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Pallister's evasion

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    Originally posted by jwab
    I guess our difference is that I don’t believe this will go away, vaccine or not. I do agree that governments won’t open up until they feel enough are vaccinated.
    eventually the vaccine shamers are going to have to admit and accept that a certain number of people will die every yr no matter how many people get vaccinated or how often.

    They got good acceptance for the first round of vaccinations but that will fall hard shortly as endless rounds of boosters are pushed. You can already see that in the US. They will probably stall out at around 60-70% vaccinated. One and done.

    Thats the reason Pfizer is working hard on an oral prophylactic. Cause they know giving 7B people annual shots isnt ever going to work, only in Bravehearts mind is it a perfect solution.


      "I’m surprised that most are not the least bit suspicious about this whole thing with all the quirky things that have gone on?"

      How are all the suspicious crap any different than "believe in CWB?"

      That was blessed Gov policy and most on here doubted, questioned, rebelled.

      I listed all the shady suspicious events and most swallow as sacred unquestionable facts?

      China had the antidote before Covid was declared, SFA cases deaths. All the videos of panic/sick were staged.

      Then they had internet BOTS flood every countries leaders to make them all comply. Won the war without a shot.

      The genome IS Chinese, Moderna used it and had the first and ONLY VAX they got approved, in 2 days. Believable?

      WHO changed the definition of Pandemic from deaths/pop to CASES/population, in 2019. Why?

      Only in a Pandemic can a state of emergency be declared and emergency use of fast tracked Vaxes are allowed. Convenient? Profitable?

      Pharma can NOT advertise unapproved VAXES, so politicians promote, bully, coerce us. Sound familiar?

      And ZERO liability to BIG PHARMA. How sweet. Guess who is in control?

      If people get sick, maybe just a saline injection? Who would know?

      Store at -80C... oh never mind a refrigerator is okay?

      Second Shot in 28 days ... never mind 112 days is fine or better?

      Don't eat well, don't supplement, ONLY a VAX will save. Vit D is fake, stay inside, avoid sunshine, unmasked outdoors will KILL you?
      Last edited by fjlip; May 28, 2021, 10:13.


        HEY the silence is DEAFANING! Covidiots...what too many facts/reality biting?


          I dont know if Ivermectin works or not. But you guys that want to hang your hat on that one tell me why the pharmaceutical industry has not jumped all over that. It's been off patent for quite a few years now, any company could have rebranded their apple flavour pill called CoviCure for AJL and had it on the market in no time. You cant say it's because it's cheap because a few dollars a person times a couple billion people is a lot of money for any industry. There are lots of players in that space, Moderna and Phizer are just 2, and Moderna was a complete loser until they got lucky with covid.

          And you guys hurling insults gotta remember the other half of the debate thinks the same thing about you and I'd say all issues covid related are pretty well split down the middle so either way half the world thinks it's you that is the idiot!


            As for political refusal to answer questions there should be some sort of process for dealing with that and should not be tolerated, while at the same time there are many questions that are asked that are asked only to score points and not because an answer is needed or wanted. Either way it is an embarrassment of our political system.


              Originally posted by GDR View Post
              I dont know if Ivermectin works or not. But you guys that want to hang your hat on that one tell me why the pharmaceutical industry has not jumped all over that. It's been off patent for quite a few years now, any company could have rebranded their apple flavour pill called CoviCure for AJL and had it on the market in no time. You cant say it's because it's cheap because a few dollars a person times a couple billion people is a lot of money for any industry. There are lots of players in that space, Moderna and Phizer are just 2, and Moderna was a complete loser until they got lucky with covid.

              And you guys hurling insults gotta remember the other half of the debate thinks the same thing about you and I'd say all issues covid related are pretty well split down the middle so either way half the world thinks it's you that is the idiot!
              Simple if there was a treatment that works they would not have the legal authority to inject an 'experimental' shot for a manufactured plandemic. https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/is-ivermectin-the-new-penicillin/article_b6b7afd8-bd77-11eb-8259-af11e3c83aea.html https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/is-ivermectin-the-new-penicillin/article_b6b7afd8-bd77-11eb-8259-af11e3c83aea.html
              Click image for larger version

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                Here I thought ,what folks would elect that
                Moron Trump. This guy is right up there.
                Wow ,.OMG. he was high. Had to be.
                Now do we have the phone number
                Of the guy responsible for the rain.i would thank him too.
                Trump and this guy as our leaders.
                We are f ked.
                I would think the appropriate answer would have been
                That the medical community has no evidence to prove
                It works.but it is Not his department, not his field of expertise.
                My own opinion, Brazil tried everything, and that is a pretty good sample size. And they could not bury them
                Fast enough.
                Now I am pretty sure they have ivomecten, plus bleach plus the other one Trump was on about.. and light up u
                Your butt, but no workie. Lots of dead.
                Your telling me not one nation on the planet did not need the vaccine, because ivomecten cured it ??????
                Where they hell are they then??
                In the end a vaccination works.
                Why Q yourself, and way over think it.
                Last edited by sawfly1; May 28, 2021, 23:33.


