth which, when taken out of context, can give them an air of veracity that isn't deserved."

      While it is true that Jenner didn't have a formal qualification, that's because he trained as a surgeon at a time when there were no degrees for surgeons.

      According to Gower, in the early years of vaccination people were sometimes contracting other infectious diseases, or blood poisoning, as a result of vaccination but that was because it was not a sterile procedure at the time and there was a risk of contamination, which is not the case today.

      read more at the link


        Chuck, you got the vaccine so bugger off! You have our blessings and best wishes.


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          JWAB stop spreading lies and misinformation about vaccine risk. If you don't want the vaacine don't take it.

          It's you and your antivax covidiots who should f..ck off!
          Call him an antivax (demon)strator, that will really get him worked up!


            The risk from all types of vaccines for most people is so small as to be of little concern.

            Almost everyone on this site will likely have had the measles, mumps, rubella and tetnus vaccine. Many will have had the influenza vaccine.

            Anyone who has had stitches or a wound dressed at the doctor will likely have received a tetnus booster.


              Yeh, and look what its done to us Checking. 😂


                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                The risk from all types of vaccines for most people is so small as to be of little concern.

                Almost everyone on this site will likely have had the measles, mumps, rubella and tetnus vaccine. Many will have had the influenza vaccine.

                Anyone who has had stitches or a wound dressed at the doctor will likely have received a tetnus booster.
                Its not the vaccine theory that people have problems with, its the new method of delivery.

                A deactivate or attenuated virus lets a known quantity of a non replicating virus into your body.

                A mRNA is creating the spike inside you using messaging sequence. If if that goes haywire the results could be deadly.

                The research claims that signal is destroyed after it initial read. mRNA signals are inherently unstable.
                They better be right.


                  We, as children naturally had mumps, measles, chicken pox, some others had meningitis. We survived and thought nothing of it. Then along came vaccines because some one thought they were necessary and pronto- everyone jumped in line. We were all ok with catching a cold or the flu a few times in our lives- no big deal. Granted, in some people it progressed to more serious ailments but overall most survived several bouts in their tenure on earth. Then oh no we need flu vax and pneumonia vax. We keep people alive well into their nineties - we, “Save the children” with monthly donations, only to hear, “We’ve got too many people on earth - gotta cull the herd.”

                  What a crazy world!


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    The risk from all types of vaccines for most people is so small as to be of little concern.

                    Almost everyone on this site will likely have had the measles, mumps, rubella and tetnus vaccine. Many will have had the influenza vaccine.

                    Anyone who has had stitches or a wound dressed at the doctor will likely have received a tetnus booster.
                    I’ve had all those shots, tetanus a few times( farming can be dangerous) but I won’t be getting a COVID one until I can guaranteed the second one in 21 days like the mfg informs us to. I’m not listening to your trudope blackface gropers suggestion because he failed to do his job and procure adequate supply for Canadians




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