This site is in desperate need of some lighter fare lately.
Getting too serious.
I'm amazed at the artifacts I find considering the short history of this area.
Burnt mentioned a while back about finding an arrow head, I found one digging for seed depth a few years ago. Apparently not that rare, another neighbor purposefully goes looking for them in the area. Being along the former Hudson Bay trail that led to Fort Rocky Mountain House and was likely used long before that might be why.
A partial list of this years treasures:
2 bison skulls
4 different chains.
One really good one, only 5 repairs, and one sprung hook (90 degrees sprung) on this one. 2 repairs were haywire, 2 bolts, one repair link. 2 of the chains appear to be black smith made . One more recent specimen is a chunk of tire chain cross chain connected to another short chain and held together with black tape. Already put a couple to good use.
The usual harness, harrow etc rings that wedge onto the drill openers.
Split rock that looks to be either a tool, or the remains from making a tool/arrow, or it could just be a rock.
Cast iron carbuerator
Dump rake tooth
Lots of random scrap metal and cast pieces, interesting trying to identify what they might have been.
Chunk of concrete foundation made with giant field rocks. thought I could easily bust it up to moveable sized pieces. Nope.
Jagged broken disc blade just waiting for a tire to find it.
Cables and hooks from logging decades ago, while brushing.
Lots of deer and moose antlers. None found in tires.
2 unidentified big metal chunks fresh from heavy equipment. If they were important, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.
What I didn't find, is any of the missing tools, chains, equipment parts that I've lost.
Getting too serious.
I'm amazed at the artifacts I find considering the short history of this area.
Burnt mentioned a while back about finding an arrow head, I found one digging for seed depth a few years ago. Apparently not that rare, another neighbor purposefully goes looking for them in the area. Being along the former Hudson Bay trail that led to Fort Rocky Mountain House and was likely used long before that might be why.
A partial list of this years treasures:
2 bison skulls
4 different chains.
One really good one, only 5 repairs, and one sprung hook (90 degrees sprung) on this one. 2 repairs were haywire, 2 bolts, one repair link. 2 of the chains appear to be black smith made . One more recent specimen is a chunk of tire chain cross chain connected to another short chain and held together with black tape. Already put a couple to good use.
The usual harness, harrow etc rings that wedge onto the drill openers.
Split rock that looks to be either a tool, or the remains from making a tool/arrow, or it could just be a rock.
Cast iron carbuerator
Dump rake tooth
Lots of random scrap metal and cast pieces, interesting trying to identify what they might have been.
Chunk of concrete foundation made with giant field rocks. thought I could easily bust it up to moveable sized pieces. Nope.
Jagged broken disc blade just waiting for a tire to find it.
Cables and hooks from logging decades ago, while brushing.
Lots of deer and moose antlers. None found in tires.
2 unidentified big metal chunks fresh from heavy equipment. If they were important, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.
What I didn't find, is any of the missing tools, chains, equipment parts that I've lost.