                  This is a must watch video IMO. World renowned Dr. Peter McCullough blows the lid right off the global suppression of highly effective early treatment options of cv19. Particularly (Ivermectin, Hydroxoqloroquine, nutriciticals - vit D, vit C, zinc, Cucertine). https://www.bitchute.com/video/5URYLEjg9vrx/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/5URYLEjg9vrx/
                  Last edited by biglentil; May 29, 2021, 06:16.


                    Just had a call from a very frustrated chap who outlined his discussion with a longtime "friend" who is fully committed to believeing and trusting the government.

                    Because the government, you see, has all the experts on their side.

                    Really?, he asked his "friend". "What about the dissenting voices from "experts" who do not hold to the broad, fear-based theories?"

                    They're all discredited, conspiracy theorists...

                    So all of a sudden, their significant and broad credentials mean nothing, because they don't jive with big government who is being controlled by Big Pharma.

                    Pallister, Ford, Kenny, what attribute have they demonstrated by their responses? Ford said in a media scrum that "...it would be political suicide to go against the..." prevailing medical voices.

                    What is blackmail?

                    Never forget who is in firm control of Theresa Tam.


                      Originally posted by Austrian Economics View Post
                      If you want some more info on Ivermectin, this is a very readable article that goes into the issue in great detail.

                      https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Drug-that-Cracked-Covid-by-Michael-Capuzzo.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0cioJXpjTavrDDXagzyqhHD2vYF Yi6SmDm80KllYSyZ0yee-Oa9Rn77FA https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Drug-that-Cracked-Covid-by-Michael-Capuzzo.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0cioJXpjTavrDDXagzyqhHD2vYF Yi6SmDm80KllYSyZ0yee-Oa9Rn77FA

                      If many of these deaths could have been prevented with the use of this treatment (and others) then the regulators should face criminal charges. It's appalling that things should have come to this.
                      From the linked piece (p. 24 bottom center column) quoting Dr. Paul Marik:

                      ...But we do have such a drug. The drug is called "Ivermectin.” If it were universally distributed at a dose that costs ten American cents in India and about the cost of a Big Mac in the United States, he said, Ivermectin would save countless lives, crush variants, eliminate the need for endless big pharma booster shots, and end the pandemic all over the world".

                      Remdesivir costs $3,000 a dose. - with a low rate of success

                      Ivermectin, the price of a Big Mac. - with amazing, positive results, including stopping variants from developing.

                      Look at Marik's work ethic outlined near the beginning of the piece.

                      So, the incredible efficacy of ivermectin was clearly known early in the casedemic, but, according to the writer, the doctors who verified the capability of this product to stop the Chinese virus could not get the attention of anyone in government, media or sufficient numbers of their peers.

                      Why not?


                        NO BILLIONARES could make BILLIONS more ....$$$ talks, all the rest are suppressed.

                        What is a conspiracy called if proven true?

                        What are those called that said it was a conspiracy?


                          Originally posted by burnt View Post
                          From the linked piece (p. 24 bottom center column) quoting Dr. Paul Marik:

                          ...But we do have such a drug. The drug is called "Ivermectin.” If it were universally distributed at a dose that costs ten American cents in India and about the cost of a Big Mac in the United States, he said, Ivermectin would save countless lives, crush variants, eliminate the need for endless big pharma booster shots, and end the pandemic all over the world".

                          Remdesivir costs $3,000 a dose. - with a low rate of success

                          Ivermectin, the price of a Big Mac. - with amazing, positive results, including stopping variants from developing.

                          Look at Marik's work ethic outlined near the beginning of the piece.

                          So, the incredible efficacy of ivermectin was clearly known early in the casedemic, but, according to the writer, the doctors who verified the capability of this product to stop the Chinese virus could not get the attention of anyone in government, media or sufficient numbers of their peers.

                          Why not?
                          And if anyone questions whether this speaks to the main point of this thread - Pallister once again used his office to stop any advancement of the findings of doctors who are trying to make the efficacy of ivermectin known.


                            When I look at Brian in that interview I see a man who wants to tell it like it is but seems almost like he’s been told to follow the script. Delay, deflect and confusion seems to be the message all leaders have been told. Question is why? None of it makes sense and I can understand why Brian wants out. It kills honest guys like him to have to bullshit and deflect on a question that could simply help millions of people without any of the need for a vaccine.


                              So according to this doctor's experience, Pallister's evasion should have him criminally charged as responsibe for 70% of the deaths of Manitobans who died or dies from the Chinese flu.

                              Dr. says taht at some point, every Zimbabwen had ivermectin in their home. When a WhatsApp alert went out to an area where the Wuhan Flu appeared, everyone could take their own treatment as needed.

                              Dr says that deaths dropped by 70% after that, by a treatment that could be safely self-administered at home.

                              Oh well, we all know the real crime is not wearing a mask...

                              Last edited by burnt; Jun 4, 2021, 20:07.


                                Dr, Stone said she had an extremely serious case of the Chinese flu. Took a dose of ivermectin and didn't improve. Took a bigger dose and it cleared up the flu in hours.

                                So if what this doctor is claiming from her personal experience is accurate, then every stubborn politician and uncooperative doctor in Canada and the US should rot in prison.

                                And since the shot doesn't really guard against you getting the Wuhan Flu again, maybe the jabbers should ask their doctor to supply them with ivermectin, just in case.

                                You know they won't, because the docs would rather see you die than recover with ivermectin. Cuz that would blow the lid off the whole setup.


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