Realize I’m stirring the pot here . . . but a lot economically simply does not add up . . . in-the-least.
The Fed is now at-a-crossroads. Their power of massive money printing forcing liquidity into markets and debt-at-no-consequence is forcing temporary inflationary pressures. But now, the Fed realizes the gig-is-up. Their magic power supporting ballooning bad debt is waning economically. Bang-for-the-buck fading . . . .
They have to either now ‘tamper’ stimulus which in-english means; the stock market will have to learn to swim on-its-own as money printing is losing-its-shine. OR ‘unwind’ meaning sluff-off their debt and possibly push rates negative which is not a sign of healthy inflation. OR stay-the-course bloating markets with money that needs a home and let true economics tip the ship over naturally.
Pick your poison . . . .
So what did this money printing rescue mission create? Insane real estate values that are unsustainable. Land values that are unsustainable. Funds parking money in commodities like there is no tomorrow (except cattle). Imaginary products that have no value, just hype that are suddenly worth more than corporate America. Let’s invent, the investor will buy. Banks are sitting on massive amounts of cash. Valuations have NO meaning.
But, the economy is recovering. And there are no consequences, we are told.
The Fed is now at-a-crossroads. Their power of massive money printing forcing liquidity into markets and debt-at-no-consequence is forcing temporary inflationary pressures. But now, the Fed realizes the gig-is-up. Their magic power supporting ballooning bad debt is waning economically. Bang-for-the-buck fading . . . .
They have to either now ‘tamper’ stimulus which in-english means; the stock market will have to learn to swim on-its-own as money printing is losing-its-shine. OR ‘unwind’ meaning sluff-off their debt and possibly push rates negative which is not a sign of healthy inflation. OR stay-the-course bloating markets with money that needs a home and let true economics tip the ship over naturally.
Pick your poison . . . .
So what did this money printing rescue mission create? Insane real estate values that are unsustainable. Land values that are unsustainable. Funds parking money in commodities like there is no tomorrow (except cattle). Imaginary products that have no value, just hype that are suddenly worth more than corporate America. Let’s invent, the investor will buy. Banks are sitting on massive amounts of cash. Valuations have NO meaning.
But, the economy is recovering. And there are no consequences, we are told.