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Why Get The Vax

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    Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
    To protect people who don't develop immunity because they can not be vaccinated or they are taking immunosuppressant drugs and may not develop antibodies.
    Sorry,I don't speak "guinea pig"
    No VAX for me


      Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
      How long do you think immunity is effective after the jab? Rumblings of no immunity.
      Never ending "VARIANTS", "MUTANTS", Big Pharma wants yearly shots @ $XXX. Lets keep paying the .01% Trillions!

      Who do you believe? Those that make $$, those that are on a POWER TRIP? They gave us the CWB?


        Originally posted by jwab
        Shall I go on…
        Is the vaccine working, or did it just coincide with the end of the usual respiratory illness season? Or both? Who knows.

        I am waiting for November and I bet we will all be headed to lockdown once they find a scary enough name for a new strain.

        Moe is either going to come out of this a star like DeSantis or become the biggest buffoon in the history of the province.


          I know of one case of a man in his 70s who, because of lung issues in the past, was one of the first to get both vaccine shots.

          Yesterday he found out that he has Covid.


            Oh yes, another good reason to get jabbed is because these lying, traitorous hypocrites said you should -

            https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1400520874634235905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1400520874634235905%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthepostmill ennial.com%2Fwatch-deputy-prime-minister-panics-when-she-realizes-shes-on-camera-maskless-removes-it-moments-later-to-speak https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1400520874634235905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1400520874634235905%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthepostmill ennial.com%2Fwatch-deputy-prime-minister-panics-when-she-realizes-shes-on-camera-maskless-removes-it-moments-later-to-speak

            EDIT: Aggie, no need to try to explain, but feel free to if you like.

            However, did you know that the alleged "benefits" jab may only last slightly longer than the ~20 seconds that Freeland wore her masquerade?

            And that the unintended effects are guaranteed to last significantly longer?
            Last edited by burnt; Jun 5, 2021, 11:28.


              2 different people we know live 1000 miles apart, they both had their shots 2-3 weeks ago, both taken to hospital with Vertigo. Coincidence-maybe.


                I think that there are Nut Jobs on both sides of the Vaccine. To be honest I don’t really give a $hit about either side. We sit in the middle and quietly go do what will protect our family. But if your not vaccinated and want to spread covid to everyone else you may not enjoy the same freedoms.


                  Originally posted by BreadWinner View Post
                  I think that there are Nut Jobs on both sides of the Vaccine. To be honest I don’t really give a $hit about either side. We sit in the middle and quietly go do what will protect our family. But if your not vaccinated and want to spread covid to everyone else you may not enjoy the same freedoms.
                  Funny, but for some reason, that doesn't sound very "middle'.

                  It sounds very much like it's just straight up leftist jargon for accepting totalitarianism in exchange for a bit of slack in your leash.

                  As in all other dictatorships, such believers are destined to discover that they made a bad trade when the choker tightens.

                  In that regard, the "middle" grows to include all in its grasp.


                    In Israel, May 31, probably NEVER on MSM...

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                      I think of it like 2nd hand smoke. If you want to smoke go ahead but If I’m forced to smoke your 2nd hand smoke you can think again. Covid is not a common cold it’s more like AIDS once you have had it it might be a life long condition. There will be a battle of rights coming and I think at a 80% vaccinated rate I’m not sure you will win.


                        Originally posted by BreadWinner View Post
                        I think of it like 2nd hand smoke. If you want to smoke go ahead but If I’m forced to smoke your 2nd hand smoke you can think again. Covid is not a common cold it’s more like AIDS once you have had it it might be a life long condition. There will be a battle of rights coming and I think at a 80% vaccinated rate I’m not sure you will win.
                        And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a living illustration of the type that signed up for employment in Auschwitz.


                          Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                          To protect people who don't develop immunity because they can not be vaccinated or they are taking immunosuppressant drugs and may not develop antibodies.
                          Just wondering if you have taken a look at the Province of Manitoba faq regarding vaccination?
                          https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/faq.html https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/faq.html

                          If you don't want to bother looking, it says after both jabs, you still have to wear a mask because you may still asymptomatically spread covid to others. Could be wrong though.


                            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                            In Israel, May 31, probably NEVER on MSM...


                            Oh there are so many lessons to be learned from fjlip's post. Fjlip, did you ask yourself who the "Council for Public Emergency for the Covid19 Crisis" is or did you simply see some official looking name and decided that it is some official recognized organization? A simple search of the Internet would have revealed it to be simply a group of 21 Israelis who disagree with the Covid lockdowns and who wrote this letter to Israel government and health ministries. I am not sure why you and the other handfull of Agriville anti vaxers on this site haven't done the same thing, come up with some official sounding name and write a letter to Moe complaining about covid vaccines. Then you could complain about MSM ignoring you too. Maybe MSM is not as gullible as you are.

                            Maybe fjlip et al just need some help coming up with an official sounding name to represent themselves. Any suggestions?
                            Last edited by dmlfarmer; Jun 5, 2021, 17:34.


                              Many people raising concerns are these not a flag? Suppression is rampant.
                              Even CBC today reported teenagers with heart inflammation issues. Pfizer at room temp OKAY in Canada, EXPIRED, oh never mind it's okay.

                              https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japan-disposes-over-7000-mishandled-doses-covid-19-vaccine-yomiuri-2021-06-06/?taid=60bc3a41311ea30001bfbdb1&utm_campaign=trueAn them:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_s ource=twitter https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japan-disposes-over-7000-mishandled-doses-covid-19-vaccine-yomiuri-2021-06-06/?taid=60bc3a41311ea30001bfbdb1&utm_campaign=trueAn them:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_s ource=twitter

                              From CTV, a DR says YOU ARE AN EXPERIMENT! Feel better now?

                              https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/manitoba-vaccine-lead-says-mixing-vaccines-is-part-of-pandemic-s-big-human-experiment-1.5457570?cid=sm%3Atrueanthem%3A%7B%7Bcampaignname %7D%7D%3Atwitterpost%E2%80%8B&taid=60bc2c29693b620 0016d6940&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Cont ent&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/manitoba-vaccine-lead-says-mixing-vaccines-is-part-of-pandemic-s-big-human-experiment-1.5457570?cid=sm%3Atrueanthem%3A%7B%7Bcampaignname %7D%7D%3Atwitterpost%E2%80%8B&taid=60bc2c29693b620 0016d6940&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Cont ent&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

                              There is sanity in Florida...

                              Royal Caribbean reverses, won’t require passengers on U.S. cruises to be vaccinated after DeSantis passed law to fine companies $5000 every time they ask a customer for proof of vaccination.


                              Good quote..."Just a thought - the unjabbed are most likely to also be the unmasked and are most likely to also be the untested. So where are the cases coming from?"

                              Last edited by fjlip; Jun 5, 2021, 21:42.


                                Will not catch me booking a cruise with unvaccinated passengers, Desantis is a nutbar,


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